We’d like to share another fiction podcast we think you’ll like, from our fellow Radiotopia show The Truth.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a young woman faces her fears of the outside world in order to save her sister.
Written by Mary McDonnell, and produced by Jonathan Mitchell. Associate produced by Sophie Yalkezian and Cara Ehlenfeldt.
Performed by Marisa Brau, Jessica Morgan, James Dwyer, Gregory Jones, and Rachel Botchan.
Other episodes in the “Hum” series on The Truth:
EPISODE 2: INTO THE HUM - http://www.thetruthpodcast.com/story/2020/9/9/into-the-hum
EPISODE 3: SHADOW OF THE HUM - http://www.thetruthpodcast.com/story/2021/10/2/shadowofthehum
EPSIODE 4: ECHO OF THE HUM - http://www.thetruthpodcast.com/story/2021/23/6/echoofthehum
For more info and to subscribe: http://thetruthpodcast.com
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