Our Paranormal Afterlife : Finding Proof of Life After Death
This week the books I am reading from are 'Lasting Impressions: A Medium’s Cherished Messages from Spirit' by Geoffrey Jowett and 'Abducted & Furious: How I Fought Back and How You Can Too' by Lisa O'Hara.
Geoffrey Jowett
The natural and supernatural worlds are deeply intertwined. And though many of us may have difficulty accessing the spirit world, there are those among us who have the ability to sense and connect with the unseen world of spirit, bridging the gap and linking them together for us.
In Lasting Impressions, author and medium Geoffrey Jowett invites us on his remarkable lifelong journey serving the spirit world, where he accepted the honor and reverence of being a mediuma voice for beings who have crossed the bridge into spirit. From his earliest memories of staring with awe and wonder at the luminescent entities that would visit him as a child, to his life of training and cultivating his interest in spirituality and higher consciousness, Geoffrey shares his calling and joy to be communicating messages from the higher vibrational plane of spirit.
The main purpose of spirit communication is to support the natural law that life is continuous and eternal! Therefore, consciousness survives the death of the physical body. Beyond that, spirits have many reasons to give messages, such as those of encouragement, direction, appreciation, and wisdom. Hear in Lasting Impressions these compelling messages, and be a part of the link between the natural and the spiritual.
Since childhood, Geoffrey Jowett has had the ability to sense and connect with the unseen world of spirit. It wasn’t until later in life, however, that he chose to make a career of spiritual mediumship. First, he cultivated his affinities for the biological sciences and natural law. He obtained a Bachelor of Biology from the State University of New York at Brockport and a Master of Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Buffalo. For a decade after college, Geof pursued a career in biotechnology as a molecular biologist, project manager, and biotech instructor. He then followed a unique career path in higher education: first, as a college biology and anatomy instructor at four traditional colleges and universities; then, as dean of students at an art and design college; and finally, as vice president of student affairs at a university of alternative medicine.
Behind the scenes throughout these years, Geof nurtured his interest in spirituality and higher consciousness. He received certification from the Morris Pratt Institute in Mediumship and
became an ordained minister through the New Thought Spiritual Center of Palm Springs. In a stroke of divine serendipity, he was fortunate to grow up just miles from Lily Dale Assembly, the international center of modern spiritualism in upstate New York.
Here, he refined and learned to better understand his skill as a spiritual medium and intuitive.
Geof now finds his greatest calling and joy to be communicating messages from the higher vibrational plane of spirit. He also provides readings of individual soul progression and personal Akashic records. In these endeavors, he integrates his logical, scientifically trained
mind with his intuition and spiritual insight. For over ten years, he has used his organizational and teaching skills to facilitate workshops in spiritual development, intuition, chakra balancing, meditation, karma, and reincarnation. Linking natural science with spirit is his passion.
Geof is the author and creator of three other books and two meditation CDs, including:
• The Power of I Am: Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness
• What’s Cooking in Heaven, Grandma?
• Hope for Parents Who Have Lost Children: A Medium’s Communication with Children in Heaven
• Allowing Peace: Self-Guided Meditations with Your Spirit Guides (Meditation CD)
• Harmonizing the Chakras of Consciousness (Meditation CD)
Through all of his endeavors, Geof helps others on their journeys of enlightenment to recognize that each of us is an eternal and infinite part of God, and that our most important purpose in life is to perpetuate divine love. It would be Geof’s joy and privilege to help you communicate
with your loved ones in spirit and better understand your soul’s purpose and progress. For more information or to schedule a reading, workshop, or presentation, please see his website or feel
free to connect with him.
Lisa O'Hara
The reasons I wrote this book are three fold. First, to write about myexperiences, second to raise awareness, and third, to help anyone that hasbeen abducted by ETs or the military. I wanted to be able to share the information from my spirit guides on how to fight back against being abducted to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. As more and more people awaken to the truth, they will need resources. We need more people to speakout, but we also need tools to fight back. Once I found tools, used them and they worked, I knew that I could not keep them to myself. I had to find my people and share the tools. Sounds easy, but it is difficult in a world where no one talksabout being abducted by ETs.
When I discovered in 2017 that I was being abducted by Grays every single night, I freaked out. My world was turned upside down and I felt scared to death and unsafe. It made me question the bucolic feeling of Earth. There is a safety that we all feel being here. Nothing is perfect, but we can often feel relatively safe. We feel we can pin down the fears and see them—robbers, criminals, etc. But, when we know something is happening to us that we don’t understand, or that we can’t see or remember—what a helpless feeling! Those of us in this position know well how they felt when they first found out. When those feelings of fear wore off, I felt outraged and furious. I was so angry that they had the nerve to take me, it served as a catalyst for my journey to figure out how to stop it. I wrote this book to help and inform as many abductees as possible who are having negative experiences, whether by ETs or military abductors. I have not had any success in finding people like me with negative ET experiences. Here is my story, the tools I use, and the procedures I use. Let’s unleash our fury on all abductors, ET and military.
Lisa O'Hara has a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from San Jose State University in California where she lived until 2011. She worked for many years in law firms, starting as a floater legal secretary and ending up in Information Technology and went on to work for engineering companies in Silicon Valley. She is now enjoying retirement. Since retiring, she discovered she was a psychic medium and that knowledge was the catalyst for many discoveries about herself, one of which was that she was an ET abductee. After reading Terry Lovelace's book, Incident at Devil's Den, she wrote to Terry Lovelace and he encouraged her to write her own book, detailing her ET experiences as an abductee. She now lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband and two Maine Coon cats.
Website: www.lisaoharaonline.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AbductedandFurious
Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/240754443711246/?ref=pages_profile_groups_tab
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734560908/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_ijgdGb5JX2WTX
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