Celebrating Passover & Unleavened Bread 2023 The spring festivals are drawing close; Pesach (Passover), The Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits — are you ready for this amazing time of the year? In this study, we will be covering what we understand about celebrating Pesach (Passover) and the unleavened bread feast, in our current generation. We will discuss the basics; the ‘how’ the ‘why’; meal specifics, timing and even some of the more controversial questions such as; are we allowed to keep this feast outside of Jerusalem? Should we eat lamb during Pesach in light of Messiah being the lamb? As we we will discuss shortly, the most important part of of this feast is to honor our Messiah, the Son of Yah, who offered himself up for us, that we may have freedom from sin and eternal life. Lastly, we will distinctly see how this appointed time plays into future prophecy, and I truly believe is the day of deliverance we are waiting for, once again.
Pesach In Lebanon MO 2023 Sign Up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/passover-2023-parable-of-the-vineyard-tickets-497937403177
Article: https://parableofthevineyard.com/passover-2023-how-when-why-and-prophecy/
If you are new, please see this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKSIiroBiO2cYVMupPFjuJqtVHAU15SoH
Ministry information & How to connect with us https://parableofthevineyard.com/information/
Our Music (Simply Prodigal) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKSIiroBiO2f9flr2gT_FWHlE4ZBmBR82
2021-2025 Feast Day Calendar PDF: https://parableofthevineyard.com/wp-content/uploads/POTV-CALENDAR-21-25-update.pdf
#passover #pesach #feastday