Dr. Locke and Rook press on to confront The Analyst... and themselves. Elgon finds himself surrounded with more violence. It's the penultimate episode of Analysis Complete! Can our crew save themselves? Nothing is certain on Wolfram-16.
If you want to learn more about the weird world we're playing in - we started a World Anvil page for you! It is going to be updated with lore and articles about the universe our game(and future games) will be set in. So if you want to learn all the weird little details about this world you can start exploring Waves Beyond Limit at: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/waves-beyond-limit-jaedmc
Jae K. Renfrow
Gail as Dr. Freya Locke
David as Castor
Reden as Rook - (follow him at: https://twitter.com/ToffeePlays)
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Check out MOTHERSHIP RPG here: https://www.mothershiprpg.com/
Music, Stems and SFX licensed by https://www.soundstripe.com
Sound design by Jae.