If your teen is struggling to cope and you’re struggling to help them, this episode is for you.
Today I’m talking to Johnny Crowder (@johnnyxcrowder), Founder & CEO of Cope Notes, about how to combat compassion fatigue and connect with your teen more deeply.
Johnny is a 28-year-old suicide/abuse survivor, TEDx speaker, touring musician, and founder of Cope Notes, a text-based mental health platform that provides daily support to users in nearly 100 countries around the world. Armed with 10 years of clinical treatment, a psychology degree from UCF, and a decade of peer support and public advocacy through NAMI, Johnny’s firsthand experience with mental illness equips him to provide insight into the pains of hardship with authenticity and wit.
• Use coupon code TEEN10 for 10% off any Cope Notes gift subscription for your teen
• Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Tips for Parenting Teens: www.askdrcam.com/parentingtips
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