We can often think winter will never end, life revolves cyclically in seasons...
"I emerged from my journey from one of the coldest seasons my soul has experienced - revitalised and I finally remembered that I was free."
In this episode of Luisa TV, I share with you my past life memory as a slave and that within us all lies the opportunity for remarkable freedom.
🗝️Passion Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa
➡️ Create a unique vision for your life.
Antika came to me as a vision and communicated to me telepathically, messages to share with you.
Somewhere - somehow the pull for freedom is far more powerful and infused with love than the pull for bondage and filled with fear.
My wish for you today is that you recognise that you are free.
With Much Love,
Luisa x
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🗝️Passion Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa
➡️ Create a unique vision for your life.
💜Intuited Reading
➡️ Intuited information from the multi-Dimensional.
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#PassionHarvest #PastLifeMemories #QuantumHealing