🎙#101 - Evidence Based Parenting - Dr Alan Kazdin - English version
My guest of the day is Dr. Alan Kazdin, Professor of Psychology and Child Psychiatry at Yale University and Director of the Yale Parenting Center. He was president of the American Psychological Association in 2008 and is the author of 49 books for professional audiences on topics such as parenting and child-rearing, child psychotherapy, cognitive and behavioral treatments, and interpersonal violence. His work has been translated into several languages around the world. All this ended up being named "The Kazdin Method ".
Here we will exchange parenthood, neither nice nor mean but based on evidence, on science. You will not find in this episode any moral advice but simply what is effective and proven by science. You may feel in agreement or disagreement depending on where you place your moral values. I will not express mine in this episode.
What I thought was essential in Dr. Kazdin's work was the emphasis on positive interactions with children. While in France punishment is often the first intention, are there other paths? Maybe we just don't know how to do it! Can this be learned?
How do we know if the behaviors we expect from our children are normal or accessible? How to implement all this?
Is punishment effective or learning? What are we talking about when we talk about time out?
Thank you Dr Kazdin for your time and trust !
The course mentionned in the episode : https://www.coursera.org/learn/everyday-parenting
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