Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
What a difference a tweak makes!
If you've spent any time on this blog (or podcast) in recent weeks, you know how firmly I stake my belief in webinars. Webinars offer a platform that lets you connect with people on an entirely new, personal level you just don’t get with most marketing strategies.
And what other marketing strategy can offer the opportunity for consistent on-the-spot revenue?
If you’ve done successful webinars in the past and are looking to make even bigger revenue, OR if you’ve never done webinars before or maybe have just dabbled with them in the past, today is going to be quite a pleasant surprise.
Starting with this number: $62,000
As the title says, just three little webinar-related tweaks made a $62,000 difference in my bottom line. I knew they'd have an impact, but the size of that number surprised even me.
See, I knew there were aspects of my webinar strategy that could use a shot in the arm.
Whenever you want to reach a new goal, you know some parts of your strategy are going to have to change.
So I set to work making adjustments, starting with:
Tweak #1: The Sales Page
This might surprise you, but I always do a sales page for any promotion I put together. Where some people might drive webinar attendees right to their product order form, my style is to give people extra information, especially if they are on the fence.
In the past we used to send people directly from the webinar to the sales page to read all about the product and then buy. But over time, we realized I wasn’t getting as many sales on the webinar as I had thought I should.
And that's how this simple tweak came about. I still use the sales page, but I'm using it smarter. That single change resulted in instant sales from the very next webinar, as well as a bigger boost of those instant sales.
(Click here to listen to the full episode and find out the simple tweak that boosted instant webinar sales!)
Tweak #2: More Webinars During Promotion
I want to give a shout-out to a member of the mastermind I used to be in. He's the one who suggested this tweak to me.
He said if webinars work really well for me, I should be capitalizing on that.
This idea--do more of what's already working for you--was so simple, it was revolutionary.
In the past, I'd do one webinar for each promotion. But at his suggestion, I stepped up my game.
It took a while for this tweak to hit its stride. But once it did, I saw amazing results.
Tweak #3: Facebook Ads
This is one I learned from my amazing coach, Todd Herman.
I found that when I'm running Facebook ads for a webinar promo to a cold audience that probably doesn’t know much about me, that ad needs to look a whole lot different than an ad to a warm audience (my fan base, my own email list, or a retargeting list).
Here are some examples:
The warm-audience ad
The warm-audience ad is more "talky" and personable. It has a lot more of my branding in it, in terms of colors and design. These people already know me and like me, so it plays on that familiarity we have.
Compare that to...
The cold-audience ad
The cold-audience doesn't have a lot of branding to it. The text is short, punchy and blatant: "This is what we have going on, sign up here." Because this audience doesn't know me, I keep it much more generic.
Find out more about how to tailor your Facebook ads to different audiences. Click here to listen to the whole episode.