As millions of consumers around the world interact daily with online businesses and social media platforms, the call for Congress to enact enhanced data privacy and security laws at the federal level has grown louder. How far should federal legislation go in preempting the emerging patchwork of state data privacy laws? In this episode, hosts Alicia Downey and John Roberti talk with Maureen Ohlhausen, former Acting Chairman of the FTC, about whether comprehensive federal data privacy legislation is a better approach to regulating the collection, use, and sharing of consumers’ personal data. Listen to this episode to learn more about the FTC's role in enforcing existing consumer data privacy laws and the key differences among the current proposals for broader federal legislation.
Related Links:
July 28, 2021 Press Release, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
September 29, 2021, Senate Hearing on Protecting Consumer Privacy, on C-Span
Hosted by:
Alicia Downey, Downey Law LLC and John Roberti, Allen & Overy LLP