In the inaugural episode of our new podcast Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan Leeman sits down with Mark Dever to talk about seeing the gospel grow in your city, not just your church.
– What do you do when the revival you’ve been praying for breaks out . . . at the church down the street? (1:08)
– Is it always carnal to desire your own church to grow? (3:02)
– What are some of the signs of a wrongful “turfiness” that pastors should watch out for in their own hearts and ministries? (4:38)
– Why do you pray for other churches by name in CHBC’s services? (6:25)
– Explain how you can structure a staff and budget to help other churches. (8:35)
– What role might ministerial fellowships play in local gospel growth? (12:24)
– Are multi-site and multi-service churches necessarily “turfy”? (14:30)
– What about church planting and revitalizing? (18:49)
– Any last lessons for promoting gospel growth locally? (24:30)