Ginny Luther shares her journey of parenting her son, Bart, a defiant, passionate, and determined child who challenged her to shift from control to connection. Ginny Luther MS, is an Educational and Family Behavioral Consultant, founder of Peaceful Parenting LLC, and Conscious Discipline Master Instructor. She is a dynamic international speaker for parents and educational professionals, pulling from her vast life experience. Her own challenging child was the catalyst for her passion to help others, using Conscious Discipline in schools, early childhood centers, with parents, and in mentorship. Her tremendous knowledge provides creative solutions to many difficult issues facing schools and families today. Listen to this Parenting With Impact episode with Ginny Luther about theimportance of embracing vulnerability, acknowledging emotions, and fosteringstrong connections with our children. Parenting is LeadershipParenting is a leadership opportunity. With the "Parenting is Leadership"Guide from ImpactParents, two frameworks and a dozen core competencies willguide you to up-level your parenting... and improve the most importantrelationships of your life. Here is what to expect on this week’s show:Embracing empathy and connection over control in parenting complex children.Recognizing disappointment and failure as invaluable learning opportunities for children.Prioritizing self-acceptance and empathy to foster trust and empowerment in parent-child relationships.Navigating through loss and tragedy with resilience and the lessons learned from such experiences. Related Links:Episode 109 Success! Changed My Family's Life with Help from Sanity School® 3 Steps to Respond Without ReactingShedding the Shoulds Taming Your Inner Control Freak!Let Go, Control Freak Parent!When Kids Lose Control or Destroy PropertyRelationship Battles: Lay Down Your Sword and ShieldDinner with an ADHD FamilyCommunicating with Teachers for School Success with ADHDDreading School Meetings with Teachers? Try These 8 StepsHow to Create a Great Relationship with Your ADHD Child’s Teacher3 Step Method to ACE Communication with Complex Kids & TeensConnect with Blue Star Grit by Ginny Luther Get your FREE copy of 12 Key Coaching Tools Connect with Elaine & Diane:Instagram @impactparentsFacebook @impactparentLinkedIn @impactparentsTwitter @impactparentsLearn more about your ad choices. Visit