In today’s episode, Kelsi chats with theologian and author R.L. Solberg about his apologetic ministry, which focuses on providing a defense of historical and scriptural Christianity in response to Torahism or the Hebrew Roots movement. Robert lays out some of the issues with Torahism before talking about his newest book, The Law, the Christ, and the Promise: A Verse-by-Verse Apologetics Bible Study through Galatians. One primary goal of the book is to show how Paul’s response to the Judaizers in his day still relates to the way we combat legalism in ours. The Law, the Christ, and the Promise is now available for preorder. R. L. Solberg is an author, apologist, and professor of theology based in Nashville, TN. He runs an apologetics/teaching ministry called Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity and is known for communicating on complex topics with clarity and grace.
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