Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
Hey there! I have a fun topic to cover in today's episode:
The Online Entrepreneur's Worst Nightmare. (Cue spooky music.)
Sorry...I couldn't resist. Blame the post-Halloween sugar overload.
The actual topic is how to keep your Facebook account from getting shut down.
Now, this is a topic that I know truly does scare some of you...maybe you've received warnings from Facebook about your content, or maybe you know somebody whose account has been shut down.
I know how upsetting this can be, not just to the people it occurs to, but to every other online entrepreneur in their community. It's just like that feeling when someone you know gets their house or car broken into. Suddenly it feels like the whole world is out to get you.
I don't want you going through your business day freaking out about this. That's why I'm devoting this episode to defusing the scare out of this "nightmare." Seriously...breathe. It's going to be OK.
EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 10 Commandments of Protecting Your Facebook Ads Account
So what is an online entrepreneur to do? Answer: get creative! (Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode!)
As you're reading through the list of ten tips about protecting your Facebook ads account, try to adopt an innovator's perspective. Rather than feeling defeated, think about how you can beat Facebook to the punch by creating content that makes all users feel amazing, hopeful, inspired, uplifted. That's a win for everybody--Facebook, your audience, and you.
Tip #1: Add a privacy policy to your registration page.
Tip #2: Disable all pop-ups on the page where you are sending your ad traffic.
Tip #3: Pay attention to your reputation on Web Of Trust.
Tip #4: Use the Lead Pages plug in on your WordPress site.
Tip #5: Your landing page must accurately reflect what is being promoted in your ad.
Tip #6: Be mindful of your ad copy.
Tip #7: Create a feel-good story.
Tip #8: Stick to your account’s regular activity.
Tip #9: Pay attention to your overall activity because it all adds up.
Tip #10: Focus on the relationship.
Like I said at the beginning, this isn't something to freak out about. I just want you to be informed. Yes, it might take a little time to revamp your approach to ads, but in the long run, it's going to make for much stronger, more effective Facebook advertising for your business.