The implications of a merger are measured against the situation without the transaction going ahead. But what happens when the business being taken over is in difficulties? Courtney Dyer of O'Melveny & Myers in Washington, DC and Nicholas Levy of Cleary Gottlieb in London join Matthew Hall and John Roberti to discuss the application of the merger control rules to failing firms, including the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Listen to this episode to learn more about the failing firm "defense" in merger control in the U.S., EU, UK and elsewhere.
Related Links:
Summary of UK CMA’s position on mergers involving ‘failing firms’ (April 2020) UK CMA investigation of Amazon's investment in Deliveroo (2020) EU Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings (2004) U.S. DoJ and FTC horizontal merger guidelines (2010)
Hosted by:
Matthew Hall, Partner, McGuireWoods London LLP and John Roberti, Partner, Allen & Overy LLP