Parenting teenagers untangled. 🏆 The audio hug for parents of teens and tweens.
More than half of UK parents in one study were concerned that excessive screen time while schools were closed could cause addiction later down the line, so if you feel the boundaries have shifted you're not alone.
Don't panic: Common Sense Media and the WHO (when adding gaming disorder to their list of diseases) say it's not how many hours are spent on screens, it's what your teen is using screens for and the impact it has on how they feel and the other areas of their life.
Rachel’s blog post on handing your teen a device:
Key Resources:
Lawsuits against Meta (Facebook and Instagram) for the harm they cause users -
Our knowledge and understanding around eating disorders is far more developed than it ever was in the past. Most of us know that developing a disorder can be harrowing and life-threatening, and needs professional intervention. As a result, many of us are fearful of saying anything for fear of triggering a disorder.
Prevention begins with open communication - start early:
· Regularly discuss media messages that convey the idea only a certain body type is acceptable, and encourage your teen to question what they're seeing..
· Be kind to yourself about your own body.
· Teach your teen to tune into how their diet affects how they feel, and their energy levels.
· Encourage your teen to eat mindfully, and only when they're hungry.
· Eat together as a family
· Listen to our podcast on promoting a
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I don't have medical training so please seek the advice of a specialist if you're not coping.
My email is [email protected]
My website has a blog, searchable episodes, and ways to contact us:
Susie is available for a free 15 minute consultation, and has a great blog: