The average American is 39 years old - which is half the age of the sitting president - Donald Trump. When Ronald Reagan was inaugurated at 69 years old, he became the oldest person to have ever served as president. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are even older and are now - the two oldest men to ever be inaugurated as president. The average ages in the House and Senate at 58 and 64, are significantly older than the average American. A word often used to describe the nation’s governing class is “gerontocracy” - meaning government based on rule by old people. It's not just in the US either - around the world our political leaders are older than ever before. Why has this happened?Patrick's Books:Statistics For The Trading Floor: For The Trading Floor: Finance: Ways To Support The Channel:Patreon: Me a Coffee: our website: https://www.onfinance.orgFollow Patrick on Twitter Here: Inquiries ➡️ [email protected]