🎙️🇺🇸 #121 - How to be a feminist dad ? - Jordan Shapiro
Episode available in original version and french version.
Jordan Shapiro, PhD is a globally celebrated American thought leader. He's senior fellow for the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, and Nonresident Fellow in the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution. His Forbes' column (2012-17) on global education, learning through digital play, kids and culture was read by over 5 million people around the world. He is an international speaker and consultant whose fresh perspective combines psychology, philosophy, and economics in unexpected ways. His book, The New Childhood: Raising Kids To Thrive in a Connected World (Little, Brown Spark 2018) changed the cultural conversation about parenting and screen time.
In his most recent book, Father Figure: How to be a Feminist Dad (Little, Brown Spark 2021), Shapiro offers a norm-shattering perspective on fatherhood, family, and gender essentialism. This thoughtful exploration of dad-psychology challenges our familiar assumptions about the origins of so-called traditional parenting roles.
What links between Zeus, Darth Vader and the images of the father that we have? How can we be inclusive when we have not had a model or when society is not exemplary on the subject? How can we parents protect our children from gender stereotypes? How do our models of masculinity influence our fatherhood?
So many questions that we will try to answer!
Thanks to Jordan for his time and trust!
Fellow and supportive greetings
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