With supply and demand issues being so commonplace right now, it’s a smart move to have your reserves stocked up and ready to go so you feel more confident and secure as the colder weather approaches.
In this episode of the Pantry Chat, Josh and Carolyn talk through the three main areas you need to focus on, as well as how to maximize your storage space when prepping your pantry for winter.
In this Episode
- Carolyn is getting ready for her “semi-annual clothing switch” which means getting out the kid’s winter clothes from storage and boxing up their summer wardrobe.
- Carolyn is working on a beef stew canning video that will be coming out soon and is also prioritizing canning their own convenience meals for the winter.
- Josh is in full-on winter prep finishing up with the root crops and has also created a video on how to plant garlic.
- Carolyn talks about the three main areas you need to focus on when stocking your pantry and the four top questions you need to answer.
- The pros and cons of organizing your pantry by type (fruits, vegetables, etc)
- Josh also has a video on how to build shelving so you can maximize your space (link in Resources).
- Why it’s important to clean as you go and hand wash your jars if you encounter any issues when stocking.
- What are those things in your pantry that will need continual maintenance?
- How to take inventory of what you have so you know what you’re missing.
- Why it’s important now to determine what needs your family will have for the upcoming holiday season.
- Why it’s beneficial to buy directly from local producers and what you can negotiate with them.
- Why going to the big box chain stores should be your last option.
- Making sure you stock up on medicines, herbs, supplements, and toiletries.
- Question of the day from Denise - As your root cellar stored food starts nearing the end of its shelf life, do you need to cook them right away or can you process them through canning?
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