Leadership is a gift, but it requires a deep reliance on hearing God’s voice and a willingness to flow in our calling without putting limitations on what He can do. Pastors Banning Liebscher and Wes Dunn are joined by Tamara Bennett, Senior Pastor of This Is Pentecost Fellowship Ministries, to talk about how leaders can sometimes overlook the harvest right in front of them because they are distracted by various pressures and concerns. Our own testimony plays a critical role in this process; by being transparent about our struggles, we offer hope to others.
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Follow along on social media:
Podcast Host Banning Liebscher https://www.instagram.com/thebanning/
Episode Guest Host Wes Dunn https://www.instagram.com/wesdunn/
Episode Guest Tamara Bennett https://www.instagram.com/pastortamarabennett/
To learn more about our guest visit https://www.tamarabennettministries.com/
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