Feel like you're being held hostage by your teen's BIG emotions? It’s more common than you may think. In fact 73% of parents experience this same struggle.
But what if there was a way to de-escalate the situation and actually connect with your teen?
In this episode I'm joined by Karleen Savage, a hostage negotiator and conflict resolution expert! Karleen now teaches parents these skills to help them diffuse teen meltdowns and create calmer interactions.
Karleen teaches us how to navigate our teen's big emotions with confidence and create an environment that builds their confidence.
Key Takeaways
Meet Karleen Savage
Karleen Savage is sought-after speaker, trainer, hostage negotiator, and conflict resolution expert with a passion for fostering peaceful, harmonious environments. Through her Savage Theory of Resolution, she emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration in order to achieve success. Through more than 15 years of professional experience, Karleen has learned that the conflicts we experience in business are usually a reflection of the conflicts happening at home. This belief inspired her to write her book The Confident Teen Blueprint. Throughout her career, Karleen has worked with corporations, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, creating a positive environment for growth and development.
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