Parenting teenagers untangled. 🏆 The audio hug for parents of teens and tweens.
Remember those years when your child followed you everywhere, and gazed at you with adoring eyes because you knew everything? Have they now turned into a teenager who simply grunts, or screams at you, when they occasionally emerge from their bedroom?
Changes in a teenage brain help them to develop abstract thinking and self-reflection but they also make them hyper-critical and keen to develop emotional distance so they can practice life without you around.
What to do: Daniel Siegel says we need to teach them to have reflective conversations:
How to do it: JoAnn Deak - Girls will be girls.
Techniques: Parent Gym based on how to talk so your kids will listen...
When to do it?
Books, and materials, we've referenced:
Tangling with your teenager
Helen wrote 'My sixteen year old is dating and says he’s in love. What do I do if he brings her home and wants her to stay the night? Do I put them in the same room, or separate them?'
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