The 2023 Annual Spring Meeting of the ABA Antitrust Law Section offered the Our Curious Amalgam team a chance to speak with international competition law enforcers from around the world, including Germany and Spain. In this episode, we ask Andreas Mundt, the president of the German Bundeskartellamt and Cani Fernández, the president of the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission, about their enforcement priorities, what trends they see on the horizon, and what advocates with matters before their agencies should do to be most effective. As a bonus, listeners will also get to know our distinguished guests a little better on a personal level.
With special guests:
Andreas Mundt, President, the Bundeskartellamt and Cani Fernández, President, Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
Related Links:
Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC)
Hosted by:
Sergei Zaslavsky, O'Melveny & Myers LLP and Alicia Downey, Downey Law LLC