Page by Page – Shaykh Ahsan Hanif
On page 32, Allah discusses different types of people among mankind. Some individuals may speak pleasing words in this worldly life, calling upon Allah to witness their sincerity, yet they are among the most quarrelsome opponents. When they turn away, their actions lead to mischief, destruction of crops, and harm to livestock, which Allah dislikes. Those who persist in arrogance and crime, despite being advised to fear Allah, will find their abode in Hell—a terrible place to rest.
However, among mankind are those who willingly sell themselves, seeking the pleasure of Allah. Allah, in His kindness, is gracious to His slaves. Believers are advised to enter Islam completely, avoiding the footsteps of Satan, who is a clear enemy.
The warning is given that if one slides back after clear signs and guidance have come, Allah, being All-Mighty and All-Wise, will judge accordingly. The question is posed: Do they wait for Allah to come to them in the shadows of the clouds and the angels? The judgment is already predetermined, and all matters will ultimately return to Allah for decision.