This past week, the world paused and held its collective breath, waiting for the verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial. Almost a year after Chauvin placed his knee on George Floyd’s neck, and killed him for all the world to see, his verdict was read. Is this justice? Will this lead to lasting change? Is this something to celebrate? Tyler, Ally, and new Witness team member Brea Perry are here to discuss and help you process this important moment.
This is our final installment of Behind the Mic before we bring Jemar back so get ready for another installment of our Leave LOUD series next week!
In 2018, the New York Times published an article tiled: A Quiet Exodus: Why Black Worshipers Are Leaving White Evangelical Churches that chronicled the plight of Black Christians who quietly exited their churches after their pastors and fellow believers failed to denounce state-sanctioned violence against Black people, white Christian Nationalism, systemic racism, and everyday bigotry. Since that time, things have gotten worse, not better.
In recent months, we’ve seen a surge of Black leaders and congregants in predominantly white or multiethnic churches and Christian spaces decide that it’s time for them to go. We bear witness to the hurt, harm, and frustration that our siblings have experienced. Enough is enough. It’s time to #LeaveLOUD
To #LeaveLOUD is to tell our stories, to name things for what they are, to take back the dignity we’ve lost while being in institutions that don’t value the fullness of the image of God within us, and to go where we are celebrated and not just tolerated.
For the next several weeks, we will be sharing stories of Black Christians who have made the decision to #LeaveLOUD. We will also be providing thoughtful analysis, words of wisdom, and resources for those who have already left or who are discerning whether they should #LeaveLOUD. We invite you to share your stories using the hashtag #LeaveLOUD.
The Witness BCC exists to empower Black Christians to live into the fullness of who God created us to be. You are not alone.
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