217 avsnitt • Längd: 35 min • Månadsvis
Where the sexual and spiritual come together. Sex and relationship coach and vaginal weight lifter Kim Anami gives you the sex education and orgasms you never had. www.kimanami.com
The podcast Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami is created by Kim Anami. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
What happens when you say the magic words? The ones that open hearts and legs?
Your whole world and woman change.
She transforms from tight and tense and naggy to open, flowing and free and your biggest support and secret weapon in all of your life.
Try having a productive day at work when you’ve just had a massive fight with your woman that morning.
Now try having a productive day at work when she’s woken you up with a blow job.
Getting and keeping your woman sexually and emotionally open and available to you is the life, business and high-performance hack you never knew you needed.
Join my free 7-day Sex Cleanse for Couples!
In this 7-day relationship renewal sex cleanse, you and your partner will explore:
So you’ve discovered Anami Land! And now you want your partner to as well.
How do you get them onboard to create your most epic sex life and fulfilling relationship? One where each of you is having life-changing, psychedelic orgasms and using your relationship as the power source that fuels your lives and elevates everything in your world.
In this episode I’ll walk you through how to bring them into the fold, including:
In addition to the podcast episodes I’m suggesting, which you can find on this page:
You can also signup for my free 7-Day Sex Cleanse that includes exercises you can practice together daily.
Are you into group sex? Are you having regular threesomes? Is your girlfriend involved in a secret relationship you just can’t compete with? You may be a cuckold to your partner’s vibrator.
In this episode:
For the ultimate on vaginal self-knowledge, check out my Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
And, to deepen your intimate connection and truly come together, check out my Coming Together for Couples Salon.
You can find information on both of these, plus free video preview series with exercises you can practice tonight:
You’ll see my full array of offerings in the sex school everyone ought to have had.
I often use the phrase #poweredbyvagina to describe how I have created my life and manifested my desired reality. From my vagina!
By using my sexual energy as the PRO-creative power source it is.
Being underfucked isn’t just NOT having sex. It’s not having any clue how to tap into and HARNESS your sexual energy. When people are chronically underfucked, they’ll manifest all sorts of symptoms.
This is when newly well-fucked people begin using phrases like:
“It just came to me.”
“It fell into my lap.”
Because your lap is what attracted it!
Today we’re talking to Well-F**ked All Star Rosie.
She’s a manifesting maven. She manifested a year-long work sabbatical, an adorable French apartment, and a scathing hot new man. All from her turned-on vagina.
Vaginal Kung Fu is my legendary 10-week online program is where you learn to awaken and activate your vagina so that it functions as your compass and attractor.
Registration is open NOW and it closes tonight January 30th at midnight PST.
In the salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual. You’ll learn:
Signup at Vaginal Kung Fu.
From never having touched her own vagina and having it feel like "shards of glass" when she tried, to leaving pee pads in every room so she and her husband can f*ck and squirt all over the house.
Kids happily playing?
Let’s dash into the bedroom and squirt it all out.
In today’s episode, Vanessa shares her transformation from sex-fearing Christian and non-self toucher to squirting and yoni-sunning and vaginal orgasm queen.
She also experienced:
Vaginal Kung Fu is open for registration NOW and it closes January 31st at midnight PST.
In the salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual. You’ll learn:
To signup for the salon go to kimanami.com. Look for Sexual Savant Salons and click on Vaginal Kung Fu.
The cervix is where Lucia—and many other women, including me—have found God.
God doesn’t hang out in the clitoris. Nah. The clitoris is for girls, amateurs and sexually inexperienced and underf**ked so-called sex experts and doctors. It’s child’s play.
Women f*ck in the vagina, and orgasm via the cervix. This is the zone of self-mastery and god-realization.
People often ask me if they need to be partnered to go on this journey of sensual exploration.
Absolutely not.
In fact, being single—unless you have a very switched on and connected partner—will get you there faster because you aren’t negotiating and adapting to another person’s energy and karma, especially if they have resistance.
In today’s episode, the epically well-f**ked—and single—Lucia shares her journey on finding God in her cervical orgasms and using them to alchemize, heal and fall in love with herself.
My Vaginal Kung Fu Salon is open for registration NOW and it closes January 31st. In this 10-week online salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual.
You’ll learn:
Signup at Vaginal Kung Fu.
Your pro-creative sexual energy and your orgasms are the key to shaping your world. In Anami Land, we’re all about CONSCIOUSLY using this energy to grow and heal and create our lives.
We see people heal their reproductive issues—everything from PMS and difficult periods to ovarian cysts in women and erectile dysfunction and "beta male syndrome" in men to weight loss in both sexes—and they find they can work through much deeper psychological and spiritual themes ranging from sexual abuse to depression.
Your sexual energy and sexual self become the way and the truth.
In today’s episode we’re speaking with Jenna.
She’s an alumni of my Vaginal Kung Fu Salon and has had some epic experiences with her psychedelic oracle vagina that has been the pathway for her most profound healing, transformation and of course, life-changing orgasms. In this episode:
- Growing into and owning a woman's body
- Yoni gazing and the psychedelic portal opening
- Releasing trapped memories in the vagina with the jade egg
- When it's time to go: leaving a relationship that no longer supports growth
- Solo and multi-orgasmic
- Well-f**ked weight loss
- Breast size changing
- Healing abortion residue
This is your step-by-step guide to learn to harness all of the creative, orgasmic and healing potential of your vagina.
All of the practices Jenna talks about for cultivating her feminine energy and awakening her vagina to be the ultimate truth-teller and divining rod are what we do in Vaginal Kung Fu.
From the jade egg vaginal workouts, to the breast massage routines, self-pleasuring practices and vaginal reconnaissance, it’s all here.
Plus, all of my quantum techniques for you to clear blockages, dive into sexual shadow work, reset your nervous system from the deepest possible level and and clear the channel so your vagina can function as your ultimate GPS in your life.
And of course, orgasm giver.
All this and more in Vaginal Kung Fu.
To check out my free video series “Magnetize Men, Money and Miracles with Your Vagina” and to be notified of when we open the doors for registration, go to Vaginal Kung Fu.
And you too, can have a super magnetic, gushing, lubricating, ejaculating, self-healing, creative-genius producing vagina!
This is a question I get asked ALL THE TIME.
In the allopathic world, the dominant narrative is that women MUST be hormonally medicated from puberty until death.
Women are waking up to the idea that *maybe* this isn’t true.
I am going to make a definitive statement here:
Menopause is a scam.
It doesn’t even exist in other cultures. They don’t even have a word for it.
In today’s episode:
My Vaginal Kung Fu Salon program opens in two weeks!
In my legendary 10-week online salon, you will learn to master all things vaginal and sexual. Including and especially:
To signup for my free video series, How to Manifest Men, Money and Miracles with Your Vagina AND to be notified with we open the doors to the salon, to to Vaginal Kung Fu.
One of the most common recurring ailments for women in the reproductive realm is yeast infections, BV or bacterial vaginosis and UTIs—urinary tract infections. Where do they come from? Is there a holistic solution to them?
In this episode:
My legendary Vaginal Kung Fu Salon opens for registration in January. In this 10-week online program, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual.
You’ll learn:
To be notified of when the salon opens and also receive my free series “How to Manifest Men, Money and Miracles with Your Vagina”, go to Vaginal Kung Fu.
What am I most famous for?
Lifting a surfboard at Venice Beach, a chandelier in Piazza san Marco in Venice and a piece of the Berlin Wall. At the Berlin Wall.
With my vagina.
A lot of you have heard of me because… my vagina precedes me. It travels around the world, surfing, sunning, orgasming. And lifting objects indigenous to various regions. All to showcase just what vaginas can do.
It’s my assertion that the NORMAL healthy baseline for EVERY vagina is to be able to have multiple orgasms on demand, ejaculate across the room, have a ravenous libido, shoot ping pong balls and lift household furniture.
Yes. This is NORMAL. EVERY vagina can.
In this episode:
In my work as a sexologist and a holistic sex and relationship coach—indeed, as the pioneer of the genre—I’m always coming across serious myths and misinformation online about all things sexual.
Some of it is truly shocking!
Not only is this information totally wrong, but I’d venture to say that many of these concepts and their attendant so-called “remedies” are massive scams.
We have an epidemic of snake oil sellers these days.
Join me in today’s episode as we unmask some dark corners of the internet and unveil some of the true criminals and purveyors of sex hoaxes out there.
I’ve had some of the best sex of my life during my period. What makes this psychedelic portal so sexy and sacred to share with a partner?
In this episode:
No Nut November: A worthy pursuit?
We discuss:
If you want to dive deeper into the whole Orgasm without Ejaculation topic, also check these episodes where I interview a Well-F**ked All Star who mastered the technique:
Semen Retention: What’s All the Fuss? Season 6, Episode 25
All Men Can Orgasm without Ejaculation: Season 4, Episode 28
And of course, check out Anthony’s episode:
Marathon Man, Marathon Cock: Season 5, Episode 26
And of course, I deliver the goods on how to DO this in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon and in the Coming Together for Couples Salon.
You can find my full salon programme here. You can signup for free video series and get on the waitlist to be notified of when we open each of these salons again.
Who's yo daddy??
“Oh no! Some old men won’t let me use my uterus the way I want to!”
Every few years, this issue becomes a hot topic, and people get their panties in a bunch.
Why on earth did you give your reproductive power to a bunch of old men? And to be fair, some women too.
It always floors me to hear so-called feminists and “women’s rights activists” who claim to be all about women’s empowerment, lament how they have no power. Because they’ve given it all away.
There is another approach.
You can maintain your reproductive sovereignty and control over your own body. Let’s discuss:
NOTE: this episode is the audio replay of an Instagram LIVE I did. You can watch the video here.
Sex can be used as an escape, to make you UNconscious.
Or, it can be used to bring you MORE conscious and elevate you and every part of your life.
We’re all about orgasmic enlightenment in these parts.
Sex is alchemy. It’s transformation.
It’s taking your base parts and fusing them into gold.
You can use sex to help you to move through challenges and emotional and physical pain.
In this episode:
Find my step-by-step, Meditate, Masturbate, Create sequence here.
One of the biggest sex and relationship myths out there is the notion that lifelong sex is an impossibility.
In today’s episode, I’m speaking to Well-Fucked All Star Jeff, of the Well-Fucked Couple Jeff and Jen.
They did a year of Anami, where they signed up for all of my courses and dedicated themselves to up-levelling their sex lives.
They’ve been together for 30 years. And the sex is hotter. Than. Ever. In our conversation he shares what Anami Well-F**ked Way of Life concepts they’ve taken on and now live by.
We talk:
SEXUAL MASTERY FOR MEN begins this week!
In my 8-week online program for men, you'll learn:
Plus, you'll receive my G-Spot Ecstasy Salonette as a special bonus at the end of the salon.
Jump in. You—and your woman—will ride this wave for years to come.
What Is a Pussy Whisperer?
A man who knows his way around a woman and a pussy. He coaxes that pussy into openness and orgasms.
In today’s episode we have a compilation of some great Well-F**ked All Star pussy whispering clips and they’ll share their own secrets to success.
And I’ll give you the 7 Golden Rules of Pussy Whispering.
If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, which is open NOW!
In my 8-week online program, you'll learn:
And so much more.
Signup now: Sexual Mastery for Men.
No, men, I am NOT coming for your orgasm. In fact, I want you to have better, bigger, wilder orgasms that get you high.
And also:
You in?
So how do you do it? Orgasm without ejaculation.
Yes, you can. Every man can.
In today’s episode I speak with Sexual Mastery for Men alumni and Well-F**ked All Star Todd. He mastered orgasm without ejaculation in the salon and now has:
TODD: “It got to the point where the sex could be better every time; even if you thought it was the best sex you’d ever had, the next time would be a level beyond that. Unless you experience it, you don’t even know it exists. I mean, it’s just crazy, the level of energy you can cultivate.”
If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon!
In my 8-week online program for men, you'll learn:
Everything you need to level up in your sexual mastery and dominate in your life!
There are a LOT of potential reasons—plural!—why your woman doesn’t want to have sex with you.
Contrary to popular social programming, women are sexually voracious. Insatiable even.
Once you turn them on and open them up, they are a well that never runs dry. So why isn’t your woman voracious with you?
Find out in today’s episode.
Sexual Mastery for Men is opening for registration at the end of August.
In this 8-week online salon you’ll learn:
And much more!
Go to Sexual Mastery for Men.
You can take the quiz: Are you a Supercock? And receive the sexual mastery for men free video series and also be notified of when the salon opens.
What happens when you inhabit your masculine strength and power? You also inhabit your cock.
Because you know—what you focus on grows.
As you show up in your life and you start bending it over and pulling it by the hair and having your way with it, life opens up to you.
Your woman opens up to you.
When you put in the time and effort to transform yourself from a Two-Pump Chump—or whatever underfucked version of yourself you are—into a Supercock, your entire life changes.
Just ask Ethan.
His wife was going to leave him and that was the kick in the ass he needed to get in gear. And did he. So many epic life changes in a short period of time:
ETHAN: If you bend her over and do it properly, you get a happy wife.
KIM: How often are you having sex?
ETHAN: Exorbitant amounts. Is that a lot?
Find out what it's like to be a Supercock, in bed and in life. In my premier guide to all things sexual for men, you'll learn:
Take the quiz 'Are you a Supercock?', and get notified when the salon opens!
When your woman is resistant to going deeper with you emotionally and sexually, what can you do?
How do you open her?
In today’s episode, Matt shares his story of meeting his wife-to-be as a virgin and from a repressed cultural upbringing and how she blossomed into a gushing, salacious “I love getting on my knees for you” insatiable cock monster.
We discuss:
- Top 5 tips to turn your woman into an insatiable cock monster
- Aligning your cock and your heart
- Holding space for your woman
- Using your cock magic wand to manifest women, career opportunities and wealth
- Cultivating sexual and masculine confidence, making you unstoppable in everything
- Unblocking her with your cock
- A post-porn life
“Any block that’s in front of me, I go through. With my cock.”
For any woman whose ever felt that there “just aren’t any good, conscious men out there!”—and we hear that a lot!—this episode is for you.
Matt is so solid in his masculine presence and desire to open and support his woman, that hearing him is truly inspiring and will restore your faith in what’s possible in relationship!
And YES, there are plenty of great men out there—especially Anami Alumni, haha.
SEXUAL MASTERY FOR MEN SALON: Registration opens August 28th
If you’re ready to become a legendary Pussy Whisperer, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, which opens for registration at the end of August.
In my 8-week online program for men, you'll learn:
Take the quiz 'Are you a Supercock', and get notified when the salon opens!
How to be irresistible.
What’s the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard? How can you draw good things to you in your life?
In our Well-F**ked all star adventures we hear of men crossing eight lanes of traffic to ask a woman for her number. Or making websites just to ask them on dates.
Yes. All true stories.
So what is this uber-attractive quality and how do you get it? It’s definitely something you can create within yourself.
But it’s not any kind of 8-step beauty routine or gua shua secrets or special hair serum formula.
Nope. It comes from within. Deep within. Like, vagina deep.
In this episode:
If you’d like to go deeper into all things orgasms, signup for my free Orgasmapedia series where you’ll learn about 9 different types of orgasms EVERYONE can have. Go to kimanami.com and you’ll see the signup there.
Come one, come all!
Who does it better? Ozempic? Or Anami-style gourmet sex?
In today’s episode:
Anami-style alchemical sex transforms your excess “weight” faster than anything else. Come and get it.
In the Well-Fucked Woman Salon, you’ll learn all the tools you need to channel your sexual energy and use it for it’s true purpose: as pro-creative energy you can use to heal, alchemize and build your life and body with.
You’ll learn:
And much more.
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon is open now! And then it’s gone again until 2025.
It's never too late to be a multi-orgasmic, lubricating and ejaculating well-f**ked woman.
Today’s Well-F**ked All Star is Michelle. At the age of 60, she left a stifling 40-year marriage. A year later, at 61, she’s the most well-f**ked she’s ever been in her life.
I LOVE hearing when people have the courage to leave something that deep down they know isn’t good for them. Despite finances, social standing, children, public opinion. They do it anyway.
If you find yourself in a situation where you aren’t sure you have what it takes to propel yourself into a new life, this episode is for you.
This woman is wild as f*ck and has some of the best sexual descriptions I’ve ever heard: “There was always a gallon of lube by our bed.
Now, with my new man, all I have to do is talk to him on the telephone, and I’m dripping down to my knees. “What the fuck is that?” I mean, it is absolutely amazing.”
We talk:
“I’m 61, and I’m telling you, it’s never too late to go grab it.”
In the Well-F**ked Woman Salon, my 10-week, online signature salon for women that shows you how to be well-fucked at every age and stage, including menopause and far beyond:
We cover much of what Michelle and I talked about:
Are you coming?!
One of the holy grails in the sexual queendom is squirting. This is a necessary life skill for women and one that ALL women can cultivate.
The Anami Guarantee is that EVERY woman can hit the ceiling with her ejaculate.
Her “amrita” is like cosmic manifesting dust that gets shot over her whole life, imbuing it with a kind of radiance and magnetism that draws everything to her.
Once you awaken your vaginal superpowers, and you “come to” within yourself, the world “comes to you”.
Today’s guest is our youngest ever all-star. She’s 22 and she started this work with me last year when she was 21.
I felt like I was talking to a younger version of ME! She blew my fucking mind and she’s bombshell as fuck.
She’s dropping non-stop bombs in our conversation. We talk:
And of course, the magical secrets of squirting and how your literal juiciness creates your life.
This is a mind and vagina-blowing episode. Hands down, one of my favorites.
Tia started her journey with me in the How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon.
This is my 10-week, how to live, love and orgasm in a female body education where I've compiled the best of my 30 years of orgasmic experience (!) to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss. The sex school everyone ought to receive, but did not!
And it’s open for registration now! In it, you’ll learn:
- Instructions for the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, cervical and squirting
- Self-pleasuring 101 and how to channel sexual energy into creative genius and cash that falls into your lap
- How to transform challenging menstruation, PMS and menopause into blissful portals
- Using your feminine essence to build a life of ease and pleasure
- Breast massage to tone, lift and activate the orgasmic potential of the breasts
- How to give your man enlightened blow jobs and hand jobs
The salon only runs once a year, and it’s open for the next two weeks!
If your orgasms aren't changing your life, are you even having sex?
In Anami Land, your sex dates become sacred, set-in-stone, non-negotiable parts of your life, because you know the benefits they bring. They are your sanctuary, refuelling station, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety pill, creative inspiration and cash generators all at once. There is no better all-in-one panacea.
Once you realize that if you are feeling tired, or sad, or overweight, or broke, the best remedy is to orgasm your way out of it, you never go back. Because you see how your sexual energy impacts every part of your life.
In today’s Well-F**ked All Star interview, we’re speaking with Maureen. She originally found me because she was looking for an alternative to the menopause narrative and wasn’t interested in taking hormones for the rest of her life.
We explore:
Great sex = more cash. Want abundance? Have better, Anami-style sex.
Sign up for my FREE 7-Day Bombshell Bootcamp!
Increase your sexual magnetism, orgasm potential and unf*ckwithable factor! You'll learn:
We’ve all heard the expressions:
“Tight ass.”
“They’ve got a real stick up their ass.”
This is legit urban slang meets deep psychological truth.
These people actually DO need something shoved up their ass.
Anal orgasms are very similar to cervical orgasms in women.
They are transcendent, deep and cosmic.
In men, the G-Spot is the prostate gland, conveniently located in the ass.
It acts as a turbo-booster, deepening the pleasure and the physical—and emotional—intensity of orgasm.
In Anami Land, we look at how to use sex acts as ecstasy AND consciousness-expanding vehicles.
In today’s episode we chat with Well-F**ked All Atar Natalia from her native Poland.
She was a woman who didn’t think The Anami Guarantee, which is “All orgasms for all women” would apply to her.
She was wrong.
In this episode:
My legendary WFW salon opens at the end of June. In this 10-week online program, you’ll learn all the secrets of anal, cervical, breast and throat enlightenment. We also cover:
To check out the free preview video series and be notified of when we open registration for the salon, go to How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman.
When you give yourself ALL the fucks, you have no fucks left to give.
I always say that one of the hallmarks of becoming a well-fucked woman—or a well-fucked man—is that you reach the pinnacle stage of not giving a fuck what anyone thinks of you.
You have such clarity in your own truth, AND the confidence to act upon it in your life, that you give zero fucks about what anyone thinks about you.
You aren’t TRYING not to care. You just DON’T care.
All of your fucks are directed to the right place: you and your partner.
That’s it. That’s the magic secret.
WHY is this?
In this episode:
My legendary How to Be a Well-Fucked Woman Salon opens in a few weeks. This is my 10-week online program in all things female sexuality where you learn how to give all the fucks to yourself and your partner with:
And through all of this, become utterly UN-FUCK-WITH-ABLE.
You can check out the free video preview series and take the quiz and find out ARE YOU UNDERFUCKED?
Go to How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman.
I’ve recently been on a transformative fitness journey and am now in the best shape of my life.
Today’s episode is a personal share on:
My legendary Well-F**ked Woman Salon opens for registration at the end of this month. This is the Anami guide to ALL things “as f**k”:
In the meantime, you can check out the free How to Be a Well-Fucked Woman video series and take the very enlightening quiz: Are you underf**ked?
“Shadow work” is a hot topic these days.
The reason why I say that sexual shadow work is THE most powerful shadow work—and I’d assert the only shadow work anyone really needs—is because there is SO MUCH taboo, repression, misinformation about all things sexual.
And it runs SO deep.
Whether it’s outright physical violation, genital mutilation or absorbing all of the negative beliefs projected upon us, everyone has some level of sexual trauma.
Since our sexual energy is the core of who we are, when that gets suppressed, EVERYTHING In our life gets suppressed.
If you go deep here, it’s the panacea for all.
The pounds come off, dream careers materialize, and lives change.
All through Anami-style, f**k-your-demons-away sex.
In this episode:
- Why sexual shadow work is THE only shadow work you need
- Orgasms as the most powerful nervous system reset
- Reap the benefits of so much taboo
- Cervical orgasms and the vagus nerve
- My own adventures in conscious BDSM
In ALL of my salons, I show people how to do your sexual shadow work to illuminate your blind spots—and your dark spots—and alchemize them into power.
Next up on the Anami Roster is my How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon.
In this 10-week online salon we explore:
The WFW salon opens for registration in June. Get on our mailing list to be notified when and take the “Are you underf**ked?” quiz.
You’ll also receive access to the WFW free video preview series with multi-orgasmic techniques you can practice tonight.
Sex is medicine.
As Director for the Center of Underfucked Disease Control, the CUFDC, I am constantly looking at what makes the best sex, and giving people the prescriptions they need to elevate their sex lives.
I’m the best doctor ever. And one of the only ones who shows people how to heal themselves.
Did you know you can find God up your ass? And that eating ejaculate makes you smarter and cures depression? That daily cervical orgasms keep you in a state of spiritual bliss?
You would know that if you’ve been living in Anami Land for a while. If not, let me give you a tour around the place.
Let’s talk about the illustrious act of 69.
In this episode:
In my Coming Together for Couples Salon for creating conscious relationships and quantum sex:
You’ll learn:
Well-F**ked All Stars Jeff and Jen have been married for 30 years.
They found my work last year and have been on an Anami pilgrimage ever since!
They also happen to be endurance athletes. When they heard my philosophy of multi-hour and multi-day sex dates, it was game on!
You’ll hear them share their story of turning around their relationship of three decades, how they become ultra-sex marathoners and what a 5-day sex date looks like.
In this episode:
Jeff and Jen kicked off their Anami Land journey with the Coming Together for Couples Salon last year, which is now open for registration.
This is my 10-week online signature program for creating conscious relationships and gourmet sex.
You’ll learn:
Well-F**ked All Stars Alexis and Mitchell made 2023 their year of Anami.
They’ve implemented pretty much every element of my philosophy and teachings into their lives and bed.
Then they took it to the next level, Anami-style, by committing to six months of daily sex:
“It started as a 180-day pact, and now it’s just a way of living.”
Before you protest, yes they have children: three of them!
And yet they still have sex every day—usually twice a day—with multi-hour sex sessions and the occasional “quickie” at 45 minutes.
We talk:
Reignite the sizzling-hot passion in your relationship!
In the Coming Together for Couples Salon, we explore:
Registration is NOW OPEN!
Last week we talked about the 5 Sexiest Things a Man Can Do.
This week, we’re all about the women.
What makes a woman irresistible?
What are the qualities of the feminine that speak to the primal, archetypal masculine, turning him on and bringing him to his knees?
What brings out his guttural manliness that inspires him to throw her over his shoulder and ravish her?
In this episode:
Join my free 7-day Sex Cleanse for Couples!
Every woman can f**k her man into a new, better, ideal, full-bodied Supercock.
Every man can f**k his woman into a sexually powerful, gushing, orgasming, well-f**ked woman.
Every couple can have cosmic-connecting orgasms, with an off-the-charts libido at any age and stage of life.
Are you ready?
In this 7-day relationship renewal sex cleanse, you and your partner will explore:
The seduction guide for men.
I guarantee that the following techniques have opened many a heart and legs, bringing them to their knees, and giving them deep, life-changing orgasms. These truly are the keys to the queendom.
I can give Neil Strauss a run for his money with the Anami Game Protocol.
Here’s how to game the chicks.
In this episode:
Join the free Coming Together 7-Day Sex Cleanse. Each day, you’ll receive an email with an assignments to deepen into each other, sexually and emotionally.
Side effects of this Sex Cleanse may include:
~ Ejaculate-soaked bed sheets
~ Broken bed frames
~ Being fully energized by each other's life force energy
~ Clearing of relationship blocks
~ Stronger stamina
~ Feelings of safety and security
~ Sky-rocketing libidos
But make it sexy.
In a conscious relationship, we transmute our emotional connection and sexual energy into rejuvenating, healing and pro-creative power. We realize our relationship—and specifically our sex life—is the engine that fuels our entire lives.
In this episode:
“If you’re not scared shitless, you’re not aiming high enough.”
Today’s episode is all about going all in. Making bold moves, taking big chances.
Every single life-defining moment I’ve ever had, has always come down to how much courage I displayed in the moment. Did I step up to the plate?
Did I push myself out of my comfort zone and take a risk for something more?
This comes to love and relationships and orgasms, and truth telling and business decisions and even the waves I take when I surf.
Every major milestone and uplevelling of my life is always preceded by a moment. A crossroads where I was asked to leap off a clip.
Today’s podcast is a rally cry for courage in love and life and how 20 seconds of being brave and bold can truly change your reality in an instant.
In this episode:
Join me for a free 7-Day Sex Cleanse
Starting today, you and your beloved can embark on seven days of relationship renewal and sexual ignition.
Whether things have come to a complete standstill in the bedroom, or you are spending every night in orgasmic bliss, there’s something for everyone to up-level.
Each day, you’ll receive an email with an assignment to watch or listen to, followed by discussion prompts and then homeplay.
The prompts and homeplay will set the foundation to deepen into each other, sexually and spiritually.
Heal thyself.
Last week I hosted a LIVE online event called My Vagina Healed That! which featured me and three of our favourite Well-F**ked All Stars sharing on how their sexual energy healed everything from their reproductive ailments, to landing them life-changing multi-million dollar business deals.
True vagina stories.
Each day featured a different topic and all star, and started with me talking about these concepts, and then leading a guided visualization about them, and then had the All Star share their story and take questions from our listeners. We went much deeper than we usually do in a public forum and the set up gives you a taste of what my online programs—which I call salons—are all about.
Katie was our all star guest for the topic Alchemizing Sexual Trauma into Creativity and Cervical Orgasms. She shares falling madly in love with herself and her vagina, all of which translated in the healing of her crippling endometriosis and painful period.
In this episode:
If you missed our rare LIVE and free event from last week, you can still watch the replays of each day's session. You'll hear our reality-bending conversations on:
All thanks to their vaginas! These stories are the antidote and inspiration to thinking you’re “just one of those women who can’t.”
If they can, you can.
You can still be single and well-f**ked.
You can still be single and have a voracious libido, be deeply, sexually fulfilled and have G-Spot, squirting and cervical orgasms on the regular.
And it’s essential that you are. The key is to keep your sexual engines revving.
A lot of people will come to us and think they can’t do the practices I teach because they need a partner. Sure, some of them you do.
But most of them, you can—and ought to—practice on your own. Here's why and how.
Today’s Well-F**ked All Star is Sarah.
She came into my work single, and used this time to explore herself and discover all the deeper vaginal orgasms, using her cervical orgasms to heal a breakup, and as a “roadmap to wealth that skyrocketed her business.”
In this episode:
Vaginal Kung Fu is open for registration NOW and it closes February 2nd at midnight PST.
In the salon, you’ll become a maestro of all things vaginal and sexual. You’ll learn:
Come to Vaginal Kung Fu.
Best ROI ever.
When people rev up their sexual energy, they inevitably become more creative, they begin to align with their true calling and vocations in life.
And they get rich!
They’ll often say that “Money fell into my lap!” and I’ll say: “Yeah! Because your lap is what attracted it!”
Most people never make the connection between their stagnant sex lives and their stagnant financial lives.
When they’re in flow, living a life of bliss and orgasms—especially cervical orgasms, which we’ll get to in a minute—they not only become CAUSE (rather than effect) in their lives, but they naturally attract opportunities, people and cash.
Energy in = energy out.
In this case, we want the energy going deep within, where it has the most impact and quantum payout: Your vagina. The deeper you go, the more riches you get!
In this episode:
- The connection between sex and money
- Microdosing and nervous system resets vs. cervical orgasms
- Sex as the most powerful personal growth tool there is
- I'll take my dividends in cervical orgasms and cash please
Your vagina: Truth-teller extraordinaire.
In this episode, crowd favorite Well-F**ked All Star Amanda has amazing stories of using her vagina’s guidance to lead her in the right direction in her life, and how the jade egg and breast massage practices from Vaginal Kung Fu keep her in tune with her feminine energy and living a life of perpetual wetness.
We’ll talk:
All of the practices Amanda talks about for cultivating her feminine energy and awakening her vagina to be the ultimate truth-teller and divining rod are what we do in Vaginal Kung Fu.
From the jade egg vaginal workouts, to the breast massage routines, self-pleasuring practices and vaginal reconnaissance, it’s all here.
Plus, all of my quantum techniques for you to clear blockages, dive into sexual shadow work, reset your nervous system from the deepest possible level and and clear the channel so your vagina can function as your ultimate GPS in your life. And of course, orgasm giver.
All this and more in Vaginal Kung Fu. Signup here. And you too, can have a super magnetic, gushing, lubricating, ejaculating, multi-million-dollar vagina!
I’ve often said that most women’s vaginas are numb. They have no idea how much pleasure their vaginas are actually meant to give them.
A high-functioning vagina:
So how DO we wake up a vagina? We'll hear from our Well-F**ked All Star Alexis, who went from numb to come and she’ll share how she did it. In this episode:
Alexis says:
“I had never had any kind of orgasm besides clitoral. I now have gushing G-Spot/ squirting orgasms just from us kissing. During penetrative sex I'm having at least 5+ vaginal orgasms per session. Now we have had sex 2-5 times a day for the past 87 days and have a "sex every day" pact for 180 days.”
My legendary Vaginal Kung Fu Salon opens for registration next week! In this 10-week online mastership of all things vagina, you’ll learn:
To check out the free preview video series and to be notified of when we open the doors for registration, go to Vaginal Kung Fu.
Vaginal articulation, power and ping pong balls is the normal, healthy baseline for all vaginas. At least in Anami Land, it is.
In today’s Well-F**ked All Star interview with Mara, we talk about how vaginal power journey and how she went from being vaginally and sexually disconnected to:
The tools Mara used to unleash her super pussy are everything I teach in the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
You can “come into” yourself as a voracious, empowered sensual woman, who is multi-orgasmic, squirts through the bed sheets, is wetter than a tsunami, and gives “thousand hand” vaginal hand jobs.
And also happens to be able to shoot ping pong balls!
It’s all up for grabs in the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
My legendary online program on all things vagina and sexual wisdom is open for registration this month!
If you are on the VKF list, you’ll be notified as soon as we open.
When you sign up for the VKF list, you’ll also receive access to the free VKF training series and you can start practicing your inner kung fu moves tonight!
The “open your throat open your vagina’ connection can be tapped for one of the most important sexual acts:
Giving birth.
Yes, giving birth is a sexual act.
When a baby is born into the typical hospital/emergency/surgical setting, they are imprinted with the energies of:
Which would you rather?
Nothing will give your child a better start in this world than birthing them in ecstasy.
In today’s episode:
I will go so far as to say that ALL complications in birth are some manifestation of fear, unconscious programming and trauma imprinting that no one realized the importance of clearing before having a baby.
That’s exactly what we do in the Sexy Mama Salon.
We cover every thing from conception to pregnancy, birth and beyond, all the while showing you how to tap your sexual energy and your intimate partner connection to quantum leap the process and align you with the divine flow of the universe.
You can signup for the salon at Sexy Mama.
Emma shares how she welcomed twins into the world, at home, alone with her husband. The free birth was intentional, but the twins were a surprise!
Carrying on with our “sisters doin’ it for themselves” theme, in today’s episode we hear from Emma Johnston, co-founder of The Reconnected and WFW alumni, who had an entirely sovereign pregnancy and free-birthed her twins at home, one of whom was breech.
“Free birthing” means the woman births her babies herself.
No extra hands, machines, or machetes.
Two of these presentations are enough for doctors to immediately insist on cutting babies out of women.
Emma gave birth in her own home, in water, with her husband and three children there with her. She trusted that her body, and the eons of wisdom encoded within it, were far more powerful than any outside source.
And they were.
In today’s episode:
Sexy Mama is my 8-week online salon to reprogram you for the bliss of a profoundly orgasmic birth and to become an empowered, luscious mama.
Sexy Mama is for you if:
Off-the-charts libido and multi-orgasmic pregnancy.
In today’s episode, we’re talking to Amanda, who is one of our favourite—and most frequent—all stars.
We’ve interviewed her on her journey from NO orgasms, to having G-Spot and cervical orgasms, nipple-gasms, and the biggest orgasms of her life:
We’re speaking today about her very, very sexual pregnancy and how her libido was not just high, but off-the-charts.
She's having a very multi-orgasmic pregnancy.
I spoke in last week’s episode: All Women Can Have Orgasmic Births about the idea of pregnancy being a massive 9-month foreplay arousal experience, culminating with birth as the climactic orgasm.
Which would you rather??
Perpetual orgasmic bliss? Or constant suffering, as some women experience pregnancy and birth?
Because I assure you, it is a choice.
Let’s hear from Amanda on how she made hers.
In this episode:
Sexy Mama is my all-in-one salon to reprogram you for the bliss of a profoundly orgasmic birth and to become an empowered, luscious mama.
In my 8-week online program for women, you'll learn:
Everything you need to have an ecstatic birth and be a tuned-in, blissful and sexy mama. Whether you are actively trying to conceive, are pregnant or are planning to be, this is for you.
It's the Anami Guarantee.
Birth is meant to be the most orgasmic, pleasurable event of your life, and the biggest, wildest, most life-changing orgasm and spiritually transcendent experience you will ever have.
What if the TRUTH is that your entire pregnancy was actually an extension of the sexual act, where you feel erotically lit up and charged ALL of the time, brimming over with sensual and sexual energy, and at the edge of orgasm for nine months? Living in a perpetual state of arousal and bliss?
What if the TRUTH is that your birth was then the peak of all of that, the building of NINE months of delicious foreplay, climaxing with the biggest, wildest, most ecstatic orgasm of your life, that will forever change you as a person, and hardwire your baby for a life of bliss and flow?
It is.
In this episode:
- The connection between sex, God and birth
- The only way to have blissful birth is if you are sexually connected to yourself and partner
- Cervical orgasms as birth training
- How to prepare for an orgasmic birth
- The biggest reason why couples don't have sex after children and how to avoid it
This is an essential life skill for all men: creating your supersized, super-strengthened, marathon cock.
In this episode:
The urban dick-tionary defines “dickmatize” as:
"To mesmerize or enchant a woman with your sexual prowess."
I’d add to that, the noun of being dickmatized:
To be smitten and obsessed with dick. You’ll do anything for that dick. You’ve been put into a trance by…good dick. Happy, starry-eyed, blissed out, hypnotized by you and your come and your sexual powers. Example: "I can't stop thinking about Mark and his cock. I'm obsessed. I've been dickmatized!”
if you’ve never been to that place—man or woman—well, let’s just say that this is the holy grail of your sex life.
In today’s interview, we have Jeff. He and his partner Jen have dove into all things Anami and have taken all my suggestions to heart and genitals. From the Anami staples of 3-hour sex dates to sex weekends to vaginal orgasms, superstar stamina and making more cash than ever, they’ve now got it all.
Jeff is also one of those Anami Ambassadors who is always active on my Instagram comments, encouraging people and answering their questions. When you know, you know!
We’ll talk especially on how his wife went from being a woman who was held back by religious and cultural taboo, and who is now, in his words, an insatiable sex monster.
Oh, and they’ve been married 29 years.
Jeff has some sage advice for you guys:
"Don’t turn on your woman and make her an insatiable sex monster if you don’t want to have blow jobs all the time.”
In this episode:
Sexual Mastery for Men is open NOW for registration!
In my 8-week online signature salon for men, you’ll learn:
Sign up now at Sexual Mastery for Men.
According to the Anami Guarantee, all men can be Supercocks.
All men can:
So why aren’t they?
Beliefs, blockages and traumatic experiences that may have happened to them will stifle their innate Supercock-ness.
These can range from outright sexual abuse, to absorbing the distorted cultural ideas about sexuality, creating shame, taboo and suppression.
We all have them.
It’s impossible to grow up in our modern, very sexually suppressed world, and NOT have taken them on.
You can clear all of these things and attain Supercock status.
Here is my Sexual Rx, specifically for men.
These are methods you can use to heal trauma, ground you in your body, and align yourself with your potent sexual energy and dominate in bed and in life.
In this episode:
The Sexual Mastery for Men salon 2023 is officially open! For the next two weeks, you can signup for my ultimate guide to all things men—and pleasuring women.
In this salon, we cover everything from:
Register now.
An ultramarathoner shares his secrets to success: Lots of sex "before the big game". Anami-style.
He's not just a marathon cock. He's an ULTRA-marathon cock.
Today, we’re speaking with Well-F**ked All Star, Anthony Kunkel who is a national ultramarathon champion in the 50 mile and 100k. As a legendary bio-hacker, he’s always looking for way to optimize his performance and stay at the top of his game.
When he heard me say “You ought to be able to run a marathon after sex!”, that got his attention.
You’ll hear him speak about how he uses these techniques to harness and channel his sexual energy into his athletic career, logging some of his best races in the process.
In this episode:
If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, which opens for registration at the end of August.
In my 8-week online program for men, you'll learn:
And so much more.
Signup for the 7 Days to Supercock series, and to be notified of when Sexual Mastery for Men opens for registration by clicking here.
The better you f**k your woman, the more money you’ll make. You’ll slay not only in bed, but in business and far beyond.
In today’s episode, we have some amazing stories of men having epic sex dates and then closing the biggest deals of their lives, including a multi-million dollar blow job, and landing bucket-list gigs and finding dream houses.
All through the power of f**k.
We hear from salon members ALL the time who go through the salons, how people are just “throwing money at them” or how money just “falls into their laps”.
Yeah. Because your lap is exactly what attracted it.
In today’s episode:
If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, which opens for registration at the end of August.
In this 8-week online program, you’ll learn:
You can signup for the 7 Days to Supercock series, and to be notified of when the Sexual Master for Men opens for registration.
The clinical definition of “cockblocking” that you’ll find in the DSM is to “prevent copulation”.
It’s usually done by one person to another, but today, we’re talking about how men do it to themselves.
What are the things that minimize a man’s chances of having any sex, let alone life-changing, gourmet sex?
We’ll talk about the top five self-cockblocks and how to remedy them.
In today’s all star interview, we’ll be speaking with well-f**ked man Jim, to hear how he has un-cockblocked himself in all these areas:
And his play-by-play in seizing control of his cock, his masculine power, and his woman.
We cover ALL of these uncockblocking and cockfidence building practices in my legendary 8-week online salon—Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, where you’ll learn:
Signup for the free video series and salon at Sexual Mastery for Men.
A definitive and honest answer to the quintessential question.
The Sexual Mastery for Men Salon opens soon! This is my signature 8-week online program for men, to become sexual masters of themselves—and their cocks.
In the salon we cover:
For the free preview videos you can watch, and my "7 Days to Supercock" series with exercises you can practice TONIGHT to build stamina, signup at Sexual Mastery for Men.
It is the golden rule of female orgasms: She comes first, second, third, fourth and fifth.
Once your woman has been thoroughly, artfully, heart-fully f**ked into oblivion, then you can come.
And if a woman is only having one orgasm—or one paltry clitoral orgasm—then I guarantee that not only has she not been well-f**ked, but that she will be significantly UNDERf**ked and sorely lacking.
In today’s episode:
The Supercock: Sexual Mastery for Men Salon is coming in September. This is signature 8-week online program for men.
In it, you’ll learn how to:
To be notified of when we open registration and receive my free, preview video series, go to Sexual Mastery for Men.
A response to the idiocy of using terms like "bonus hole", "chest feeders", "birthing people" and the cumulative encroachment on women.
And now it’s a “bonus hole” for a vagina.
Get. The. F*ck. Out. Of. Here.
Where does it end?
With humans only having test tube babies because they no longer have genitals, or forget what they were ever used for?
If you look at this new movie trailer that just came out called The Pod, the predictive programming tells us that this is the actual plan for the future.
Whatever choices adults make for their own bodies, is up to them.
But why must the language that describes the power of birth, and the holiness of women's bodies be erased as some kind of plaintive apology for existing?
Vaginas are the origin of the f**king universe.
They are the sacred life-creating and soul-giving portals of pure bliss and ecstasy.
I celebrate the wild, magical and divine channels that women and their yonis are.
And I hail the powerful, strong, dominant, heroic nature of men and their cocks.
Always. And forever.
IN this episode:
Want to get rich? Have more sex. And cervical orgasms.
And what is the pathway to gourmet sex and cervical orgasms?
So what is surrender?
To stop fighting. Stop resisting. Let down your guard.
In the battle sense, it goes further to perhaps mean conceding, or giving up, as though you’ve lost something.
In the sexual and spiritual sense, it’s about only losing the parts of you that are worth losing.
I talk a lot about the rebirthing potential of sex, and how it self-actualizes us.
In the best, deepest sexual encounters—which is what I teach people to have and is the essence of my life’s work—we are transformed into the highest and best versions of ourselves.
On the way to doing that, the parts of us that no longer serve us, fall away.
The things we yield.
To surrender spiritually and sexually, we have to let go.
In today’s episode, we’re speaking with Leah O. Last year, she took the WFW salon and at the beginning of the salon, made the audacious claim that she was the most underfucked woman in Britain.
Today, she’s radiantly gorgeous and has a long list of dreams to share that she’s since manifested. From her vagina and learning to surrender to pleasure.
In the past year, she’s:
In our conversation, she shares on how surrendering and being well-f**ked has made it all… fall into her lap. Because her lap is what attracted it!
WFW is my legendary guide to, and celebration of, all things female, with the theme of surrender woven throughout the salon.
We cover:
Yes: God wants you to have them, and wants you to have lots of them.
One of the most common things we hear when women start having cervical orgasms is:
“I saw God!”
For clarity’s sake, let’s define God as spirit, energy, nature, the life force of the universe—whatever you want to call it.
So women get f**ked really, really well—whether by themselves, or with their partner—and they “see God.”
They feel:
They transcend their little selves, and their mind grooves and elevate to a more beautiful version of who they are, acting from their highest selves.
They find intuition, grace, compassion and love.
They radiate beauty and flow.
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon is open!
In this 8-week online salon, I've compiled the best of my 30 years of orgasmic experience (!) to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss.
You'll learn:
- Step-by-step instructions for the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, cervical and squirting
- How to transform challenging menstruation, PMS and menopause into blissful portals
- Self-pleasuring 101 and how to channel sexual energy into creative genius
- Using your feminine essence to build a life of ease and pleasure
- Breast massage to tone, lift and activate the orgasmic potential of the breasts
- How to give your man enlightened blow jobs and hand jobs
My top four suggestions for creating body-blowing breast orgasms. Plus:
Our Well-F**ked All Stars have gone through the gamut of breast experiences, from extended breastfeeding to total disconnection and they range in age from their twenties to their mid-sixties.
Says Amanda:
“The breast massage was mind-blowing to me because I fell in love with my breasts for the first time. You talk about the whole concept of infinite possibility and using your intention. I said, “I’m going to grow my breasts! I’m going to grow them a whole size, just to see,” and they did. They got way fuller. They grew an entire cup size.”
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon is open!
In this 8-week online salon, I've compiled the best of my 30 years of orgasmic experience (!) to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss.
You'll learn:
- Step-by-step instructions for the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, cervical and squirting
- How to transform challenging menstruation, PMS and menopause into blissful portals
- Self-pleasuring 101 and how to channel sexual energy into creative genius
- Using your feminine essence to build a life of ease and pleasure
- Breast massage to tone, lift and activate the orgasmic potential of the breasts
- How to give your man enlightened blow jobs and hand jobs
F**k them until you change them is what I always say. How do you know when you’ve f**ked someone enough?
They change. They metamorphose into a new person.
Into a new, better, ideal, full-bodied, soul-expressed version of their highest selves.
Their tired and weary parts fall away. Fear, anxiety, insecurity, isolation, anger, playing small in life—they evaporate.
They get alchemized and transformed into love, freedom, power and bliss.
And a sexually powerful, gushing, orgasming, well-f**ked woman and a Supercock.
All this in the wake of your powerful sexual love. And your ability to f**k annihilate someone.
In this episode:
The WFW Salon opens for registration on June 28th.
In this 8-week how-to-live-love-and-orgasm-in-a-female-body education you never received, you'll learn how to:
To learn How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman, get on the mailing list to be notified of when the salon opens for signup, and in the meantime you can take the “How Underf**ked Are You?” quiz and watch the WFW free preview video series.
Women “of a certain age” can be orgasming, ejaculating and LUBRICATING ALL OVER the place, with raging libidos. Without ANY assistance from a bottle of lube or artificial hormones. I guarantee it.
One of the myths I LOVE busting the most is the idea that menopause is a time when women dry up. They lose any and all sexual juiciness and must resign themselves to a life of perma-lube and Anne Taylor.
Menopausal women are the cash cow of Western medicine.
Do we really think that nature is so dumb, that it made women’s bodies in such a way that they would be required to take outside medicine for half of their lives, just to feel good?
This is ridiculous.
In other cultures—especially non-North American ones—there are people who don’t even have a WORD for menopause, because it’s a non-event.
Our Well-F**ked All Star Amber Jean shares: “I am JUICY....! Gushingly alive "down there." Fifty-six f**king years old and wetter than I've been in decades...lube is no longer necessary—ever.”
In this episode:
- Why does this particular condition seem to afflict Western women, and in particular, North American women, more than any other women in the world?
- How to pass through this life transition seamlessly
- Interview with 56-year-old "wet wet wet" Well-F**ked All Star Amber Jean
- Lube no more!
- Amber Jean shares how she can still have cervical orgasms—even without a cervix
- And, how she healed breast lumps so they disappeared on their own
- The true spiritual purpose and power of menopause that most women never realize
My How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon opens for registration in two weeks!
This is my 8-week, online signature salon for women that shows you how to be well-fucked at every age and stage, including menopause,
We cover much of what Amber talked about:
To learn How to Be a Well-F**Ked Woman, get on the mailing list to be notified of when the salon opens for signup, and in the meantime you can take the “How Underf**ked Are You?” quiz and watch the WFW free preview video series.
The Anami Guarantee is that all women are ravenous and insatiable. Once you wake them up.
All women have high libidos and are ravenously sexual. I guarantee it.
“But Kim! Some women just aren’t that sexual!”
“But Kim! Women have lower sex drives than men!”
“But Kim! Sex isn’t the most important part of a relationship!”
To which I say:
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
All women are erotically wild with voracious appetites. I guarantee it.
Once you unlock and turn them on, they keep on coming.
In today’s episode:
“I always want a cock deep inside of me. I always want something inside of my vagina. Now I know, it’s air and food. It’s something that you eat, you breathe, and you fuck.”
My legendary Well-F**ked Woman Salon opens for registration at the end of June. This is my 8-week online salon for all things female sexual mastery. We cover:
Signup today for the free preview video series and to take the quiz and find out "Are you underf*ked?"
“Asexuality” is an invented, fictional term which attempts to “normalize” the idea of having no sex drive. There are any number of reasons why someone my have a low libido. Being "asexual" as a condition or way of life is not one of them. In this episode, we discuss some of the things that block people from realizing their true sexual potential and selves.
We cover:
- The biggest legitimate reasons for having a low libido and feeling sexually disconnected
- Are female animals attracted to Beta males?
- Weak genitals = weak sex drive
- Chemical sterilization and poisoning
- Pop singer Robbie Williams would rather eat tangerines than have sex
99.9% of people are underf**ked. Does that mean 99.9% of people can't come up with original ideas?
In this episode:
- Why plagiarists are by definition rabidly underf**ked
- The relationship between being original, well-f**ked and expressing your creative genius
- Why women stealing content from other women is not "women supporting women"
- How people defending plagiarism (bizarre, I know) are also wildly underf**ked and also likely plagiarists
- Why most people truly are not creative and original and how you can be
One of the most common and socially acceptable excuses for not having sex as a couple, is when you have children. No one will fault you for that.
Oh, you have a new baby? Of course you aren’t having sex! You haven’t had sex in a few years? Well you have so many children, how could you ever find the time?”
The irony here is that the more you have sex, the easier and more effective your parenting will be. The better the sex you have, you’ll find that your whole life, especially as a parent, flows with ease and grace and harmony.
Wanna know why?
Because your bed is the epicentre of your family. The energy that you cultivate from your intimate life radiates out and reverberates into everything you do. Especially your children and family.
You, as the couple, are the engine. When you are in love and having passionate, life-changing, life-building sex, you are feeding and nourishing yourselves and everyone around you.
In this episode:
Orgasms that last for hours and days. Can you handle that much bliss?
In this episode:
- The importance of marathon f**king
- Harvesting sexual energy as a creative power source
- The relationship between "fast sex" and sexual trauma
- 3-day sex dates
- Enlightened sex acts like yoni and lingam massage, in our all star interview with Jim and Meg
The hottest sexual chemistry and couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, generally have exaggerated feminine and masculine energies at play.
Archetypically speaking, feminine energy is softer, open, receptive, and embodies the spiritual notion of surrender. The goddess archetype.
Masculine energy is more active, achievement-oriented, driven, takes charge, makes things happen. The warrior archetype.
We all have these energies. Our sex life gives us a chance to explore and play with these themes, to experiment, try them on, and bring dormant parts of us to the surface.
Today we’re talking to Well-F**ked All Stars Jim and Meg. They’ve done every Anami Salon since they began their journey last year with Coming Together.
In this episode:
The Coming Together for Couples Salon is now open!
This is my 10-week online salon for couples.
In it, we go deep into how to break out of the buddies and sexless rut and into the wild and orgasmic reality of sexuality polarity, helping you to reconnect with and own your potent masculine and feminine essences.
We also go into all things Orgasmapedia: from full-body and energy orgasms, G-Spot orgasms for her AND him, cervical orgasms, and Supercock stamina building so he can get here there!
You’ll receive tutorials in Tantric breathing and energy practices, yoni and lingam massage, how to use sexual reflexology maps and sexual positions for healing and rejuvenation.
And much more!
If you aren’t f**king enough, or f**king well, you are going to be fighting. Whether you’re in a relationship where the sex is infrequent, or subpar, and you are bickering and testy with each other. Or, if you are single, and you create opportunities to yell at shop clerks and road rage at someone for not going fast enough on their way to the stoplight.
All of this is misdirected sexual energy.
In today’s all star interview, we’re talking with Premala and David. We speak about:
The Coming Together for Couples Salon opens for registration next week! This is my premier online program for showing you how to come together emotionally and sexually.
In the meantime, you can sign up for my free 7-Day Sex Cleanse. This mini-program starts as soon as you register for it. You’ll receive an email each day with a lesson to view and then assignments which will be a blend of emotional connection exercises and Tantric practices.
Go Coming Together for Couples and you’ll find the signup for the Sex Cleanse there.
Did you know that you can fuck your problems away? That cock can heal your depression? And open your heart? That pussy juice can take away your back pain? And give you energy? Did you know that certain sexual positions can make you smarter?
That’s right. You have a veritable pharmacy in your bed. Sex Rx or Good-fuck medicine, as I like to call it, is healing power that you have at your fingertips.
And your genitals.
Every time you have sex with your partner, you have the power to give them—and yourself—a rejuvenating, anti-aging, anti-depressant, weight loss drug and psychedelic experience all at once.
I don’t do coffee. I do orgasms.
My legendary Meditate, Masturbate, Create three-step formula will help you to break out of the habit of using sex as a genital sneeze and sleep aid and instead show you how to rewire yourself to get high, tap your creative genius, and infuse ecstasy into all of your waking life.
“Casual” sex is a massive contradiction and oxymoron. How casual sex really impacts you, in ways you’ve likely never thought of before.
"You’re always wet!”
This is one of the things my lovers have said to me most often.
They’re shocked.
They aren’t used to touching a women and she’s already dripping wet.
It’s normally something in the past that they have to work at to create, or need to squeeze out of a plastic tube.
Most men and women have been conditioned to think that lube doesn’t actually come from inside a woman’s vagina!
Me and thousands of vaginas are here to tell you that you’re wrong.
Lubrication definitely comes from vaginas.
Kung fu vaginas, anyway.
In this episode:
"I don't stargaze; I vagina-gaze."
This is one of the most profound podcast episodes I've done.
I interview our Well-F**ked All-Star Katie, who shares how she healed her sexual trauma primarily through using the jade yoni egg.
“I was one of those women you talk about who never even looked at my own vagina. I was terrified to. I couldn’t touch myself because of a longstanding history of childhood sexual trauma.”
She’d tried countless other therapies to address not only her trauma history, but the resulting expressions of it, like her endometriosis and painful periods.
I always say that ALL—and I mean ALL—reproductive ailments are symptoms of stuck sexual energy.
The source is often unresolved trauma.
It gets lodged in the body.
And to the body we must go, in order to find it, illuminate it, and transform it.
Exactly as Katie has done.
Through taking both VKF and WFW, Katie threw herself into this and applied ALL of the tools I offered her.
“My endometriosis is gone. Gone! No heavy periods, no painful bleeding. It is normal and healthy. I had tried lots of remedies and herbs…It was healing the sexual trauma. That’s what my body was crying out for.”
I used to associate being a woman with pain and trauma and blood. But now I dance around the house naked, reveling in the magical, sacred, special witch-iness of this woman’s body.
I went from being a highly sensitive person, to having a highly sensitive pussy.”
Katie also has some words for the skeptical and self-doubting:
“I know what it’s like to feel like you’re the one woman who can’t and who won’t. Now, from my experience, if I can, anyone can. If you keep showing up for yourself, your body will show up for you and you can be part of The Anami Guarantee.”
If you are new around these parts, The Anami Guarantee states that:
ALL people can.
All women can have ravenous libidos, experience multiple orgasms: G-Spot, ejaculatory and cervical. All women can have blissful periods and menopause. All men can last for hours in bed, have rock-hard erections into their 90s and learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation.
I truly love this interview, because it shows you that all the healing power you need, is right inside you.
If you’re ready for your own vaginal odyssey, you can join Vaginal Kung Fu now.
In the salon, you receive:
- The tools and techniques to uncover and recover from sexual trauma.
- Guided instructions to perform your own healing yoni massage
- Full jade egg workout routines
- Guided visualizations to help you with higher level subconscious healing and re-patterning: As above, so below.
- Breast massage techniques to tone, lift and enlarge the breasts
- Sexual position prescription mood guide—this tells you which sexual positions to be in to balance out different moods. For example, if you are angry, sad, depressed.
- Taoist qi gong practices to rid yourself of difficult PMS, periods and menopause
- How to use your sexual energy to create and attract abundance in your life
All this and more!
The salon is open for registration for another week, until Feb 4th.
I often use the hashtag: #poweredbyvagina
Which means: my vagina created this.
Vaginas aren’t just for making babies, you know!
They’re also for creating your dreams.
I’m always talking about how our sexual energy is creative, life-force energy.
If you aren’t creating babies with it, you can use it to build your life.
When your vagina is happy and healthy and it’s getting well-f**ked on a regular basis, it is very productive.
In fact, your life and work output is directly related to your vaginal satisfaction.
Turn on your vagina and you turn on your life.
With a switched on, aroused and activated vagina, your creative powers are at their maximum potential.
Your vagina is your mover and shaker. This is your ultimate power source.
Sexual energy is creative energy.
If you aren’t birthing babies with this energy, you can channel it out into the world and birth—and rebirth—every part of your life.
In this episode:
In this episode:
Do you have an uplifting vagina?
Did you know that lifting weights with your vagina does all of the following?
Yes, having a strong, uplifted vagina uplifts every part of your life.
When you lift at the genitals, you create an energetic uplift throughout the entire body.
In women, this translates into a natural facelift, breast lift.
Your sexual energy is one of your greatest and most creative tools.
When you are properly accessing it, you’ll see how it inspires your life, giving you a buoyancy, a resilience, and an ability to go with the flow.
It gets you high.
I always say—if you want to get high, have more sex.
If you want to get higher, have sex with a strong set of genitals that can pump up your sexual energy from your lower centres to your higher ones, cultivating higher potency encounters.
In this episode:
All my vaginal power secrets and practices will be revealed in the upcoming Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
The salon opens for registration on January 18th. Get on the list to be notified when it does, and check out my free preview video series for the salon now, which includes an exercise you can do tonight!
Click here to signup.
I did a podcast a couple of years back called “When One Person Wants to Grow”.
In it, I talked about what to do when one person in the relationship is more keen on growth and healing, and the other is not.
In Anami Land, a conscious, gourmet sex relationship requires both people to be actively participating.
It doesn’t work if one person is consistently putting in more effort than the other.
The magic only happens when both people dive deep and commit to 150% effort.
I highly recommend listening to the “When One Person Wants to Grow” episode. Consider this a follow up.
Let's say you tried what I suggested in that episode and your partner is still consistently uninterested in growing with you and cockblocks you and your relationship.
Here is my straight Anami-style talk about what I suggest.
In this episode:
There are so many pregnancy myths and misinformation that it’s truly a delight to bust them all.
Birth is painful?
Nope. Birth is actually meant to be the biggest orgasm of your life.
The safest place to have a baby is in a hospital?
Nope. It’s actually the most dangerous. The safest place to have a baby is at home.
You need an OBYGN to “deliver” your baby for you.
Lol, nope.
Your body and eons of encoded wisdom know exactly what to do if you can remove all of the bullshit programming and in-doctor-nation that tells you otherwise.
It’s “risky” to have a baby over the age of 30 or 35 or whatever the arbitrary number is they invent.
NOPE. So long as you are healthy and create space, you can get pregnant whenever you want.
And that is the topic of today’s podcast:
Conscious conception and a woman who is pregnant with her first child at age 45.
Today’s well-f**ked all star interview features Katalin, a first time mother who conceived her baby at age 45.
She’s taken a few of my salons and then signed up for Sexy Mama.
Within months of trying, she and her partner conceived. In her words:
“We never went to see a doctor, we just trusted that it will happen naturally.”
She was terrified of birth prior to taking Sexy Mama.
She’d bought into the fear mongering for most of her life—the sole purpose of which is to shepherd women into hospitals by convincing them of the lie that childbirth is far too dangerous to go through on their own—and she transcended it to the point where now after completing the salon she is “totally comfortable and will not even consider a hospital birth.”
In today’s episode:
The Sexy Mama Salon begins today!
This is my 8-week online salon on all things holistic pregnancy and ecstatic childbirth.
It's my view and experience that just like all women can have vaginal orgasms and voracious libidos, so too can they have orgasmic, transcendent, blissful births.
Yes, every woman can.
She just need to clear the blockages and programming she's taken on via a corrupt medical system and culture at large that seeks to remove a woman from this power.
I seek to restore her to it.
That's what we do in Sexy Mama. We systematically go through every stage from conception through pregnancy, birth and postpartum to "reprogram" you with all the strength and power and ecstasy to make these peak, life-affirming experiences and create an imprint of bliss for life.
Yes, it's possible for everyone.
These women are living proof. And so too can you be.
Even if you aren't currently pregnant or have immediate plans for children, I would suggest signing up so you can begin the "reprogramming" process and create confidence in your choices, knowing they are backed up by facts and impeccable research.
In this episode I chat with Rachelle Garcia Seliga of Innate Traditions and we discuss:
Birth is an initiation that unifies you with the cosmos and solidifies your role as a channel for the divine.
You are the vessel for life-force to come through. You are a portal to other dimensions.
In accessing these places, you ascend to higher states of consciousness. And you stay there. Because you’ve earned it.
Yes, this is what birth was meant to be.
The fact that most women’s birth experiences and the collective cultural understanding—or shall I say misunderstanding—of what birth is, is so FAR FROM this, tells us a lot about the problems in the current paradigm of the allopathic treatment of pregnant women.
Left to our their own devices, our bodies, and nature will create the most perfect and even orgasmic, psychedelic birth experience.
In today’s interview, we have the legendary Well-F**ked Star Amanda. We chat about:
The Sexy Mama Salon is open for registration!
This is my 8-week online salon on all things holistic pregnancy and ecstatic childbirth.
It's my view and experience that just like all women can have vaginal orgasms and voracious libidos, so too can they have orgasmic, transcendent, blissful births.
Yes, every woman can.
She just need to clear the blockages and programming she's taken on via a corrupt medical system and culture at large that seeks to remove a woman from this power.
I seek to restore her to it.
That's what we do in Sexy Mama. We systematically go through every stage from conception through pregnancy, birth and postpartum to "reprogram" you with all the strength and power and ecstasy to make these peak, life-affirming experiences and create an imprint of bliss for life.
Yes, it's possible for everyone.
These women are living proof. And so too can you be.
Even if you aren't currently pregnant or have immediate plans for children, I would suggest signing up so you can begin the "reprogramming" process and create confidence in your choices, knowing they are backed up by facts and impeccable research.
Register now:
It’s a commonly accepted and very socially validated reason not to have sex: You have kids Especially young kids.
Haven’t had sex in a few years? Of course! You have children! This is one of the most acceptable excuses there is.
No one will judge you or admonish you. They’ll just cluck their tongues and nod. Often, because they’ve been there too. Or, because it’s a convenient narrative to buy into, instead of looking at the real reasons this has happened.
In this episode:
I often say that it’s not “behind every good man is a woman”.
Au contraire.
Behind every good woman is a man, on his knees and ferociously thrusting and giving her everything he’s got.
In order to transform your partner into well-f**ked woman, your thrusting game needs to be on point.
To get to the deeper, vaginal, life-changing orgasms—G-Spot and cervical, women need SUSTAINED penetration.
A two-pump chump just ain’t gonna cut it.
In this video:
- Thrusting do’s and don’ts
- Techniques and maneuvers to be a power thruster
- The best position for cervical orgasms
- Strengthening the cock for Supercock-status thrusting
SEXUAL MASTERY FOR MEN: Supercock for Life!
In my signature 8-week online salon Sexual Mastery for MEN, you can learn how to:
- Achieve superstar stamina and be a marathon f**ker.
- Learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation
- Take that sexual creative power and manifest in your life with it
- Give your woman multiple G-Spot, cervical and squirting orgasms
- Build a Supercock with exercises to increase strength, length and girth
- Occupy your alpha, dominant masculine power and take charge in bed and in life
And much, much more!
You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.
Are you coming???
Register now:
An essential life skill of a Supercock is having total control over his ejaculation.
He is a marathon f**ker who can go for hours if he chooses to.
Being a man who knows how to separate orgasm from ejaculation?
THIS is probably the ultimate Supercock achievement.
Yes, it’s totally possible.
The Anami Guarantee states that:
All men can have rock solid erections into their 90s, master their orgasmic control and be able to go for an hour, three hours and all night if they wish.
And. All men can learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation.
I guarantee it.
This is something I teach in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.
In today’s All Star interview, we’re speaking with Steve.
Steve mastered this practice in two weeks.
In today’s episode:
In my signature 8-week online salon Sexual Mastery for MEN, you can learn how to:
You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.
Register now: https://kimanami.com/sexual-mastery-for-men-salon/
Cock is magical thing.
It’s healing, rejuvenating, recalibrating and it opens me up to life, bliss and the divine.
The best cock activates a pussy, setting it on fire so it can realize its true potential.
It functions as a barometer for the man and how he is showing up in his life.
Is he potent, solid and strong?
Then his erections will be as well.
I spoke in last week’s episode about the necessity of a man being able to f**k his woman into oblivion.
You do that with your Supercock.
A Supercock, as opposed to a regular ole’ cock, has realized its true nature and owns its power.
And wields it wisely.
And wildly.
In today’s episode on Supercock Superpowers I chat with Well-F**ked All Star Max on:
– Six qualities a Supercock has
– How to create your dream life—with your cock
– Using your cock as a healer
– Your cock as the great antenna to “point you in the right direction”
– Ejecting your sexual energy vs. using it to create with
Two of my favourite quotes from this interview:
“The old me would reach for a Red Bull. Now I reach for my cock.”
“If you have a goal and you want to reach it—sexuality is the way. It is the primary fuel. It is the primary building block. When you lead the way with the cock, things just fall into place.”
Spoken like a true Supercock.
Supercock training camp is open now for registration!
This 8-week virtual salon is all about harnessing male sexual power and rocking her world.
The salon covers all things sexual mastery:
You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.
Register today.
What does this even mean? To get fucked into oblivion?
It’s to get fucked so well, so thoroughly, so artfully, so heart-fully that it blows away all the pre-conceived, false notions of who you are, and leaves behind a more true, authentic and beautiful version of you.
Yes, all that and more from a good f**king.
If you’ve followed my work at all, you know that in Anami Land, a good f**king isn’t some version of superficial sex.
It’s deep mind, body, soul penetration.
It’s been seen and held at the deepest level of who you are, having anything that isn’t true or real in your life, blown to smithereens.
THAT is the true power of good-f**k medicine.
So how do you get there? HOW DO you fuck a woman like that?
Today’s all star Jim is going to share with you exactly that, how he went from wanting to end his marriage, to being more in love with his wife than ever, and giving her life-changing, God-seeing, multiple orgasms.
In our vulnerable and often hilarious conversation, we talk about:
- "The number of orgasms has increased along with the type of orgasms. Our highest number for Meg is 6 in one session. 2 cervical, 2 G-Spot, 1 clitoral.”
- Masculine dominance as a key to f**king your woman into oblivion—all hail masculine men
- Salvaging a marriage from the brink of “splitsville” by going all in
- The power of the radical-est radical honesty and the aphrodisiac of truth. Hint, the seemingly hardest truths to tell get you the most wet, hard and orgasmic.
- Witnessing a successful, Fortune 500 company “bulldog” of a woman find the bliss of her feminine flow
- Falling deeply in love with your partner after years of disconnection
We cover ALL of this in my legendary 8-week online salon—Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, where you’ll learn:
To porn or not to porn. That is the question!
A recent study showed that 94% of men had viewed pornography in the last six months.
And 82% considered themselves “regular viewers” of pornography.
There’s A LOT of information out there on the negative impacts of porn, from the depletion of testosterone and dopamine and its impact on erections, to how addictive it is, to keep its effects going.
And then there’s how porn effects a man’s relationships with women in general, and a regular partner especially.
Instead of rattling off a bunch more stats for you, I’m going to let Jonathon share with you directly.
He started using porn at age 17 and within a year had ED issues.
He’s had the classic porn trajectory, and now has come out the other side of it.
He says:
"Quitting porn was the best thing I ever did for my sex life.”
"Since starting the Sexual Mastery for Men course, I have not even thought of porn. The fire in our relationship has exploded once we got on the same sheet of music.”
In our raw and intimate conversation we talk about:
My Sexual Mastery for Men Salon opens in late August. In this 8-week online program for men you’ll learn everything from how to: Become a marathon fucker and be able to last for hours in bed
And much more.
You can signup for the salon and check out the free video preview series for the salon at:
Before I heard the term, “re-wilding”, I used to talk about the process of “de-civilizing”, which I defined as removing all of the false, super-imposed layers of conditioning we’ve taken on over the course of our lives, and leaving in their place, a purer, more authentic version of the self.
So there’s two parts to this journey then:
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ll see that I don’t recommend ANY artificial interferences in the sexual realm: that includes lube, Viagra, hormones—whether you want to call them “bioidentical” or not—and all ph-Harma_ceutical drugs.
I believe that pretty much anything can be healed naturally, through a combination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual work to find the energetic root cause.
In this episode:
Most men grow up with role models that are “toxic” or “beta".
The thing is, neither the “toxic” version nor the “beta” version are actual masculine energy.
They are devoid of it.
So what is true masculine energy? What are the qualities men can strive to develop in themselves, embodying the divine Supercock that is fulfilling for them and that women are craving?
In today’s episode we’ll talk:
For many men, they are going to have to chisel away at the parts of themselves that have been superimposed, traumatized and programmed through their upbringing and the culture surrounding them, to birth this divine masculine warrior and Supercock for the ages.
He’s there.
And as women, we. want. him.
So give him to us.
Yes, f**king is better than therapy.
I would know. I’ve done a lot of both.
Save thousands of dollars and hours.
Work it out in bed instead.
More effective, works faster and much better fun.
I mean, what is the purpose of therapy?
To confront your demons.
To heal.
To be honest with yourself.
To alchemize your wounds and past pain into wisdom and pleasure.
Well, my orgasms do that.
My cervical ones do, anyway.
They have for years.
And the fact that they do is why I do what I do.
Everything I teach about sex and intimacy is guiding you to the place where you can be your own self-healer and master creator of your reality.
And you can get there through your vagina.
Specifically, through your vaginal—and especially—cervical orgasms.
My big barometric question is: Does sex leave you feeling energized, rejuvenated, transformed, ecstatic and like it changed your life?
IF not, you are doing it wrong.
You can have sex in a way that depletes you.
Or energizes you.
I’m all about getting high through sex.
And if you are doing that, you are harnessing that super potent energy source that will enable you to do all kinds of things from manifest a new job, to a new partner and heal your body.
This is exactly what Alexa did.
She learned how to use this energy, consciously cultivating it, so that it became a tangible source of power, creativity and revitalization in her life.
Her story is mind and body-blowing and you can hear the well-f**ked radiance OOZE from her voice.
Hear how Alexa’s vagina helped her to:
"I would say 100% that the course that I did with you recently, and just your work in general, was a catalyst for healing for me in all levels of my life.”
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon—the ultimate guide to how to live, love and orgasm in a female body—is now OPEN for registration.
In the salon we cover:
Blow jobs can do all kinds of things.
They give pleasure.
And orgasms.
They can land you massive business deals.
And grow cocks.
They can make your yoga practice better.
And your children are calmer and happier.
They can make a man into a warrior, confident, alpha god.
And turn a woman into a sensual goddess.
Did you know that blow jobs are all that and more?
Their ecstatic and reality-bending powers are unlocked when you dive deep into the mysteries of cock love.
This magic bestows itself upon the recipient—and the giver.
In this interview we have Amanda, from our legendary All-Stars couple, Amanda and Mark.
We’ve featured them on the show several times already, and she writes in to give us regular updates on their adventures and their evolution, which are always amazing to hear.
This time they had a very powerful and miracle-worthy, experience with their oral sex explorations.
They had the biggest breakthrough EVER in their business, powered by a 90-minute oral sex session.
Yes, some devoted cocksucking made them rich.
We featured Amanda on the episode “Cock Lovers of the World Unite” where she shared her experience of dissolving a growth in her thyroid from doing lots of deep throating.
See? I told you. Sucking cock is a truly magical thing.
In the Well-F**ked Woman, which is my 8-week online Salon for all things female sexual mastery, you’ll receive my full tutorials on:
The salon begins on July 7th and registration closes on July 8th. Signup now!
This is one of my favourite things to put out there to people:
The promise that everyone CAN.
Whatever age or stage you are in your life, you can achieve all of the epic sexual adventures and milestones I talk about.
I guarantee it.
All women can:
These things are possible for every woman.
But Mila didn’t think they were possible for her.
She says: “I felt like I would probably be that one woman who didn’t get there.
I thought it was probably true for everybody, but given my whole sexual history from childhood onward and how I’ve always thought about sex, I didn’t think it was possible for me.”
How wrong she was.
After some Anami schooling, now she says things like:
“I want to have sex every single day.”
“I have cervical orgasms all the time now.”
“I want to get my husband’s pants off as soon as possible.”
“I’m pretty much always turned on.”
“I love giving him blow jobs.”
It was possible for Mila and it’s possible for you.
One of the reasons I LOVE featuring our All Stars, is so you know that you, too, can overcome any seeming obstacle, and turn yourself into a well-f**ked woman.
Every. Woman. Can.
I guarantee it.
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon—the ultimate guide to how to live, love and orgasm in a female body—is now OPEN for registration.
In the salon we cover:
Signup here:
Everyone wants to know: How to find "the one"!
First off, I don’t think there is just ONE person in a lifetime we’re meant to be with.
I believe there are several “ones” out there waiting for us.
How DO we find them?
How do we draw them into our lives and our hearts and our beds?
How do we find the people who will be most suited to us, who will match us and also help us reach our next stages of evolution?
When people are serious about drawing in new love, I encourage them to embark on a rigorous self-pleasure practice, to explore ways to amplify their feminine and masculine energies, and clear any blockages they have to fully owning and expressing as sexual beings.
As you clear out your old baggage and interferences, that make it harder for people—and the right people—to find and really see you, the signal you broadcast becomes super clear.
And you magnetize in your vibrational match.
I have countless stories from women who began their self-pleasuring practice in the Anami style: Meditate, Masturbate, Create or through using their jade egg for ONE DAY and they go out the next day in sweats, no makeup, not looking for anything or anyone, and guys come up to them at the gas pump, or run across the street to ask them for their number.
That energy is so palpable, that people are drawn to it like moths to the flame.
In today’s all star interview, I’m talking to Freya. She took the Well-F**ked Woman Salon a couple years back and has had a radical transformation, going from being sexually numb to ejaculating all over the place. I interviewed her earlier this year on her experiences with squirting, which you can find in the episode entitled …. 9 Steps to Make You a Squirting Master.
I wanted to bring her back on to share on other aspects of her transformation, including finding her voice as a poet.
Today, we discuss how she attracted in a beautifully matched life partner. (The wedding is in a couple of months).
In this episode:
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon opens for registration next week! In the salon, I show you how you can be well-f*ked, whether you are single or coupled.
In the Well-F**ked Woman, we explore:
Did you know that orgasms are one of the best fat-busters going? Science says!
I’ve worked with people who have done EVERYTHING to lose weight.
They had trainers, nutritionists, they were disciplined about eating and working out and there would be that last 10 or 15 pounds they just couldn’t seem to lose.
And then they’d start having gourmet sex.
The kind of sex I teach about, where they are being seen, fed and nourished.
Their hearts and genitals are open, and they are being changed by the potency of this deep, sexual love.
And then the extra weight evaporates.
They don’t do anything different - no changes in their diet or exercise.
They just got well-f**ked.
Deep, cataclysmic, vaginal orgasms, powerful connections.
And suddenly those abs were svelte and chiseled.
Like magic.
From your orgasms.
In this episode:
In this episode:
IN the Well-F**Ked Woman Salon, I help you to identify, excavate and transform your blocks and weaknesses into your greatest power.
I go into depth and share my personal journey in my nearly year long BDSM relationship where I went deeper than I ever had, and came into balance with my feminine self, learned the art of surrender and came out truly not giving a fuck anymore.
I’ll show you how to have the deeper vaginal orgasms, which are what help you to burn through the dross of your life and elevate yourself into your highest potential.
La petite mort" the little death and rebirth, indeed.
The Well-F**ked Woman salon begins in early July. In the meantime, you can signup for the free preview video series where I dive deeper into feminine power, vaginal orgasms and becoming a well-f**ked woman.
In this episode:
- How to unlock the orgasmic bliss in your breasts
- Owning and loving the breasts
- Breast massage to reconnect and increase sensation
- Reclaiming the breasts after breastfeeding
- From "boob" to "breast": the journey of taking our breasts back from public commodities to our own sentient, alchemical pleasure portals
This episode is a recording of an Instagram Live I did. I cover:
Genital sunning is all the rage. For good reason: it's incredibly good for you. I love my genital sun time, and I do it (nearly) every day.
In today’s episode:
Many people have misconceptions about what BDSM really is.
For anyone who doesn’t know, BDSM stands for:
Even me, before I learned about what it was, and how deep it could be, thought: “oh, whips and chains!”.
And, like with anything, there are superficial versions of it, and there are deeper, sacred and sophisticated versions of it.
Just like how I teach about sex.
i would say that the most “junk food” version of sex is to jerk off to porn, racing to the finish line of the goal of just having an orgasm for stress relief or to you put yourself to sleep.
The gourmet sex version, that I teach, is about having sexual experiences that take you to heights of ecstasy and bliss, give you orgasms that last for hours, and through that you are transformed.
You become a better, more self-realized of yourself.
It’s the same in BDSM.
The deepest themes for me in my BDSM exploration have been playing with surrender and control, and with archetypal feminine and masculine energies.
The hottest sexual chemistry and couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, generally have exaggerated feminine and masculine energies at play.
In today’s episode:
Signup for the Coming Together for Couples salon:
I'm always talking about the transformative power of sex.
It's where the whole "well-f**ked woman" and “well-f**ked man” memes comes from.
This is the idea that the changes and effects of really good lovemaking are written all over someone's face and body.
And so are the bad ones.
It becomes so obvious that other people can see and feel them.
As a lover, it's your duty to f*ck your partner open.
To penetrate them (man or woman) so deeply, that they forget who they are, they drop all the preconceived, civilized notions of who they are, and a truer, deeper, more real and powerful version of themselves rises to the surface.
F*ck them until you change them.
If you've finished making love with your partner and they aren't glowing, if they aren't looking at you like you are some kind of messiah god (does this seem lofty? I promise you it isn't), then you have further to go.
My big, barometric question is always: Does sex leave you feeling rejuvenated, energized, transformed, ecstatic and fuck-changed?
If not, you are doing it wrong.
My work is all about showing you how to do it right.
Of all the years—about 30—and all the different therapies—a shit ton—that I've experimented with over the years, none have changed me so quickly, so profoundly and so permanently as really. good. f*cking.
The kind of f*cking that replaces addictive behaviours, loses weight, turns anger into patience and depression into action.
To help create the kind of f*cking that changes you, listen to today’s episode.
In the Coming Together Salon, it’s all about the art of the Phoenix f-ck change.
How to have the kind of sex that changes your life.
The kind that brings you daily, good-f**k medicine, wildly ecstatic orgasms, a deeper connection than you ever thought possible, both with yourself and your partner,
In the salon, we touch on every aspect I’ve covered in today’s episode including:
To check out the free preview video series for the salon and to signup, go to:
In a loving, passionate, dedicated yoni massage, we are aiming to awaken, activate and bring deep, life-changing pleasure to the vagina and a woman’s overall sexual being.
Over the decades of doing my work, as a holistic sex and relationship coach, the thing I hear over and over from women is how numb their vaginas are.
One of the biggest tools I recommend for de-numbing and re-pleasuring the vagina is the jade yoni egg.
By building strength, sentience and articulation in the vagina, increasing circulation and oxygen flow, ALL things flow better: from lubrication to hormone transport to orgasms.
The other practice I recommend is yoni massage.
With focused, loving attention, we can transform a numb vagina into a multi-orgasmic and highly aroused one.
In today’s episode:
You'll find my fully guided yoni massage routine in the Coming Together for Couples Salon.
This is my 10-week signature online program for couples where we cover everything from squirting techniques in my entire Orgasmapedia, male stamina and marathon sex, communication skills and Tantric and Taoist practices.
Click here to sign up now.
The purpose of lingam massage is to awaken the true power of your man’s cock.
We want him to own and inhabit it, amplifying his capacity for pleasure.
And yours.
Then he can penetrate you with it, bringing both of you to ecstasy and obliterating you to smithereens, with an awakened and self-actualized cock.
Lingam massage can be totally transformational for your partner and your relationship.
Squirting has been written about for millennia. We find it referenced in text and teachings all over the world.
It is often described as: Food of the Gods. Nectar. Ambrosia. Amrita. The Fountain of Youth.
Even though squirting tends to be a highly sought after check-the-box sex act inspired by porn, it’s a profound experience to have and share with an intimate partner.
An anointing!
To coax these emissions out of a woman requires trust, openness and surrender.
These qualities are INFUSED into her essence.
Which is why it’s such a potent gift to receive, for both.
In this episode:
- Why squirting is an essential life skill for women
- Five facts about squirting
- How it feels in the body and emotionally
- Nine steps to squirting mastership
- The benefits of ingesting “amrita”
- How our all star Freya went from low interest in sex, to becoming a prolific, soak-the-sheets squirting sensation
Energy orgasms are orgasms that take place without and kind of touch whatsoever. You know the spiritual axiom that “thoughts are things.” Well, here we see that in action. Orgasms are things too and we can have them whenever and wherever we want!
How long can you make it last? How good can you take it? What’s it like to live in a perpetual state of bliss?
Slowing down and prolonging your foreplay not only primes you for marathon sex and the deeper orgasmic experiences, but afterward you feel even higher, ecstatic, transformed and like you’ve been reborn.
You are tapping into the rejuvenating, enlivening power of your sexual energy.
The more you treat foreplay like its own sex act and endgame, the deeper your sexual experiences will be.
There are stories in ancient Tantric texts about the ultimate battle for lovers:
To make the other come first.
Your job is to tantalize, tease and stimulate your partner so they live in an ongoing state of arousal.
Yes, this is possible.
In this episode, we'll discuss how:
Celibacy gets a bad rap because people don’t do it very well.
I would never counsel someone to just “give up sex” without any intention behind it.
Or, without learning how to channel their sexual energy.
That would be “unconscious celibacy”.
Doing it consciously is deciding to contain yourself for a while, to put an invisible “not available” sign on your forehead, and direct your energy inward.
This could be for any number of reasons, such as:
I often talk having had some of my most well-fucked periods of my life, when I was single.
If you know anything about my work, the way I define “well-f**ked” isn’t just about “having lots of sex”.
It’s having lots of gourmet, conscious, life-changing sex and channeling your sexual, pro-creative energy out into the world as a manifesting power to birth and shape your reality.
So how do we do this?
Show notes and product links here:
This is the ultimate creative power of the universe and it flows through you.
Instead of tuning into this ad riding this wave, most people are totally disconnected from and have disowned this power.
All of my work is about helping you get it back.
“Unexpressed creativity is not benign. It metastasizes”
~ Brene Brown
I say the same thing about your sexual energy: whatever you aren’t expressing and owning, inverts back on you and creates all kinds of stagnation and blockage in your life.
In today’s episode:
Plus, we have THREE Well-F**ked All Stars today sharing on how they have fuelled their creative projects and lives.
With their orgasms and vaginas.
My legendary Vaginal Kung Fu Salon is now open for registration until tomorrow—Friday February 4th at midnight PST.
In this 8-week online salon, I've compiled the best of my 30 years of sexual and vaginal experience (!) to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss. We cover everything talked about in today’s episode, from yoni massage to how to use the jade yoni egg, to activating your feminine energy as the receiver in your life—all of which bring you into your creative genius.
You'll learn:
After tomorrow, it's gone until 2023!
While the clitoris is good for a laugh or a warmup, if you really want to harness the power of your sexual energy, you need to go deeper.
A few inches deeper.
These deeper, vaginal orgasms are like the Loch Ness Monsters of sexuality. They are mysterious and subject to much skepticism and known only to some.
The reason why they elude many people, and especially laboratory analysis (though they’ve been sighted in some labs; mainly French, and not English), is because they involve far more than just technique.
In fact, I’d say that technique is less than 10% of what will take you there.
In this episode we cover the other 90%.
We also talk to Well-F**ked All Star Robin, who is a 44-year-old from our Well-F**ked Hall of Fame. She’s taken my salons for women and emerged out the other side a radiant, lubricating, ejaculating, vaginal orgasming-on-the-regular, sexual powerhouse.
My legendary Vaginal Kung Fu Salon is open for registration!
Having a Kung Fu Vagina is every woman’s birthright and within her natural abilities.
With the right tools!
This is what is possible for every single vagina, on the daily:
In short: Ecstasy and power on tap. Courtesy of your Kung Fu Vagina.
Come and get it: www.kungfuvagina.com
Most vaginas are numb. They aren't pleasured or exercised well, and they atrophy into a place of disconnection and lackluster existence. You can change that, and instead cultivate a Super Pussy that is:
- Strong, articulate and powerful.
- Orgasms wherever, however, whenever it wants, with the full range of orgasmic pleasure: clitoral, G-Spot, cervical orgasms
- Feels blissful during sex
- Has a voracious libido
- Can give hand jobs. Just like with your actual hand, a super pussy can push, pull, squeeze and isolate different sections of the muscles, playing the proverbial flute.
- Produces “tsunamis of lubrication”
- Shoots ping pong balls. This is every woman’s God-given right.
In this episode, we’ll cover:
All my vaginal power secrets and practices will be revealed in the upcoming Vaginal Kung Fu Salon. The salon opens for registration on January 19th. You can get on the list to be notified when it does, and check out my free preview video series for the salon now:
Organic sex toys. Is that even a thing?
There definitely are #thingsIwouldputintomyvagina and things I would not.
The whole Anami philosophy is about cultivating the highest quality experiences and using the healthiest and most holistic products in our intimate lives.
I created the Anami Alchemia online shop so that we could feature exactly that:
Erotic accessories you could trust to be an extension of the Anami way of life:
Beautiful, (functional), impeccable quality, and nourishment for your body and spirit.
So let’s talk about clean, organic and body-friendly erotic accessories to uplevel your orgasmic enlightenment.
They apply to all women, all vaginas, everywhere.
They are true in every circumstance, 100% of the time.
There are NO exceptions to these rules.
It doesn’t matter if a woman has had everything from sexual trauma, to reproductive organs removed, to a strict religious and shaming upbringing to being in menopause, to having emerged out of a 20-year shitty marriage or whether she is straight or gay, single or coupled.
These laws apply to EVERY WOMAN at any and every stage of her life.
We don’t do excuses in Anami Land. Or Band-Aids.
Only solutions.
So buck up bitches and let’s go.
One of the things I hear most often from women who had a transcendent, empowering, largely independent, birth experience, is that it wipes out the residue of former births they may have had, where they were more entrenched in the allopathic system.
Women who had C-sections have gone on to have triumphant free-births at home, which we’ll hear about in today’s episode.
All of the education I put out around this topic is to reassure and REMIND you that YOU can do this.
In order to have this kind of orgasmic, ecstatic birth experience means taking the reins early on in your journey.
Even during conception.
As you work out the kinks and blocks in yourselves and the collective of your relationship, you free up the flow for a smoother conception, pregnancy and birth.
Anything significant that is NOT resolved between you, will show up in your birth.
And even before that in your pregnancy and even before THAT in your conception journey.
Combine all of that with the programming and imprinting you receive around birth, you’ve got a lot of work to do to clear the space.
The most important “preparation” you can do is on your mindset, your fears, your internalized beliefs and then setting to work on reframing and recreating all of that to fit the vision YOU want to have.
In today’s episode, we are talking with our Well-F**ked All Star couple of the year, Mark and Amanda.
Their story is amazing, and encapsulates ALL of the concepts I’ve just described.
Amanda’s first child was breech, and she was told that she’d have to have a C-section.
Her fourth child was born at home, in her bed, with just her husband present. This was a free birth, with no one attending her pregnancy either.
In between all of that was FIVE miscarriages.
Their story is amazing, inspirational and super entertaining, as they share what happened and how they evolved along the way.
Anyone can take their power back, and recreate their lives.
Including you.
The Sexy Mama Salon begins today!
This 8-week online class is ALL about how to educate yourself, deprogram and reprogram yourself as the powerful portal you truly are.
We cover everything from conscious conception, blissful pregnancy, birth orgasms, breastfeeding and early childhood education.
This is the ultimate condensed and enlightened guide on how to use pregnancy and birth as an ascension experience and raise independent, free thinkers in the process.
It all starts with birth.
A natural, sovereign, empowered pregnancy and birth brings you:
The Sexy Mama Salon is now open for registration.
This 8-week online class is ALL about how to educate yourself, deprogram and re-program yourself as the powerful portal you truly are.
We cover everything from conscious conception, blissful pregnancy, birth orgasms, breastfeeding and early childhood education.
This is the ultimate condensed and enlightened guide on how to use pregnancy and birth as an ascension experience and raise independent, free thinkers in the process.
It all starts with birth.
This is one of the topics I get asked about ALL the time: “How do we talk to our children about sex?”
This question becomes even more crucial to parents, as they begin doing this work of orgasmic enlightenment.
As they see and feel the changes in their own relationships and lives, they wonder:
“How can we present a different view of sexuality to our kids, than we got?”
“How can we make it so that they don’t have to go through all of the de-programming that we have?”
f you aren’t guiding your children and modelling a healthy sex life to them, someone else will.
That will likely be through pornography, or the cultural messages of shame, violation and unconsciousness, or the school “sex ed” messages of “sex will kill you and get you pregnant, now off you go”.
The responsibility for educating your children about sex and how to cultivate a healthy, sacred, powerful relationship with it, begins with you.
In this video, I chat with our Well-F**ked All Star Couple of the Year, Mark and Amanda. We discuss:
Sign up for my Sexy Mama: Holistic Pregnancy and Ecstatic Birth Salon and watch the free video preview series:
In our conversation, we chat about:
Everyone can reach these places. If you put in the time and energy. It’s the Anami Guarantee:
That’s why I’ve created all of my salons—to get you there.
The Sexual Mastery for Men Salon is open! This 8-week virtual salon is all about harnessing male sexual power and rocking her world. The salon covers all things sexual mastery:
You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.
Are you coming???
Mark shares his perspective as the other half of this radiantly well-f**ked couple, and the impact that up-levelling their sex life has had on all parts of his life, from finance and business, to parenting and friendships and of course, as a man who can f**k his woman open to smithereens.
He can have sex for hours, he can come—or not—when he wants to. He is giving his woman multiple, vaginal, life-changing orgasms. And throat-gasms. And anal-gasms.
He is the well-f**ked man, to his well-f**ked woman. He becomes the man he was always meant to be.
Sexual Mastery for Men is open now! In my signature 8-week online salon for men, you’ll learn:
Stamina is: when a man has complete control of his ejaculation. He comes when he wants. Even in the most sexy, wild moments, with his woman’s butt up in the air, and her back arched and she’s making those crazy noises that just. send you… you keep it together.
For women to reach the deeper vaginal orgasms—G-Spot and cervical—it can take 30-45 minutes. Women were built for the long haul. They are naturally multi-orgasmic and sexually insatiable.
One of the main reasons they never realize their full potential is because they’ve had a series of male lovers who are two-pump chumps.
You can be much better than a two-pump chump.
Marathon stamina is one of the many things I teach in my signature 8-week online program for men. Not only will you learn how you, too, can fuck like Sting, but you’ll learn how to:
- Grow cock organically with lengthening and strengthening exercises
- Bring her to deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot and cervical
- Reclaim your masculine strength and power
Registration is open now. Signup:
NOTE: This episode is a video I highly suggest you WATCH on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szfTXMUIE8g
In this week’s special investigation SMM news report, we bring you a visual depiction of the Beta Variant pandemic. And it’s cure: The Alpha Variant.
The report features:
A great question I received after last week’s provocative episode, was: Can Beta Variants be transformed into Alphas?
ANSWER: Yes, they can.
Beta behavior is learned and acquired, both socially and physically. Any man can take charge of his life and make massive changes and in a short period of time.
Your sexual energy is the quantum leap shortcut to getting there. Once you have mastery over it, that dominion extends to all parts of your life: woman, confidence, finances, career.
In my Sexual Mastery for Men, I show you how to occupy your fully embodied, testosterone-fuelled, ultra-f**kable masculine self.
Salon opens next week!
In today’s episode, a blunt examination of:
My 8-week Sexual Mastery for Men Salon is ALL about this: Life AND cock power. We cover everything on how to better occupy your masculine strength in and our of the bedroom.
The salon opens in the next few weeks: you can signup for the FREE preview videos series here.
From guys in their early 20s with longstanding porn habits, to 70-year-olds who had bought into the fable that old age diminishes their potency, all have been able to NATURALLY regain rock-hard, high-performance Supercocks. Without Viagra.
Watch the video version on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZTYzGeNNhE
Check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon:
Why surrender is essential for deep sexual fulfillment. And orgasms. Surrender elevates our sexual experiences, taking us from junk-food sex, into the transcendent, life-changing world of gourmet sex.
Cock like vs. cock love. How true cock love increases a man's size, erectile strength and overall confidence. Being on the receiving end of a self-actualized cock makes you an even more well-f**ked woman. Indeed, cock love can bring YOU ecstasy. And oh yeah, him too.
Hand jobs are the most underrated sexual act. But they can be so much more: fully satisfying and deep experiences all on their own. In the spirit of Tantra, and expanding the sexual experience, having longer foreplay sessions not only builds stamina, but it generates more energy and rejuvenation. And lots more bliss. Plus, who doesn’t want to become an enlightened Mistress of Cock? *** Watch the video version on my YouTube channel.
Dr. Kim Anami, Director of the CUFDC (Center for Underf**ked Disease Control) gives her recommendations for getting us out of the FUKME pandemic, and addresses the latest variants. ** Highly recommend you watch the video version of this on my YouTube channel.
Self-pleasuring tips to make you a multi-orgasmic, ejaculating, well-fucked woman and have your orgasms that are therapeutic, transformative, life-changing and leave you feeling ecstasy for DAYS.
Creating beautiful breasts is a mix of physical and energetic practices. In this video we explore my top tips for cultivating radiant, orgasmic, pleasurable breasts, including how to increase breast size by 25%, Kim's favorite breast massage oil, detoxing the breasts, how to sunbathe your breasts for maximum Vitamin D, o bra or not to bra, best prevention to keep breasts lifted and firm and the role of breasts overall in female orgasm.
Kim Anami talks to Kelly Brogan, MD on seizing your power, healing yourself of anything, and the art of not giving a f**k.
Your sexual energy is so powerful that it writes itself all over you. It can alter your face and your body, more powerfully than any kind of plastic surgery or injectable can. The combustion and fusion of your sexual energy, combined with the love, emotion and surrender, creates the alchemizing power of the HOLY FUCK. Here are 9 dimensions of well-f**ked beauty, Anami-style.
These are the most powerful healing practices I know, teach and have used for years. Quantum growth on demand. All free!
By consciously tuning into our sexual energy, we could use it to help us reach higher states of consciousness. No drugs needed! You can tap the source from within. In this episode: the five primary pillars of Tantra, your keys to creating a sacred sexuality relationship, three famous Tantric sex positions demonstrated, full-body expanded orgasms. Check out the full video version on kimanami.com
Your complete guide to all the orgasms, ever, that EVERYONE can have.
The violation of trust in a relationship is one of the hardest things to recover from. Once broken, can you get it back? What if you could build back stronger and deeper than ever?
The connection between what happens in your bed, and what happens in life. More bliss in bed = more bliss in life.
Sex as a healing prayer. How to make love to all of creation. The life-giving power of worshipping at each other's genitals. Healing the future and the past with the power of your conscious, elevated, sexual connection. Get on your knees and pray.
The more ways we can learn to penetrate each other, the better. Our bond grows deeper and our sexual repertoire expands.
After you have an argument, or any kind of significant separation with your partner, be if physical or emotional, one of the fastest ways to get back into the sweet spot of your love… is to get back into the sweet spot of your love.
Grow or die? Grow or lie. The weight of unexpressed truth crushes libidos and our appetite for life. Radical honesty lights up our relationships and genitals.
When you turn on your vagina, you turn on your life. As you wake it up and activate it to be the divine birth-er of all things, it does exactly that, energetically. It magnetizes opportunities, people, ideas and wealth. Right into your lap. Because that’s exactly what attracted them!
Female ejaculation is real! And every woman can do it. "Squirting" has been found in texts all over the world, spanning centuries. Just like with the jade egg and vaginal strengthening, this is an art form that has been practiced since ancient times.Wild and wise vaginas are nothing new.
They just need a revival these days!
In this episode:
The elusive nipple and breast-gasm. How does it feel? What does it take to get there? Amanda shares how she went from having no orgasms at all, to having all the orgasms. All the time. Including ecstatic nipple and breast orgasms.
Wet, wet, wet. Wetter than wet. What is normal in Anami Land? Getting wet hearing your lover’s voice, even without touch. Having wetness of tsunamic proportions well into your 50s, 60s and 70s. Yes, this can be the New Normal for all.
The Anami guide to upleveling your life through your breakup. Use this opportunity and time between relationships to heal, cleanse and bring forth the best version of yourself to attract a high-vibration next partner.
It's more common than you think. In fact, it happens all the time, all day, every day, in American hospitals. Let's view the sordid world of OBGYN “medicine” to expose yet another heinous “just-another-day-in-the-life” practice they use all the time.
The most powerful, wise and accomplished guide for your birth is your own body and intuition. Three stories of women rejecting the medical system and following their internal guidance to birth unassisted, emerging triumphant and reborn.
The bliss and the facts. Kim talks to Jennifer Grayson, author of Unlatched, on the epidemic of formula-fed babies with their decades of side effects, and how the breast truly is best.
The biggest high of a woman’s life is the ecstasy of childbirth. Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova shares her experiences with birthing women in the wild of the Black Sea in Russia, with dolphin midwives, and what it takes to clear the path to a blissful birth.
Raising rebels and free thinkers. Unschooling is learning 7 years of math in 20 hours. Acquiring reading skills overnight. A child finding their zone of genius and easily turning that into a vocation. It's the opposite of the modern public school system.
An MD Supercock shares his experiences in mastering the 3-hour sex date, infinite stamina, separating orgasm from ejaculation and helping patients find the missing piece in their mysterious ailments: sex.
BDE is the confidence and self-love someone has when they have got the goods. A man can have BDE, regardless of the size of his physical c*ck. What can men do to step back into their masculine power and OWN that shit?
When I posted this list on social media, these were the female responses: “I’m aroused now.” "💦💦💦" “OMG this is perfect. Where can I get me one of these men? “I think I may have had a mental orgasm reading and thinking about this.” “There needs to be a dating site where men can show their graduation certificate from this course.”
We discuss the most common sexual blocks for men and Kim's top five solutions for healing and transformation to Supercock status.
A deeper look at the symbolism in current events today.
Yes, you can still be epically well-f**ked, even without a lover. In fact, one of the most powerful things you can do to ATTRACT a high-quality partner, is to go f**k yourself.
G-Spot orgasms for all! We talk the elusive G-Spot orgasm and squirting phenomena. Hear from a woman who went from clitoral to G-Spot in a week! Come one, come all.
Transformational, arousing, orgasmic! For her—and for him. Plus, throat-gasms. Activate your throat chakra to find your voice.
Everyone has a voracious sex drive. If it’s not apparent, then it’s buried under blocks, beliefs and trauma. The Anami Guarantee is that everyone can have this.
Orgasms are my "gateway drug" to higher states of consciousness, awareness, self-realization, bliss and healing.
For millennia, the true power and pleasure of sex has been obscured. Why? Who would want to remove this knowledge and potent energy source from people, that they literally have at their fingertips?
I've been asked to give my thoughts on current global racial events. Here they are.
What's normal? Suicide-inducing periods? Removal of internal organs? A sterilized society? Or 60 cervical orgasms in a row? And eight-hour lovemaking sessions after which you want to run a marathon? What is your #newnormal?
My latest viral sensation is taking over the world. Find out how you can go viral too!
What does it take to be an original, a game changer and a true leader? The only people who say "There is nothing original out there!" are people the tepid and boring. The rest of us are disrupting and creating as a way of life. What are our secrets?
What is Tantra? Kim shares her own Tantric experiences and the history behind this 5000-year-old art, as well as techniques you can use tonight to experience deeper and more cataclysmic sex.
How to have sex with your partner while they are across the room, or across the planet. Consciously exchange and feel energy with your partner and come to orgasm, without any physical touch involved. Here are five steps to get there.
Practicing these techniques will take your relationship into the realm of superhuman. Where it is supposed to be. We'll talk to a Super-Power Couple and hear their secrets to ongoing passion.
The spiritual and the sexual come together in the ultimate crucible of creation and transformation: the holy fuck. If sex doesn't change your life and self-actualize you, you're doing it wrong.
Pioneer stem cell biologist Bruce H. Lipton, PhD was first to prove that "thoughts are things." He shows how thoughts and feelings have more healing power than any medicine. Also: lifelong passion and bliss are totally possible. Because science.
The insatiable, available and fully surrendered woman, owning her ecstasy, is soul food for a man. Learn what a man's single biggest turn on is, and what also drives him away.
Not only does amazing sex and orgasms boost your immunity, but the energetic, emotional and psychological actions of being loved, seen, penetrated, cherished and well-f**ked create a supersonic shield around you that repels negativity of all kinds.
“The most attractive thing a man can do is exactly what he says he’s going to do.” This is you key to the vaginal kingdom. It trumps everything. We talk today about what truly opens a woman to deeper love and orgasms.
Please just f**k the shit out of your girlfriend instead.
Want to get rich? When you awaken and activate your vagina, and your creative, orgasmic energy will be at your fingertips to manifest whatever you want in your life.
The normal, healthy baseline for vaginas is to be able to shoot ping pong balls, have multiple, ejaculating orgasms, be lubricating and full of libido well into your eighties. The jade yoni egg can help get you there.
What are cervical orgasms? How do they feel? How do you get there? These are the life-changing orgasms that all women can have. Hear from Sarah and her journey from religious oppression to now finding God—in her vagina.
Unless people clear out and heal their trauma, it’s very difficult to create healthy, powerful relationships and intimacy–with themselves or another person. Here's how to start and reconnect, own and love your sexual self.
Prior to modern religions teaching that menstruation is impure and unholy, and allopathic views that it is inconvenient and disposable, menstruation was once considered a magical and powerful thing by cultures all over the world.
“Quack” is often the term given to describe unscrupulous, deliberately fraudulent, or too-lofty-and-not-justified claims from some kind of health product or service. Who is really peddling the snake oil these days?
Women doin' it for themselves: birthing their babies without any outside assistance, except their partners. We talk why to free birth with Emilee and how with Hannah's story of birthing in her backyard tub, letting only her body and intuition guide her.
“My birth was all of the orgasms I ever had, rolled into one” We talk pleasurable birth—your biggest orgasm ever! How orgasms and sexual self-knowledge are the ultimate preparation for orgasmic, all-natural birth.
The best birth expert in the world? You. Women’s bodies are designed in a beautiful orchestra of hormones and biofeedback, to have blissful, orgasmic, self-actualizing birth experiences. It's only in interfering with that where problems are created.
In the market for a new OBGYN? Here's the definitive guide to the questions you OUGHT to be asking of the profession that used to hang women upside down and apply a hot branding iron to "scare" a uterus back in place. Have things improved much since?
Is it really possible to grow cock? Organically? Learn my top five holistic methods for increasing length, girth and cock-fidence.
I know men in their 70s who still have raging erections and I know 20-somethings who take Viagra. What makes one erection legendary and the other limp? My top tips for cultivating powerful cock.
Every man can learn how to separate orgasm from ejaculation, experience full-body ecstasy, plus have enough energy to run a marathon afterwards. Plus, we hear from a man who can have dozens of orgasms during his 14-hour sex dates.
Male circumcision has the same purpose as in females–to stop sexual pleasure. Kim interviews American Circumcision film director Brendon Marotta to discuss the facts: what this barbaric practice really does to men and how can they heal from it.
Kim and Wim wax poetic and uncensored on the ecstasy of sex, rewilding and using the tools at our disposal—breath, sexuality and the power of nature—to self-actualize. And have plenty of orgasms and break a few Guinness World Records along the way.
A true aphrodisiac generates signs of sexual arousal—higher libido, increased lubrication, easier and longer-lasting erections and more sexual organ sensitivity. Chocolate and oysters? No. Herbs? Yes. Find out my top, scientifically-backed picks.
There is a reason we call people “tight asses" or “anal retentive.” They’re in need of loosening up. A little anal en-light-enment is just what I prescribe to open, awaken and spiritually transcend when you feel stuck.
EVERY woman is capable of deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, AFE zone, squirting and cervical orgasms. These are the orgasms that change your life.
Being well-f**ked is an amazing weight loss tool. Not only does a steady diet of good loving' fill you up, your potent sexual energy burns through all of your stagnant emotional and psychological "weight" at quantum speed.
BTE is a tangible energy that reaches out and makes itself known before you even see a woman's physique: confidence and self-love, embodied. How can you cultivate it and reclaim your breasts as glowing orbs of light, whatever size they are?
How can you be a modern and feminine woman? Can you be career-driven and still be in your feminine power? A yang in the streets and a yin in the sheets…?
Despite what you’ve been told—and the hormones you've been sold—menopause and beyond can still be a time of high libido, gushing lubrication and ecstatic sex. Without hormones or surgeries.
Multi-orgasmic, plenty of lubrication and the ass of a 20-year-old: This is the "new" aging, which is typically another area of normalized dysfunction and ill health. Embrace what is, but “what is” doesn’t need to be a substandard state of being. Rock it!
How do you draw your ideal partner into your life? It's not what you think. Hear Kim's formula for attracting new love and two amazing success stories.
From pelvic exams to birth control, to the way most have been coerced into giving birth, women have been taking it lying down for a long time. Learn about how to take your reproductive power back and care for and heal thyself.
One of the fastest roads to your creative genius is tapping into your sexual energy. As life-force energy, you can harness this power and channel it into your creative projects, your work and every area of your life.
It feels as though every cell in your body is having an orgasm. Tingling, shaking euphoria that lasts for minutes, hours—even days! Afterwards you feel energized, rejuvenated and ready to run a marathon. Welcome to the wild world of full-body orgasms.
Give your partner an ecstatic, transcendent penis massage. Benefits: More pleasure and sensation; stronger erections and orgasms; feeling more consciously connected to his sexuality; help to heal sexual trauma and disconnect.
Spending focused time, touch and attention on each other’s genitals is profoundly hearing and awakening. Learn how to give a healing, awakening and arousing pussy massage.
Is it possible to be in a committed, sexual relationship with one person? For years and decades? And for the sex continue to be amazing the whole time?
When happens when you are focused on growth and your partner isn't? What can you do to invite them forward? Can you realize your full potential in a relationship where both people aren't committed to their evolution?
Are you “great partners and buddies” who work really well together at the business of raising a family and running a household? Or is the core of your relationship heart-shattering, soul-renewing, cosmic passion from which all else flows?
Sex is the glue in your relationship, but couples often forget this. Thirty days of loving touch will help you to remember. Yes, singles, you too can—and ought to—do this as well.
Gourmet sex is when you bring all of your deepest parts to the table. Your heart and your genitals. You are open. You let yourself be seen. This is the kind of sex that changes your life.
Even though one of my biggest health hacks has to do with a deep and abiding love of eggplants, there are many other things I do, eat and rub all over me on a regular basis. In this episode, I share my favourite tools for daily enlightenment.
Crystal medicine is the new—and ancient—frontier of DIY natural healing.
Learn which are the best crystals for improving libido, erections, lubrication, ejaculation, orgasms, and healing sexual abuse. And how to best use them.
Imagine a whole weekend that’s all about…sex. With a partner. Or by yourself. No digital screens. No alarm clocks. Unplug. Shut out the distractions of the busy, noisy world. Massage. Soak in a tub. Swim in the ocean. Have sex multiple times a day.
You can have an incredible sex life…even if you’re single. Learn my consciousness-expanding, self-pleasuring techniques to amplify your sexual energy and magnetize your deepest desires of love, creativity and abundance.
A pillar of my professional—and personal—philosophy is to schedule a 3-hour sex date every week. This becomes the sanctuary and refuelling station in your relationship and can nourish and rejuvenate you through your entire week. We discuss what it looks like, why three hours specifically and how to do it, do it, do it.
Your vagina is meant to be strong, articulate and highly pleasurable: to both you and your partner. “Pompoir” is the ancient art of cultivating vaginal stroking so as to make a man ejaculate or stop him from ejaculating—with the power of your vagina alone. Having a powerful, articulate, consciously aware vagina is also a metaphor for how you live your life.
We are in the midst of an epidemic. Women are losing—and voluntarily parting with—their reproductive organs at an alarming rate. Breasts, cervixes, uteruses. Are they really so disposable? Is organ removal really necessary? Are there other ways to remedy these issues? Yes!
These days, so much dysfunction has become normalized. My assertion is that multi-orgasmic, ejaculating, ping-pong ball shooting vaginas are the norm, not the exception.
Learn about the most effective, OBGYN-endorsed, vaginal workout on the planet.
Tales of my evolution and orgasms to be the chandelier-vaginal-weight-lifting maestro I am today.
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