126 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Månadsvis
Patriot to the Core highlights selfless Americans. I interview those from all branches of the military (combat controllers, PJs, Green Berets, SEALs, Rangers, Infantrymen, Marines, Pilots, etc) and the US government. In addition, I speak with your every day mom who goes about doing good–from starting a non-profit to fighting for freedom in our communities and schools. I get to talk with Gold Star Parents, Siblings and Spouses, and Medal of Honor recipients.
This provides an opportunity to learn about everyday Americans who go above and beyond to protect us and to help others. As a Gold Star brother, many of my guests have a military connection, but I still have a wide variety of people who answer the call to serve in various ways.
We talk fighting terrorism, self protection, exercise, mental toughness, charity, parenting, fugitives and occasionally pop culture and politics.
Please follow and subscribe so we can have many seasons to come. Send suggestions and questions to me at [email protected]. Hope you enjoy!
The podcast Patriot to the Core is created by Thad Forester. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Matthew Roland was killed-in-action in Afghanistan in August 2015 in an insider attack (aka “green on blue”) at an Afghan-led security checkpoint. Killed alongside him was teammate SSgt Forrest Sibley, both Air Force Combat Controllers attached to an Army Special Forces team.
Matthew’s father Mark, shares what happened, how Matthew responded instantly and what his and Forrest’s final moments were like. In addition, we talk about the notification process, grief, healing and the CCT community and support.
Matthew was awarded the Silver Star for his actions that day. You can read the citation here.
Patriot to the Core proud affiliates who support our country and military:
GORUCK. Check out big sales right now.
Freedom Blends, vitamins and supplements.. Use code patriot at checkout for 10% off your order.
Mark Lauren Bodyweight Fitness. I’ve been using since 2016. Use code THAD at checkout for 10% off first year subscription.
You can watch this interview with Mark Roland here: https://youtu.be/XLhUOs8_9JE
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Michael Madsen is a Judge Advocate in the US Army. His current full-time job is an Attorney for the Air Force and he’s a JAG in the Army Reserves.
After graduating law school and completing a JD/MBA program, Michael worked in the private sector before joining the Army at the age of 33. He wanted to serve his country and found that the Army gave him the best opportunity, even though he had several injuries, mostly from playing football in college at Brigham Young University.
I’ve always admired Michael b/c he gave up lucrative opportunities in the world of law to join the military. He stands by his grandfather’s wise counsel: “It doesn’t matter where you serve; it matters how you serve.”
Madsen comes from a line of American Patriots. His grandfather is Ezra Taft Benson, who was the Secretary of Agriculture under President Eisenhower, and was the 13th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In early 2020, Michael was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We discuss in great detail how this affected his family (his wife and 4 young kids), and how he’s doing today with the multitude of side effects from this disease, treatments and his bone marrow transplant (thanks to his sister). In addition, how his faith, the faith of his family and those around him, continues to strengthen him and his family.
Also mentioned in this episode:
Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/wBBNyEwei7I
If you’re looking for trusted vitamins and supplements, I’ve been using Freedom Blends the past 4 months and love the energy I get w/out caffeine. I have the Freedom Fuel (fruits and veggies), Sons of Liberty B-12 and 1st Amendment Men’s Multi Vitamin. Use discount code PATRIOT at checkout to get 10% off your order. The owner is a great American who was Episode 116 guest, Eric Moutsos.
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
CW4 Matthew Longanacre (Matthew on Facebook) was an AH-64D Apache Pilot with 1-101 Aviation Regiment “Expect No Mercy”. He was the Pilot-In-Command of one of the two Apaches that were overhead when Mark and Calvin were killed on 29 September 2010.
Printed in Mark’s book, My Brother in Arms, Matthew wrote to our family: “We pride ourselves on doing whatever it takes to protect these gifted warriors on the battlefield. This is why the loss of Mark has hit me harder than any in the past. I was overhead that day and unable to prevent this tragedy. I just hope that his family and friends can find some small measure of comfort in knowing that he took the fight to the enemy right until the end. Very few in this world can say the same…”
Longanacre joined me today while we walked 28 miles for the Mark Forester JAG 28 Memorial Birthday Walk/Ruck. Therefore, the audio isn’t stellar, but the best this low-tech guy can do. We were moving the entire time in mist rain.
My family and I appreciate Matthew keeping in touch, making the effort to visit and support. He developed a friendship with Mark, all over the radio, while they slew the enemy!
Enjoy the outro music, “Sons of War Veteran“. This short clip was written by former AF CCT, and 2-time PTC guest, Dan Schilling. You can hear the full version here:
Freedom Blends, supplements and vitamins for men and women: use discount code PATRIOT at checkout.
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Eric Moutsos (@ericmoutsos) is a small business owner and creator of Freedom Blends, a supplement company based on the principles of Freedom and Liberty.
A former Salt Lake City Police Officer, Moutsos loved the job but quickly started being outspoken about disturbing practices (aka quotas) and discrimination within the department. In the end, Eric lost his badge and gun when, for religious reasons, he asked to trade into a security assignment instead of being in the celebration of the Utah Pride Parade for the LGBTQ community. When the story made national news, Eric decided to resign from the department and go into the private sector.
Today Eric tells us why he’s no longer a police officer and how he created the Utah Business Revival during Covid to help save small businesses. Part of this was organizing what was probably the first music concert in America during the lockdown.
If you want to try Freedom Blends, go to: https://freedomblends.myshopify.com/?ref=patriot
and use code PATRIOT at checkout to get 10% off. I’ve been taking Freedom Fuel w/ energy and 1st Amendment Men’s multivitamin since mid-April. So far, I approve. I get up early to work and/or workout almost every day. I have 3 active young boys and we are always playing sports, in the woods, rucking…. just staying active. I used to be very tired every day. I feel much better while taking these vitamins and supplements.
Freedom Blends: use discount code PATRIOT at checkout.
Watch Eric’s documentary “Non Essential” here: https://www.ericmoutsos.com/non-essential-the-full-documentary/
Watch this interview on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/ow8SnRUratI
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Brian Jodice (@brianjodice) of Pick Up The Six Productions and NGBN TV is back to promote this new network for men in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
Discussed in this episode:
-why focus on this demographic?
-men’s mental health
-Biblical application
-best athletic gear and brands for outdoor workouts (specifically F3 and GORUCK events)
-prison ministering
-oldest man to play Division 1 football
-other random topics that may or may not offend
You can also watch this interview on YouTube here.
If you’d like to support Patriot to the Core podcast with a very small regular donation, visit my Patreon page here.
Brian Jodice was also on PTC in Episode 95.
Use code PUT6 at Mudgear.com for a discount, compliments of Brian.
Enjoy the outro music. This short song clip was written by former Air Force CCT, and 2-time PTC guest, Dan Schilling. You can learn the history of this song here. Dan’s goal is for it to be something that urges people to turn up the volume when they play the track!
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Within weeks of the 9/11 attacks, Air Force Combat Controller Joe O’Keefe was in Afghanistan working with the CIA and other special operations units.
Joe and his small team made their way into the mountains of Tora Bora with the help of the Northern Alliance. Armed with the element of surprise, he was able to start calling in close air support against hundreds, if not a thousand enemy fighters.
What was initially thought to be an overnight observance, turned into 5 days with only 1 hour of sleep the entire period. The CIA station chief told his team to drop bombs for as long as possible because the President was getting sit-reps on it minute by minute.
He and his team ended up killing hundreds of people. “They had chosen their course, we had chosen ours, that’s the nature of it.”
You can read an excellent article about this mission in Task and Purpose here:
Task and Purpose – Air Force Commando
You can also watch this interview on YouTube at the link below:
Other CCT interviews mentioned in this episode:
Ep. 88 – Kyle Stanbro and Michael Lamonica
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
The late Woody Williams will never forget the odor of burning human remains.
“There are some things about that 4 hours that have bothered me my whole life… I can’t remember going back and getting the other 5 flamethrowers. It was so horrific, I didn’t want to remember.”
I was introduced to death by flamethrower after learning of Mr. Williams. He went thru 5 – 70 lb flamethrowers in a 4-hour battle on Iwo Jima. Two of the Marines assigned to him were killed that day protecting his life. At the time of this interview in 2017, he was the last surviving recipient of the Medal of Honor from that battle, and the last surviving Marine to receive the Medal of Honor for heroism in World War II. Mr. Williams died in 2022.
I asked Woody, “What did you know about Iwo Jima before you got there?” His response, “Not a thing!” Later he saw the flag raised on Mount Suribachi, but didn’t consider the significance at that time. He had a job to do and wasn’t reveling in the moment.
His story is remarkable. He was awarded the Medal of Honor by Pres. Truman, but admits being more nervous to meet the Commandant of the Marine Corp than the President. He shares with us what both these men told him regarding the medal. He didn’t know anything about the MOH beforehand. Even the day he received it he didn’t know what it was about.
Awesome interview. You should read his medal citation below and learn more about him at these links:
Read his Medal of Honor Citation
Learn about his foundation:
Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation
*originally published Oct 30, 2017
Copyright 2024 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Mark Schmitz’s son, LCpl Jared Schmitz, was one of the 13 Americans murdered at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, on 26 August 2021 during the evacuation from Afghanistan.
He was just 20 years old. He was there on a humanitarian mission working the infamous Abbey Gate. When Afghans made it past the Taliban checkpoints, they were desperate to get on a flight out of Afghanistan. Jared and his fellow Marines, and others, were there among crowds so large and compact that he said if your arms were at your side, you couldn’t raise the above your head.
We discuss how this suicide bomber made it to the bottlenecked gate and was able to kill so many. Why the sniper wasn’t given permission to kill him beforehand. And, what has been the government’s response since. Note: this bomb also killed over 100 Afghan civilians.
He has also created The Freedom 13.org that supports the veterans still with us. They have big plans for retreats in each state so that Veteran’s and their families can stay for free, much like and Airbnb, but with land, shooting, fishing, riding, etc. Learn about their upcoming events, including how to donate or volunteer, by visiting here: https://thefreedom13.org/pages/events
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I’m a proud affiliate of GORUCK. Please use this link if you want to check out their workout, rucking, running, apparel and other equipment. It doesn’t cost you any add’l money, but allows me to get a small commission to help this podcast reach larger audiences:
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Don Stevens is one of those rare operators who retrained into the Air Force combat control (CCT) pipeline at the age of 32, after being in security forces. This required uncommon humility since leadership said, “What are we gonna do with a MSgt. who doesn’t know squat (many different strong words could be inserted here)?”
Even though I’ve had several CCT’s on this show, we haven’t talked much about their humanitarian roles. Don tells us how he got a team ready to deploy to Haiti in less than 4 hours, when the earthquake in 2010 happened.
Stevens provides advice to new guys entering the CCT pipeline, why PTSD doesn’t have to be a big deal, and shared the scariest thing he’s ever done. Hint, it wasn’t in Afghanistan or Africa.
You can also learn more about Don as the co-founder of FoxTrot 3.
Mentioned in this episode:
If you’re listening on Apple Music or Spotify, please rate the podcast with 5-stars and subscribe or follow. I’m tired of average podcasts with lame topics getting more listens than this one. Please help spread the word!
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I’m a proud affiliate of GORUCK. Please use this link if you want to check out their workout, rucking, running, apparel and other equipment. It doesn’t cost you any add’l money, but allows me to get a small commission to help this podcast reach larger audiences:
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
On this 13th anniversary of the death of my brother, SrA Mark Forester, I have the opportunity to talk with Kenny Alicea who was the Senior Weapons Sergeant for his Army Special Forces team (ODA 7212) where Mark was attached.
Kenny contacted me a few weeks ago and told me he was on that final mission when Mark and Calvin were killed. He was a few hundred meters away with the mounted element, but he heard the radio calls and helped clear the area after their deaths. He helps piece together a few more details about Mark’s final moments.
In addition, Alicea told me about some initial disagreements and arguments he and Mark had and how they resolved those and worked together to bring destruction to terrorists and protect their teams. Hint: both of them said they own the airspace. Once they started working together, he said Mark was phenomenal at his job.
You can connect with Kenny on his YouTube Channel that helps vets in the private security contracting field: https://www.youtube.com/@VetsToPSC
For those watching the YouTube version, I hope you enjoy the slideshow at the very end of the interview.
Mentioned in this episode:
Ep 60: Captain Wes Wilson – Ken’s team captain gives lots of detail on that battle too
Ep 38: Bobby Bonello – Mark’s good friend escorting him home to Dover AFB – Angel Flight
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Watch this interview on YouTube
Nic McKinley is an entrepreneur, former Air Force Pararescueman, and ex-CIA operative who founded DeliverFund, the only donor-funded solution to human trafficking that delivers proprietary data and technology to law enforcement, allowing them to take down human traffickers effectively.
With 30 combat deployments under his belt in both Special Operations and the CIA, Nic experienced the power of technology during the Global War on Terror and set out to use his skills and training with that experience to combat modern slavery.
On September 1, 2023, DeliverFund launched an app to combat human trafficking. Nic discusses this in-depth and drives home how effective and life saving this app can be. You can download it here.
By gaining access to DeliverFund’s immense digital database of potential human trafficking activity, we all have the ability to take proactive measures to ensure our safety. We can work collectively to build safer, stronger communities.
I loved talking with Nic. He also gave unique perspective how his life as an Air Force PJ prepared him for the CIA and for launching DeliverFund. He also shares some thoughts on “til Valhalla” meaning and why we should seek for something better.
Mentioned in this episode:
Nic on Episode 68 of Patriot to the Core
Nic McKinley – The Real Jack Ryan
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Watch this interview on YouTube
Retired U. S. Marine and former Policeman, bouncer, Corrections Officer and more Rich Brown (@american_warrior_society) is back on the show so I can dig into his new Memoir “On Violence & Varietals“.
We cover many areas of his life: fighting as a boy, the Gulf War, sleeping with one eye open, interacting with prisoners as a corrections officer while safeguarding his family, marriage trials, combatives, Highway of Death, 80’s music, dominating at Police Academy, pepper spray, and so much more.
An excerpt from his book states: “At the moment of cease-fire, I emerged from the metal-skinned C-7 changed. I looked at my hands and the hands of the men around me. During the last several days, I had brought death, yet I had emerged from the land of the dead. I was reborn, transformed from the Rich Brown that began the assault to a man ready to take his place in the tribe.”
Brown would give anything to have journals from his ancestors. Since he kept good records while deployed and beyond, he wanted to leave this record for his posterity; at least this is one reason he wrote the book.
Rich is almost a jack of all trades, and holds belts in Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kinami Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Judo, MCMAP, and Okinawan Freestyle Karate.
You can also listen to Rich on Episode 51
American Warrior Society
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Watch this interview on YouTube
The Mark Forester Foundation’s annual golf tournament will be held Friday August 11, 2023 at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Muscle Shoals, AL.
In this episode, I chat with Doug Cole and Jay Stubbs who are long time participants and supporters. We talk about the course, the value of the entry fee, prizes, experiences and why they keep coming back each year.
My family and I appreciate the tremendous help we receive from these families that support my brother’s foundation.
The MFF always needs sponsors, so if you’re interested in sponsoring a team, a hole, the flag pins, a contest, or even donating prizes, we will welcome it.
You can learn more about The Mark Forester Foundation here and register and/or become a sponsor. We hope to see you on Aug 11 in Muscle Shoals, AL.
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Watch this episode on YouTube
T. C. Fuller joined the FBI after an 11-year career in the Army as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal officer. Then he joined the FBI and became a Special Agent, serving for 20 years.
During his time in the FBI he held many assignments, including: Principal Firearms Instructor, Joint Terrorism Task Force – Domestic and International, and Violent Crimes where his subject was added to the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted list. The fugitive was captured for severe crimes against children.
We start out talking situational awareness and how his “lack of” got him robbed at gunpoint, and what he learned from that. We also discuss how he graduated from Defensive Tactics School, compare the leadership of former FBI Directors Mueller vs. his predecessor Freeh, what would happen if owning guns became illegal – that could fall upon the FBI to confiscate them, the interesting work he does with The Horus Group, and his new book “Painting Over Rust.”
Dr. T. C. Fuller is a frequent guest on The American Warrior Show and has dozens of articles published in various periodicals mostly related to law enforcement procedure, weaponry and personal defense.
You can watch this interview on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/nIW_7QQdA_o
Special thanks to Our Town Podcast for letting me use their studios once again.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Old Gray Man YouTube Channel
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Thad on YouTube
Gary Michael Rose (Mike) joins me in person to share what happened in Laos during Operation Tailwind in 1970. During these 4 days, Sergeant Rose exposed himself to the enemy many times in order to treat the wounded. And then, the helicopter carrying Rose and others crashed further injuring him and the other wounded on board.
Despite his numerous wounds from the past three days, Mike Rose continued to pull and carry unconscious and wounded personnel out of the burning wreckage and continued to administer aid to the wounded until another extraction helicopter arrived.
It’s a remarkable story of selflessness where Rose said “we should not have survived.”
“I really take pride in the fact that I can go to my grave knowing that at least one person- I did something one day that caused him to live another 42 years,” Rose said.
This Special Forces Medic is credited with saving numerous lives over that 4 day period. You can read his Medal of Honor Citation here.
I loved having him in studio to talk in person. You can also watch this interview on YouTube here.
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Dan Skidmore (@danskidmore11) is the Director of Specialized Training at GORUCK. He’s back on PTC as to talk initially about the upcoming Mark Forester JAG 28 Memorial Birthday Walk/Ruck. This is our annual event honoring my brother Mark Forester who was KIA 2010, where we walk 28 continuous miles. Dan will be joining us for the first time (in person) on May 20, 2023 in Haleyville, AL.
I pick his brain about how to toughen up your feet, break in shoes and prevent injury (especially lower body).
We also discuss the benefits of compression therapy and his own business, Bulletproof Bands. He provided a huge discount on his site by using JAG28 promo code at checkout.
You’ll want to hear why he suggests peeing on your feet too – I’m not sure I can even physically do that. And what is the max weight you should carry for this event.
I look forward to Dan joining our walk this year and leading us in Memorial Pushups. Come join us. We want you to be part of our tribe on May 20, 2023 in Haleyville, AL. Read more and sign up here:
Mentioned in this episode:
Ballistic Trainers shoes
MACV-1 Rucking Boots that Dan will be wearing for this event
Bullet Rucker
Sand Kettlebells
Dan’s hotel in ancient Medina, Marrakesh, Morocco
Sorry for the audio issues on this one. My wifi has been oddly off recently, so you will notice some cut-outs.
You can also find Dan on YouTube and Facebook
And you can listen to our first interview on episode 75.
*Remember, for a big discount on Bulletproof Bands, use promo code JAG28 at checkout. Dan’s business is showing support for The Mark Forester Foundation.
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Chris Sprayberry and Troy Bye join me to talk about the upcoming JAG 28 Birthday Walk on May 20, 2023.
Chris (@https://www.instagram.com/sprayberry_77/) has done the walk every year since we started in 2011. Troy’s (@https://www.instagram.com/ourtownpodcast/) first time was last year. After learning the hard way, he can’t wait to do it again while being more prepared.
Today we talk about how they prepare, gear they use, tricks, injuries, misperceptions, mistakes, best memories from years past, and all kinds of stuff related to my brother’s annual memorial walk.
You’ll definitely want to hear how Chris prepares each year. It’s pretty impressive.
We enjoyed the banter together as we hung out in the Our Town Podcast Studio. Please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. I want your feedback.
You can also watch us do this interview via YouTube here.
Mentioned in this episode:
How to Train for the Mark Forester JAG 28 Birthday Walk / Ruck – 12 Years of Practice
Joe Carlucci – 2023 Pizza Maker of the Year
Learn more about the JAG Birthday Walk and Register Here
Outro music by Spent Brass: Sons of War / Veteran
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
MSG Darrell Utt retired from the U.S. Army Special Forces in January of 2017 after 26.5 years in the Army.
For this episode, he joins me in person and we have a great time covering the purpose of the National Medal of Honor Museum being constructed in Arlington, TX and why TX was chosen over Colorado. It seems Jerry Jones had something to do with it too.
He shares some Medal of Honor recipients who most resonate with him and what the Medal of Honor recipients want this museum to actually be–focus on courage, sacrifice, commitment, integrity, citizenship and patriotism.
We also discuss his time in Iraq in 2006 with Operation Parliament. He and his team were able to rescue a hostage unharmed after letting the kidnappers know in no uncertain terms that it would be in their best interest to release her to avoid further action against them.
In addition, we cover his favorite books, IEDs, his Alive Day of April 17, 2006–how 1″ made the difference, leadership lessons from Iraq, control what you can control, can’t fake preparation, calm breeds calm and more. Thanks for visiting me in Huntsville Darrell!
Mentioned in this podcast:
Burn the Boats book
Darrell on Combat Story podcast
Where the Red Fern Grows book
Last Out – Elegy of a Green Beret by Scott Mann
Ep 29: Larry and Janice Brown, parents of Adam Brown
Ep. 69: Woody Williams
Ep. 62: Sammy Davis
*Big thanks to M. Troy Bye at Our Town Podcast for hosting us in his studio.
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Matthew Reed started his military career in the Marines. After being honorably discharged in 2007, he joined the Army and became an Interrogator and a Military Intelligence NCO, deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Then from 2012 through 2022, Matt worked as an Intelligence Contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense, with roughly six years in the Balkans Region of Europe, where his mission was to root out hostile penetrations of our HUMINT Source pool.
Matthew and I have an interesting discussion on the Chinese surveillance balloons and why China should be very concerned by what the U.S. thinks of them, the global effects of the war in Ukraine, the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, interrogation tactics and the importance of studying the Roman Empire.
We close by learning about his books, based on his real life growing up in Houston, and from his career in the military.
Mentioned in this podcast:
Matthew on Cleared Hot Podcast w/ Andy Stumpf
Purchase Matthew’s books here:
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Michael Blout joins me to talk about the battle from 2012 where he was awarded the Silver Star. As a former Flight Superintendent, Combat Dive Course Superintendent, and Superintendent over the Department of Training, Special Warfare Preparatory Course and more, we talk much about preparation, mindset, leading, integrating into a team and never quitting. During the CCT pipeline, Blout was smoked many times by one of his instructors, Mark Lauren (aka Klinganator or Cyborg). Mark is also a former guest on this show.
He also shared how to keep the sharks away while scuba training and threw in some surprises about dolphins.
Mike is another Air Force Combat Controller who is a silent professional. He’s sacrificed his body and family to fight evil and to serve in other various ways throughout the world. “Take care of your people and they will take care of you.”
One of Blout’s SF teammates, “Big Mike” Duskin, was killed in this battle on Oct 23, 2012. Please take time to read about him at this link: https://www.duskinandstephens.org/duskin
I hope you enjoy the intro music and full song at the end of this interview. It was written by former Air Force CCT, and 2-time PTC guest, Dan Schilling. You can learn the history of this song here. Dan’s goal is for it to be something that urges people to turn up the volume when they play the track!
“My hope was that this song rocks enough that guys I wrote it for will enjoy it and powerful enough to leave an indelible emotional impact crater,” Schilling said, “one you want to revisit over and over again.”
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
On Sept 16, 2010, Yvette’s son, Daniel Ray Sanchez (Danny) was killed in Afghanistan by an insurgent who infiltrated the Afghanistan partner force.
Today, Danny’s mom tells us why this “ball of energy” was made for Combat Control and what happened on his first deployment – how was an insurgent able to get on the helicopter with Danny and his team and then kill Danny when they landed. Fortunately, that guy was killed immediately, but only after injuring others, and of course killing one of America’s bravest.
Yvette started the SrA Danny Ray Sanchez Foundation and holds an annual race on Labor Day weekend to raise money to provide scholarships to Montwood High School graduates, and hopefully to other schools in the district soon.
Yvette and I have become friends since 2010. We’ve mourned together and attended several events together. I loved finally getting to have her on Patriot to the Core. Listen to this mother’s love of her son as she shares how she was notified and how she’s handled his loss since. We also discuss how Danny’s death affected her youngest son, Dakota, since he’s no longer being duct-taped to the door or being hung on the door knob by his underwear, compliments of his big brother.
You can also watch this interview on YouTube here.
Mentioned in this episode:
Memorial 3 Gun
Combat Control Foundation
Copyright 2023 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
On this special Christmas Day episode, we hear from a legend from WWII – Gail (Hal) Halvorsen. He has many names: Uncle Wiggly Wings, The Berlin Candy Bomber and The Chocolate Flier. He became popular for dropping candy from his plane to the children of Berlin, from 1948-49.
His efforts gained support from many back in the states. School children packaged candy in boxes with parachutes, and candy companies like Wrigley and Hershey’s donated items. Thanks to his efforts he and his team had dropped 23 tons of candy by Christmas 1949.
Today we talk of “Operation Little Viddles”, how he became a pilot, how to overcome trials and depression, freedom vs. communism and the importance of serving others. This is an uplifting episode that you don’t want to miss. He shares that these children in Berlin taught him about freedom more than anything else. It’s amazing what 2 sticks of gum turned in to!
Learn more about Mr. Halvorsen here:
His book, “The Berlin Candy Bomber” here: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/088290616X
Special with Tom Brokaw: https://youtu.be/QWbISrde2mQ
Note: Mr. Halvorsen passed away in February of 2022 at the age of 101. This is an interview I did with him back in 2016.
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Scott’s younger brother, Steven, was killed-in-action in Afghanistan in Aug. 2010 at the same time that Scott was deployed just miles away.
Not only did Scott (@scottdeluzio) have to receive the news of Steven’s death while Scott and his unit were outside the wire, his teammates had to engage in combat until he could get on a bird and to his brother’s body.
Anger immediately ensued, almost a homicidal rage. Scott opens up about the next few days of getting home to his parents before Steven’s body, dealing with the media, using alcohol to cope and sleep, and how he got to a point where he had to make some changes. Thankfully he had a supportive wife and found the right people at the VA to help him out.
You can learn more about Scott and Steven by reading his book, Surviving Son. His parents lost one of their two sons for the price of freedom. And in Scott’s words, speaking of Afghans: “The gift of freedom is priceless, even if the recipients only experience it for a short time.”
Mentioned in this episode:
Drive On Podcast
Scott on PUT6 podcast
Scott on HeroFront podcast
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Today, September 29, 2022, mark’s 12 years since my little brother, Mark Forester’s death in Afghanistan.
Mark’s close friend and roommate, Doug Cole (@dcoleii), spends some time telling us what life was like living with Mark and watching him transform from a narrow-shouldered, pudgy, college student to a solid, chiseled man.
No matter how serious Mark was about prepping for the military, he always made time for Call of Duty, Halo, Terry Tate, Saving Private Ryan, 24, Anchorman, 300, Gladiator, and maintaining the integrity of the handicap parking spots!
This is one of those episodes I publish on Sept 29 (most years) to allow us to learn more intimately about Mark and to reminisce our times together. It’s important to capture these memories so that our loved ones aren’t forgotten.
Doug, thank you for opening up and sharing your feelings. We all miss Mark terribly and his family and close friends will never take for granted his sacrifice for this country that we love.
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Brian Jodice is the owner and host of Pick up the Six Productions and Podcast, where he shares stories about the men and women among us who go above-and-beyond to PICK UP THE SIX through SERVICE, PURPOSE and IMPACT.
He recalls many impactful interviews he’s done in the last few years, among them was the Commander of the USS Cole when it was attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists in 2000. Also, the lesser-known pilot for Marcus Luttrell’s rescue during Operation Red Wings, Jeff “Spanky” Peterson.
We also discuss F3 Nation – what it is, why they call him “Hello Kitty”, the benefits of F3 and Brian’s favorite workouts, including his recent 208 mile relay in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Mentioned in this episode:
Jeff Spanky Peterson – Operations Red Wings
Thad Forester – My Brother in Arms
Jason McCarthy – Founder of GoRuck
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Ish Villegas is one of three people who have received the Silver Star twice, since 9/11.
Today he walks us thru the battle in 2009 where he got his first Silver Star. It was a 16 hour fight that resulted in at least 32 enemy insurgents killed. During this fight, Ish ran 200 feet across an open, uncleared IED minefield to more effective position and returned fire with his M-4 and then directed aircraft (rotary and fixed wing) onto the enemy locations in a surgical and lethal manner. It’s an incredible story; one that he completed with two broken arms.
He also trained my brother, Mark Forester, at FOB Cobra/Tinsley and we are forever grateful for his friendship to Mark and for showing him the ropes in one of the most active areas in all of Afghanistan.
Ish is a great American and we’re lucky to have men like him on our side. You can listen to details of his 2nd Silver Star here on Black Rifle Coffee.
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
“Good judgment comes through experience, which comes from bad judgment.”
Brig. Gen. Robert (Gwyn) Armfield and Lt. Gen. Bruce Fister, both USAF, retired are on the show to talk about their new book “Lead to Serve and Serve to Lead.”
They use their experience from extensive military careers and now consulting with companies–from non-profits, to large organizations.
Some specifics we discuss:
-Leading in a crisis
-How do develop leaders, including delegating effectively
-Giving feedback: possibly an area where most leaders struggle
-Gwyn and Bruce’s mistakes and responses to them
I’ve already given the book a 5-star rating on Amazon and recommend it to all listeners to Patriot to the Core.
Purchase the book here: Lead to Serve book
You can also listen to my previous interview with Gwyn here.
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Former Army Chaplain Justin Roberts (@justindroberts) has been in Ukraine since April 2022 recording a documentary film series to highlight people who are doing good in Ukraine–helping with aid, managing donated money effectively and honestly, and just serving their fellow man.
I wanted to know what it’s like in the war where he’s been. How are the Ukrainians living? What is their morale? Are they going about their daily lives in some parts? How do they respond when Russian soldiers come to their home? Why is this war mostly artillery and not small arms?
It was fascinating to talk with Justin from his air b and b in Lviv. He goes out with the military in the mornings and works from his home in the afternoons and evenings.
Below are links where you can follow him, watch videos showing the destruction and fight of the Ukrainian military and civilians, and listen to my first interview with him from back in 2018. Please follow him and support where possible.
Do Good Army on Facebook
Do Good Army on Tiktok
Episode 53 of Patriot to the Core
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Retired Chief Master Sergeant William Markham spent 30 years in the Air Force, was inducted in the 2021 Air Commando Hall of Fame and in the 2022 USSOCOM Hall of Heroes.
I know him personally because he was the chief of my brother Mark’s squadron (21st STS out of Pope Field, NC). I never met him until he delivered the notification of Mark’s death to our family on Sept 29, 2010. And he rarely left our home for the next week. Our family has tremendous respect for Markham.
Now, he has found a way to give back to his community and our veterans. He is the Chairman of Project OVAT and Executive Director of The Patriot Fund.
He’s a big believer in service dogs and in helping our vets get the services they need b/c he had several difficult years of figuring out his benefits, insurance and disability.
This man was on the ground in Afghanistan in Oct 2010 and was awarded the Silver Star on that deployment. He’s served our country well and now continues to serve in other ways.
Mentioned in this episode:
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
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M. Troy Bye, is an Executive Director with ManTech and has spent much of his career managing large IT programs for customers within the Intelligence Community in the Washington D.C. area. ManTech has a long history of supporting the FBI. Now, with the FBI’s transition of many of their cyber programs to Huntsville, AL, Troy recently relocated his family to support ManTech’s efforts in transitioning the FBI work to the Huntsville area.
In early 2022, Bye started the “Our Town Podcast” to facilitate his integration into the community as he interviews a wide range of guests on various topics related to business, entertainment, sports, and the arts. Troy and his wife, Wendy, have four children and reside in Madison, AL.
As a very young boy, his father and mother both suffered serious and permanent brain injuries–one year apart. Fortunately, he had family and other role models to help him get where he is today.
Mentioned in this episode:
–Huntsville ranked #1 place to live in US – US News and World Report
–Rocket City Trash Pandas
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Jennie Taylor was taking a much needed break by spending the weekend with friends from college, therefore she wasn’t home when the “knock” came at her door.
In January of 2018, her husband, Major Brent Taylor left his position as Mayor of North Ogden, UT and deployed to Afghanistan with the US Army for what would have been a year-long deployment. On November 3, 2018 Major Taylor was killed in action in a planned, insider attack by one of the Afghan commandos he was training.
In the months and now years since Brent’s shocking death, Jennie has unexpectedly and frequently found herself in a position to speak out about the price of freedom, the value of community support, and the healing that can be found when moving forward with a conviction to find hope and happiness in spite of life’s heartache and pain.
You can read more about Major Brent Taylor below:
And watch Jennie’s Ted Talk here
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
CMSgt (retired) Michael Lamonica and MSG (retired) Kyle Stanbro, both retired Air Force combat controllers join us to break down what CCT’s do and their roles in the war on terror, Afghanistan withdrawal, and humanitarian missions throughout the world. And, why CCTs are arguably the deadliest force to ever walk the planet.
With each of them having over 30 yrs of active service, they’ve experienced a wide range of deployments, both combat related and due to natural disasters. In addition, they’ve trained CCT’s in the pipeline.
We also discuss their fundraising efforts for the Combat Control Association. Mike is the President and Kyle is a member of the board and they have worked tirelessly to raise money thru the Combat Control Foundation so they can support CCT’s and their families in times of need.
Previous episodes mentioned:
Episode 64 – Dan Schilling – Alone at Dawn
Copyright 2022 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
To end the year, I’m playing my all-time most downloaded episode.
Right after high school graduation, Kyle Defoor @defoorproformanceshooting left for boot camp in Orlando. A few months later, he was in Coronado going thru BUD/S as an 18-year-old kid.
We talk about growing up together in the small town of Haleyville, AL. And since his chances of playing D-1 football were looking slim, he joined the military. He knew he wanted some type of special operations, but all he knew was the Army’s Green Beret’s (from watching Rambo). After meeting with an overweight Army recruiter, he moved along and met a decent Navy recruiter showing the old video “Someone Special”.
Kyle also shares how he prepared for the Navy and BUD/S. These were pre-internet days, so information wasn’t easy to get. He went to the library and talked with a man in town who was a SEAL from the Vietnam era.
After serving 10 years in the Navy, he got out, did some contracting and other odd jobs and then formed his own company in 2010 “Defoor Proformance Shooting”.
This episode is good stuff from an experienced special operator who was part of multiple military operations globally. He also speaks in generalities about the teams he was part of.
If you’re preparing for BUD/S, this is a good one to listen to b/c you get some insight on Kyle’s mindset and advice. He also shares what he’d do differently.
Read more about Kyle and you’ll understand why he says “boot camp was the greatest thing ever” and why he’d do BUD/S again.
Kyle Defoor supports The Mark Forester Foundation
My notes from Kyle’s Scoped Rifle Class
*This is a rebroadcast from 2017*
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Retired Air Force Combat Controller Gene Adcock joins me to talk about his new book, “Combat Control Team History“.
Since joining the Air Force in 1955 and retiring in 1977, Mr. Adcock has continued to contribute to the CCT career field. This book is another example with its estimated 800 pages and weight of 10 pounds.
Gene gives us a brief history of combat control, dating back to its origins in WWII. We talk Operation Varsity, Operation Overlord, Carpetbaggers – all from WWII, and the ill-fated rescue attempt code named Desert One from the Iranian hostage crisis.
It’s probably safe to say that Air Force combat controllers have been part of all major conflicts where the US has been involved. It’s also safe to say that most of the time, very few know that CCT’s are part of those missions–including Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Click here to order this massive book: Combat Control Team History
Other books/articles referenced in our conversation:
U.S. Special Operations Forces
Want to support my podcast? You can become a Patron by clicking here.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
As this episode goes live, Bobby Weismiller @lionscreedfitness is awaiting his job status with the federal government. Will he still be employed at the end of November? Like millions of others, the executive order could affect his and his family’s livelihood.
Bobby outlines his health history, yet the federal government still denied his waiver request. He details why he holds such conviction to not get the vaccine, even if he wasn’t concerned about his previous blood clots. Additionally, his doctor won’t sign Bobby’s request for medical exemption.
We also talk physical fitness, finances, his faith, and how his family is holding to that faith, especially since they may have zero income at the end of this month.
He “chose this hill to die on.” I wanted him on the show b/c he’s served our country for 14 years, feels strongly against this government overreach, and is sticking to his beliefs.
We firmly believe that the vaccine should be a choice, not forced upon us. I
chose to get it, Bobby didn’t. We don’t argue about it. It’s up to the individual and we believe strongly in freedom and liberty.
Because his father was a drug addict and dealer, and in-and-out of his life due to unfaithfulness to his mother, Weismiller said God wanted him to break the cycle in his family. Sports was a big part of that. He has broken that mold and is the father of 3 and still married to the love of his life – proving we don’t have to live by the hand we were dealt.
Mentioned in this episode:
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Afghanistan. What can I say? Well, I have a lot to say, but I’m not unloading my feelings here–much. We lost 13 American lives. At least 18 are injured, last I read (trying to get correct #). My heart goes out to their families. These heroes haven’t gotten the attention they deserve.
Now that our President has declared the war over, what is happening with the thousands of Afghans who are coming to the USA? How are they being vetted? How can we trust them? Why did we leave so many trusted Afghan partners behind? What will happen to them? The questions go on and on for so many of us.
Zach Asmus, former Air Force combat controller, and Cress Clippard, former Marine, have been taking action for several years not only by helping veterans transition from the service, but by helping with the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) process to get Afghans and Iraqi’s to the US to live better lives. These are people who have proven themselves as trusted by their US teammates as terrorists hunters and who have been vetted.
I’ve had a ton of anger recently, but that’s not going to solve one of the big problems at hand–what do we do with the SIV’s who are here, and who are coming? Zach and Cress are experts on the SIV process and explain it all. And what were the documents the Afghans were showing to our Marines at the airport and at Taliban checkpoints; and why many of those Afghans who are left have been instructed to burn anything that connects them to the US.
You can learn how Zach and Cress are making Americans by visiting:
Thank you for listening. Please rate my podcast and consider writing a review on whatever player you use–Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, Google Podcasts, etc.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Mark Lauren (@mark_lauren_training) started as a USAF Combat Controller. After his active duty service, he went on to use his experience as an operator and instructor to write the bestselling book You Are Your Own Gym; the Bible of Bodyweight Exercises, which has sold 1.5 million copies worldwide.
Mark now uses his 30+ years of training experience to develop and stream continuously evolving online bodyweight workouts to a loyal international following. His newest book Strong and Lean; 9-Minute Daily Workouts to Build Your Best Body releases October 2021.
For you current followers, we talk specifics like middle-aged fitness; and then the benefits of some specific workouts such as: A-frames with Elbow Drops, Streamline RDL’s, Windshield Wipers with legs straight and how to stretch your achilles/improve ankle flexion.
Also, the impact that living in Thailand and Thai boxing had on his exercise and mindset, knowing when to stop, why efficiency is so important, and what a beginner in any physical shape should do with his programs to make gains. You’ll find out if Mark still needs to take ibuprofen too.
This is Mark’s 3rd time on PTC. You can listen to his previous interviews here:
Mark has offered our listeners a discount on his bodyweight program membership. Go to https://marklauren.com/ and sign up. Use promo code PATRIOT for a 20% discount on an annual subscription. No expiration date.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
I last spoke with Dan Schilling in episode 64 about his NY Times Best-Selling book “Alone at Dawn”. Today, he has a new book, The Power of Awareness.
Schilling uses his personal experience from conducting combat and covert missions around the world, founded and then commanded two special operations squadrons – the second being one of America’s most clandestine special mission units, and he worked alongside the CIA, FBI and NSA to defeat terrorists.
Because of his unique career, safety and risk calculation became the fabric of his DNA. He emphasizes that understanding and mitigating risk is a learned activity and his mission with this book is to save lives.
We’re not talking about self-defense skills here–weapons, martial arts, etc. Dan is sharing about how to avoid dangerous circumstances, oftentimes by applying very simple acts and observations – from how to safely withdraw money from the ATM, how to navigate in an unknown city or area, what the difference is between instinct and intuition, and how to respond if you’re forced to take more drastic action.
To learn more about Dan, his books and his extreme world-record adventures, visit his web site at:
If you enjoy this interview, please consider helping my cause by supporting here on Patreon
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Michael Andrew (Michael the Maven) is back on the show to discuss why he’s in Indonesia and why UPS asked him to help them with logistical challenges in delivering vaccines.
If you don’t follow Michael, I encourage you to check out all his adventures–both as an entrepreneur and as a volunteer throughout the world. Today he explains the difficulty in getting the vaccines to the poor and to very remote areas. He’s not pushing it on anyone, rather providing logistics and supply chain help in making it available to those who desire the vaccine.
This isn’t a political, left or right, discussion. Mike merely explains why he feels compelled to help and why he’s lost some friends over his involvement with this project.
Visit his non-profit, Red Lightning here.
You can check out Mike’s first book here – 3 Weeks in Haiti
And this remarkable story of a man buried alive for 27 days. Mike captured his rescue here.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
In 2010, Beau and Ben Wise buried their big brother Jeremy. Two years later, Beau buried his brother Ben. He went from the youngest son to the only son.
Their parents are the only known U.S. military family to lose two sons in Afghanistan during the 19+ year war.
In this interview, I’m privileged to have Beau Wise and his co-author of “Three Wise Men“, Tom Sileo.
After top U.S. officials realized that two Wise brothers had been lost, Beau, a Marine, was permanently pulled from the battlefield – becoming the only U.S. service member to be removed from combat as a result of such extraordinary events in Afghanistan.
Great Americans, sad and powerful story.
You can read more of Tom Sileo’s books here.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rhonda Jimmerson’s brother, Major Troy “Trojan” Gilbert was an F-16 pilot with over 1000 flying hours.
On November, 27, 2006, his plane crashed in Iraq while he was protecting Americans whose helicopter had crashed. His body was ejected from the plane upon impact and immediately found and taken by al Qaeda–rolled up in a carpet and placed in a truck.
They made videos in celebration and kept his body as a trophy for 10 years.
Finally, on October 3, 2016, his body was returned home.
He was married with five children. Troy graduated from Texas Tech in 1993 with a degree in International Economics.
This interview with Rhonda is about her fight to get all of her brother’s remains home. She shares her struggles as a sister to support her parents and to support Troy’s wife Ginger, and children.
We finish up with her faith and how she persevered through one disappointment after another.
Note: since it became known that Troy had been killed, he was not considered “missing”. We discuss this but didn’t go into depth about what is considered “missing”.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Please enjoy this replay that originally aired in Feb of 2017.
J. Stanford (Stan) Staheli was only 18 years old when drafted. One year later he was a member of Patton’s Third Army, 4th Armored Division, liberating France from the Nazi’s. It was here that he was captured in 1944 during a German counter-attack near Rimsdorf, France. The Germans immediately said “The war’s over for you.” Stan thought surely, they were going to be killed; but that wasn’t the case.
He and the other prisoners walked three days to the camp in Frankfurt. They then traveled by rail in a standing-room only conditions to East Germany. Then eventually to another location where they were held for five months. Even though he said he was treated humanely, he was stripped of his clothes each night and only had a small throw blanket for cover, during the coldest recorded winter in German history at the time.
Stan said life in the prison camp wasn’t that bad. The guards told them “if you don’t work, you don’t eat.” Having grown up in the depression, this wasn’t a new concept to him. He learned to love to work long before the Army. They built bomb shelters and repaired railroads for the German Army. However, many of the guards were disabled from the front lines and would show the prisoners pictures of their captors’ families when their superiors weren’t around.
Staheli said his mom never lost faith that her son was alive. Even though he was officially “missing in action”, many presumed he was dead. After being released, he was finally able to write his family and then surprised them on a Sunday morning in Cedar City, UT.
Today, Staheli is 91 years old (as of Feb 2017) and has a noble posterity – 10 children (2 have passed), 53 grandchildren, and 60+ great-grandchildren. Quoting Will Rogers, he said “I never met a man I didn’t like.”
This hero, with only an 8th grade education, was presented an honorary diploma from Enterprise High School in May 2016.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2021 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Throwback to my interview with Mick Gillispie and Ryan Fowler on “The Game” radio show in February 2012.
Mick has been a big supporter of The Mark Forester Foundation since its inception. And in this interview we cover many topics surrounding Mark’s education, time in military, final battle, The American Fallen Soldiers Project, fundraisers and Mark’s foundation.
As you’ll hear in my intro, I’m having a difficult time interviewing lately, but have people with compelling stories lined up. It’s all a matter of time, and right now, our family is having to constantly “recalibrate”.
Here are links to what we discussed today:
Bama Gone but Not Forgotten – Thomas “Jake” Jaichner
An American Hero Comes Home – Major Troy Gilbert
The American Fallen Soldiers Project – Univ of Alabama
Follow Mick at:
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Sept 29, 2020 is the 10th anniversary of Mark Forester’s death in Afghanistan. The picture in this post is Mark’s body being taken from the C-17 at Dover AFB for the Dignified Transfer.
My guest is General Robert Armfield who was Mark’s group commander in 2010. Armfield was also at Dover when Mark’s body arrived, he visited our home to provide additional details of his death, and was in the background helping lead the notification activities.
We discuss how they arranged simultaneously notifying our family, how they watched Mom and Dad’s home until Dad got home from work. Why they called the sheriff before they delivered the news and how they prepare to bring this news that rocks someone’s world instantly.
He also shares the purpose of that last big mission Mark and his team were on. It was great to have this experienced, American warfighter on the show and we appreciate him reflecting on Mark’s death from Gwyn’s unique perspective.
“I cannot think of another Air Force general who has more combat time than Brig. Gen. Armfield,” said retired Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel, former commander of Air Force Special Operations Command and officiant of Armfield’s retirement ceremony.
Learn more about Brig. Gen. Armfield here
Mentioned in this show:
HBO original movie: Taking Chance
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Dan Skidmore spent nine years as an Air Force combat controller. As a member of this elite group, he deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other locations across the globe.
He is a member of Force Blue , which unites the community of Special Operations veterans with the world of marine conservation for the betterment of both.
Dan is also the Director of Training for GORUCK – a gear, apparel, footwear, and events company that I’m a big fan of.
In this episode we cover three main topics: CCT, GORUCK and one of his businesses, Ruck Wrap, which promotes recovery and injury prevention by compression and teaches how to “maintain your machine.”
At the end, I got his opinion on professional athletes kneeling for the National Anthem.
I hope you enjoy this hard-charging, health and fitness advocate that I enjoy following on Instagram.
Follow Dan on Facebook below:
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Today Mark’s friend and teammate tells us what it was like to get the news of Mark’s death, how he got a risky flight out of his FOB and met up with Mark so he could escort his buddy back to the states as part of the Angel Flight.
This episode is solely about Bobby Bonello and Mark Forester. Even though much of what is discussed is written in my book, I wanted to have an oral history and capture Bobby’s feelings and some details that were left out of the book.
Seeing Bobby at Dover AFB for the Dignified Transfer was somewhat comforting. He knew Mark and knew us. Up until then, our notifications had been from those who knew Mark, but we didn’t really know.
Bobby was visibly shaken and had a sort of blank look in his face when we first saw him. Probably how we looked too.
The picture above is Bobby at Mark’s casket/transfer case in a C-17 in Kandahar, just before leaving for Dover AFB. Although barely being able to see Bobby’s face, he looks shaken, worn and upset. I still can’t tell you who took these pictures, but they were a friend of a family friend who happened to be there. Amazingly this person found out who it was and made the connection, got the pics to his friend, who then sent to me. It was only a matter a days after this happened.
And hope you enjoy clips of the song used. Credit to Radney Foster, Angel Flight.
**originally aired Sept. 29, 2017 as episode 038**
*PTC is on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
It seemed Linda Ambard was the last person to find out about her husband, Maj. Philip Ambard’s death. The media knew, her co-workers knew and even some of her children found out via social media.
Linda shares why her late husband immigrated to the United States, learned English, along with 7 other languages, and then chose to join the Air Force.
Her notification and details of this death were far from effective, but we know who his killer was. It was an insider–someone he and his teammates trusted. Since, she’s been on a mission to help the Air Force know where to improve and to help military spouses understand how to avoid some of the challenges she faced in the days following his death.
Linda still doesn’t have clear answers, but she’s forgiven Phil’s killer (who killed a total of 9 Americans that day) and has “hope” for the Afghan people.
Since his death, she’s run 55 marathons (total of 200) on six continents. She’s been on the Antarctica Marathon waiting list and will accomplish that goal in 2021. She’s a champion of getting outside, running, and relying on your faith to get thru challenges. She’s a woman of action and change. It was great having her on Patriot to the Core!
You can get her book here and learn more about her husband Maj. Phil Ambard:
Courageously Alive
Afghan Pilot wanted to kill Americans
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
I know I’m not the only one who is getting an increased amount of target marketing on alternatives to gyms. Our current situation that has caused gyms to close didn’t change my routine at all b/c I don’t rely on one. The reason; my exercise strategy changed when I began following Mark Lauren’s programs in January of 2018.
His quote to me in this episode, which originally aired July 2018, has proven to be ahead of it’s time: “A critical and essential piece to long term fitness is being independent.” Here we discuss how to be independent of a gym membership, unnecessary equipment and much more.
Back on the show is former Air Force combat controller (CCT) Mark Lauren. In episode 40, we discussed his early life, time in military and how he implemented his workouts in the CCT pipeline. Now, we’re talking a little more about how he observed that the fitness industry at large was backward, ineffective, and unsustainable in it’s approach. So, he created fitness programming that improves performance outside of the gym.
Lauren’s understanding of athletic fundamentals allows him to create exercise programs for all ability groups that improve performance and physical condition in record time, injury free, by mastering the fundamentals.
Bodyweight training is Mark’s calling in life. And I’m a big believer in his philosophy and movements.
Today we talk about those programs and the success of his app at MarkLauren.com.
Sign up for Mark’s community and get 20% by using coupon code PATRIOT, by going here: https://bodyweight.marklauren.com
Follow Mark on Instagram
*Originally aired July 9, 2018*
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Most of you have heard of Chris Kyle or seen the movie “American Sniper“, directed by Clint Eastwood. It was a very popular book and movie.
But I always wondered about his brother Jeff. What made him serve in the military? How close were he and Chris and how did Chris’ death affect him?
Today is one Gold Star brother talking with another about his life growing up and how he was “set straight” by a veteran at the VA who told him he’s all talk and no action. That was a turning point for Jeff.
We also discuss the great work he and his family are doing with https://www.chriskylememorialbenefit.com/ and American Valor Foundation, in addition, his job at United States Tactical
If you enjoy this podcast or any of my other 70 episodes, please give me a rating on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are big help in the success of the show. Thank you.
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
“Cowardice and courage; both are infectious. The Hong Kongers are showing a lot of courage.”
Michael Yon (Instagram Michael_yon_world) is back on the show to discuss what’s going on it Hong Kong. We get into some deep history on China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as talk its comparison to Poland in the 80’s.
He’s been on the ground, in the action, since summer of 2019. I’ve watched his videos and seen a man on fire, much violence and anger between protestors and traitors.
Yon has written a plethora of books and articles. One recent, in-depth interview was on American Thought Leaders from a few weeks ago. You can watch that here:
Learn more about Michael from his blog
Now, enjoy the history lesson and why it’s important that the United States stands up to China.
And you can listen to my first interview with this “premier combat journalist” Michael from episode 13 here.
Copyright 2020 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Woody Williams will never forget the odor of burning human remains.
“There are some things about that 4 hours that have bothered me my whole life… I can’t remember going back and getting the other 5 flamethrowers. It was so horrific, I didn’t want to remember.”
I was introduced to death by flamethrower after learning of Mr. Williams. He went thru 5 – 70 lb flamethrowers in a 4-hour battle on Iwo Jima. Two of the Marines assigned to him were killed that day protecting his life. He is the last surviving recipient of the Medal of Honor from that battle, and the last surviving Marine to receive the MOH for heroism in World War II.
You could say Mr. Williams lived a sheltered life up until his time in the military. Prior, he’d never heard of Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Ocean, or Japan. He joined the Marines to protect his country and protect his freedom. He thought he’d be staying in the U.S., but after boot camp he learned they’d be fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.
I asked, “What did you know about Iwo Jima before you got there?” His response, “Not a thing!” Later he saw the flag raised on Mount Suribachi, but didn’t consider the significance at that time. He had a job to do and wasn’t reveling in the moment.
His story is remarkable. He was awarded the MOH by Pres. Truman, but admits being more nervous to meet the Commandant of the Marine Corp than the President. He shares with us what both these men told him regarding the medal. He didn’t know anything about the MOH. Even the day he received it he didn’t know what it was about.
I even get his opinion on the NFL controversies over kneeling during the National Anthem. Awesome interview. You should read his medal citation below and learn more about him at these links:
Read his Medal of Honor Citation
Learn about his foundation:
Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation
*originally published Oct 30, 2017
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Nic is a former Air Force Pararescueman (PJ) and Country Chief for a special unit within the CIA. During his career he witnessed the epidemic of child trafficking within illegal markets and recognized the opportunity to apply his training to influence this global crisis.
How do he and his organization, DeliverFund, do this? By equipping, training and advising law enforcement officers to track down and arrest these worthless scums of the earth. They focus on getting the source by unleashing the warriors.
In some instances, they’ve reduced the time to find and arrest traffickers down to days and hours.
To say Nic McKinley has a firm understanding about these illicit, illegal markets and has the highest levels of training to effectively combat them is an understatement.
And in case you wondered if Nic is the real Jack Ryan… he is. Here’s proof.
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
On this 9th anniversary of the death of Mark Forester, I talk with our dad and sister. Obviously this is more of a personal episode where we talk about Mark at various stages in life and Dad and Terri’s relationship with him.
You may not know it by pictures or only knowing Mark as an adult, but he went thru a lazy period as a teenager. He also spent entirely too much time playing a ridiculous computer game called “Return of the Shadow” (or something like that).
This is a rare time when Dad is recorded talking about Mark. So, join me today as we honor Senior Airman Mark Forester, who was killed-in-action on this day in 2010 in Afghanistan.
If you want to learn more about Mark, throughout his life and military, you can purchase his book from Amazon here:
Also, if you feel so included to support my podcast, it’s easy via Patreon. The $$ amount you can contribute is very little. Regardless, thank you for listening and sharing.
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
When Lauren Sisler’s phone rang at 3 am, she never expected her father to say that her mother had died. When her plane landed in Virginia that same day, all she wanted was a big hug from her dad, only he wasn’t there. In those few hours, he had died too.
Today, this ESPN and AL.com sports broadcaster tells how she was ashamed for far too long about how her parents died. When she finally was transparent–that they had overdosed on prescription painkillers, she felt freedom and healing.
This Navy daughter has an inspirational message about overcoming grief and despair and finding success. After all, she was only 18 when she lost both parents. Thank goodness for her older brother, Aunt and Uncle, and coaches at Rutgers who didn’t cut her any slack.
I look forward to seeing her on the sidelines more this year in the college football season.
You can also watch this interview on YouTube.
Thank you Sheepdog Firearms for letting us record another show in your fine facility.
Mentioned in this episode:
Paralyzed UAB Football Player Tim Alexander keeps promise
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Renee Nickell’s brother, Major Samuel Griffith, was killed-in-action in Dec, 2011. Since then, she’s gone thru many dark valleys and has found healing by writing a book: “Always My Hero” about her older brother and best friend.
With her appearance last week on Home and Family, and her radio, podcast and TV tour this past year, she’s done an incredible job spreading the word about Marine Sam Griffith.
Her brother Sam left behind a wife, children, and grieving parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. This former F-18 pilot – turned Forward Air Controller, did his part to not only raise a noble posterity, but also lead his men and eliminate terrorists.
Her book goes deep into the conflicts her family fought through after Sam’s death. Miraculously she got $400 so she, husband and children could drive non-stop from Florida to Dover AFB to witness the arrival of her brother’s remains as part of the Dignified Transfer.
As a Gold Star sibling, I have tremendous respect for Renee and how she’s expressing her devotion to her brother and country by personalizing the price of freedom. She’s in pain. Her family hurts – just as anyone who loses a loved-one. In this case, I can relate more than most.
May this interview help your Memorial Day be more meaningful. Thank you for listening.
You can purchase her book (re-releasing in June 2019) by visiting her web site or Amazon:
You can also read her article on patriotism published on Today.com here.
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
In the predawn hours of March 4, 2002, just below the 10,000-foot peak of a mountain in Afghanistan, a fierce battle raged. Outnumbered by Al Qaeda fighters, Air Force Combat Controller John Chapman and a handful of SEALs struggled to take the summit in a desperate bid to find a lost teammate. Chapman, leading the charge, was gravely wounded in the initial assault. Believing he was dead, his SEAL leader ordered a retreat. Chapman regained consciousness, finding himself alone with the enemy who was closing in on three sides. Thus began the most difficult and exceptional fight of his life.
For the U.S., the battle proved the deadliest entanglement of Operation Anaconda. We lost 7 men there at Takur Ghar, including Jason Cunningham and Neil Roberts.
On August 22, 2018, Pres Trump posthumously awarded the medal of honor to John Chapman. My guest today, Dan Schilling, has written a book, Alone at Dawn, to capture the life and legacy of this American Hero.
Although the book doesn’t come out until June, I loved getting an inside scoop on Chapman’s life leading up to his final mission and how Dan became involved.
We also talk about his extreme sports and why he set a Guinness World Record for 201 BASE jumps in 24 hours.
Pre-order Alone at Dawn here plus check out Dan’s other books.
Watch drone footage of Chapman’s incredibly heroic final stand here.
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
If you search for Justin Carroll on the web, you will find very little about him–and good luck finding a picture of his face. This former Marine is now a security and privacy consultant. Carroll stresses that it’s not about hiding anything, but protecting our information.
In his early days he transitioned from Force Recon to becoming a member of the first Fox Company (first MARSOC unity to deploy) under Maj. Fred Galvin.
Today we spend most of our time learning how to protect ourselves and our children online. Justin has it figured out since he’s managed to keep himself from being blasted all over the web.
We also talk about some of his current projects – Across the Peak podcast, Revolverguy.com and his books, The Complete Privacy and Security Desk Reference, Volumes I and II.
Justin is full of tips that anyone could and should do to be a little more careful regarding our online presence–whether it’s social media, banking or our credit.
Copyright 2019 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Sammy Davis joined the Army because he loved his daddy. He wanted to make him and his grandads proud. He was just a kid out of high school. If he hadn’t joined the Army, he wanted to be a member of Hell’s Angels.
Regarding war protestors at SFO I asked, “Did you look them in the eye?” Davis’ response: “I looked every one of them in the eye.”
On November 18, 1967, his team was ambushed by the Vietcong and the Americans did what they were trained to do. Davis was knocked unconscious, then woken up by a beehive round strike to his body. Although he didn’t think he’d live to see the light of day, he saw his brothers across the river and he rescued them. One of those men was Jim Dyster, who had been shot thru the head and was for sure dead. Turns out, he wasn’t.
During our conversation we get to hear from his wife, Dixie too. She’s by his side at all his appearances. She wrote a book about their life, which is linked below.
This is another great, selfless American that kept a smile on my face the entire interview. And you may be interested to know he’s the real life Forrest Gump. Watch his Medal of Honor ceremony with Pres Johnson and you’ll see why.
Below are some resources to learn more about Sergeant First
Class Sammy L. Davis:
His book: You
Don’t Lose Til You Quit Trying.
Dixie’s book: Endless
Love and Second Chances
“Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference.” (spoken by the sheepdogs; the warriors).
What do you ask the expert in the study of the psychology of killing?
Among the many things we discuss today are the differences between sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. Which one are you? Well he’s going to describe each one and how they respond to threatening situations. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds.
We also talk violence on TV, sleep deprivation, teen suicide, everyday carry (EDC) and veterans health. I love his reasoning for turning off the cell phone/tablet at night–do not take to bed. This was very interesting.
Learn more about Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, his books and academy here:
On Killing (perennial bestseller)
Stop Teaching our Kids to Kill
Warrior Mindset: Mental Toughness Skills for our Nation’s Peacekeepers
Sheepdogs – Meet our Nation’s Warriors (children’s book)
Why Mommy Carries a Gun, American Sheepdogs (children’s book)
*Replay from 7/10/17
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Today is 8 years since Mark was killed in Afghanistan. Although we were notified in person by his teammates and leadership, there were still many unanswered questions–details no one who wasn’t there could personally share.
Major Wes Wilson was the ODA Detachment Commander when Mark was killed. Their team had split up and Wes was about 200 meters away with the mounted element, which included George, who’s been on the podcast two times before.
Hear Wes give us more details of that intense short period on Sept 29, 2010 in Uruzgan Province, where two Americans and others were killed.
You can read more specifics of Mark’s final stand from his Silver Star citation here.
Purchase his book in paperback, hardback or Kindle here.
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
“If we don’t try to rescue the boys, we’ll be giving them a death sentence.”
On June 23, 2018, a team of 12 boys — who were all between the ages of 11 and 16 — had just finished a weekly soccer practice and went to explore a cave with their coach.
But after they’d entered the cave, heavy rain started falling and the rising water trapped them inside.
1 day later their belongings were found. Then, on July 2 a rescue diver discovered them when he ran out of line and popped up out of the water inside the cave.
While most of the world was captivated by this story, my guest today was in the thick of the action. Major Charles Hodges was the US Mission Commander. He and his team from the 353rd Special Operations Group along with a team from the 31st Rescue Squadron, were brought in to advise and assist the Royal Thai government.
He gives us great detail on their initial thought processes, how he and his team assisted the multinational effort and why they were willing to take risks and be bold b/c they had no choice but to get the Wild Boars out of there, accepting that 3-5 of the boys could die in the process.
Maj Hodges, an Air Force Special Tactics Officer, concluded with: “This is what we train for – going into a crisis and solving problems.”
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Back on the show is former Air Force combat controller (CCT) Mark Lauren. In episode 40, we discussed his early life, time in military and how he implemented his workouts in the CCT pipeline. Now, we’re talking a little more about how he observed that the fitness industry at large was backward, ineffective, and unsustainable in it’s approach. So, he created fitness programming that improves performance outside of the gym.
His mantra is “you only get good at what you do”, which guides the development of his programs. Lauren’s understanding of athletic fundamentals allows him to create exercise programs for all ability groups that improve performance and physical condition in record time, injury free, by mastering the fundamentals.
Bodyweight training is Mark’s calling in life. I’ve been following his programs since January 2018 and feel great. I’m a big believer in his philosophy and movements.
Today we talk about those programs and the success of his app at MarkLauren.com.
Sign up for Mark’s community and get 20% by using coupon code PATRIOT, by going here: https://bodyweight.marklauren.com
Follow Mark on Instagram
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
“As a senior AH-64D Longbow Apache aviator rated as Pilot in Command and qualified as Air Mission Commander, I have never witnessed such an act of heroism in my three years of fighting in combat…. My only regret is that I was unable to prevent Jag 28’s death. I will carry that burden indefinitely. Jag 28 continued to advance on the enemy while taking intense enemy fire, and continuously fired his weapon in an attempt to get to his fallen teammate and destroy the enemy. I can only hope to live up to such an example.”
In today’s Memorial Day episode, I describe some of my brother Mark’s final moments on 29 Sept 2010 as he and his team fought terrorists in a remote village in Afghanistan. The particulars I cover are from the book “My Brother in Arms” and testimony provided by one of the Apache pilots who watched it all go down with his naked eye.
I also report on last weekend’s “Jag 28 Birthday Walk” in Haleyville. Man, it was a great time.
To learn more about Mark Forester, here are a few links:
National Geographic Eyewitness War on Mark Forester or official site here
Since The Mark Forester Foundation’s annual race and 28-mile birthday walk is May 19, I wanted to have family friend and race director Lauren Tinker on the show. Lauren shares why she wants to lead the races each year and what Mark Forester means to her. She and her family dedicate countless hours throughout the year to make this race happen.
Tinker also tells us about last minute emergencies and miracles, and praises the many people who sponsor and support our foundation and her efforts.
We end by talking about the JAG 28 Birthday Walk, which takes place at the same time as the races. Since she’s not around for the walk and I’m not around for the race, we both had questions about each.
Up until two years ago, the Price of Freedom Race and Birthday Walk were our only fundraisers each year. In 2016, we had our first Mark Forester Charity Golf Tournament, which has been a great fundraiser too.
Here is a listing of all the events taking place on May 19, 2018:
Half marathon
-Double-dip (both 5k and 10k)
-1-mile fun run
-JAG 28 Birthday Walk
For more details and registration, visit The Mark Forester Foundation
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause and get insider access!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
I first learned of Brant Ireland in an ESPN interview prior to the 2017 Warrior Games. That’s when I knew he needed to be on the show.
Here he is sharing how he made it thru the grueling pipeline to become a Green Beret, then loosing his leg in a bazaar accident in Afghanistan in 2013. Ireland will describe in painful detail how it happened and his long recovery. I mean, your leg isn’t supposed to bend backward where you kick yourself in the groin.
Now he finds purpose and healing thru sports, which has been a constant his entire life. Sled Hockey – this has become his favorite. Brant says, “When I was at a very low point, sled hockey kind of found me. ‘I was kind of closed-minded to adapted sports because I wanted to play real sports. Those are for people who can’t compete at real sports, but I’m going to find a way to compete at real reports.’ Looking back, how silly I was and how wrong I was.”
I loved talking to this family man who continues to take care of his men in the 3rd Special Forces Group (A) and his family. At the same time, showing his wife and children that there are always ways to adapt so you can continue to do what you love and prevail. In Brant’s case, it’s sports.
Ireland won a silver medal in the 2017 Warrior Games and bronze medal in the 2017 Invictus Games.
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause and get insider access!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Ever wondered if your deceased father received any awards for valor while serving in the military? Ever been told a relative received a medal, but you’ve never seen it? Or, do you feel someone is flat-out lying to you about their service accomplishments? My guest today is helping answer all those questions. Doug Sterner has created a searchable database of valor award citations. Sterner, a Vietnam veteran and Military Times contributing editor has consumed himself with verifying this data by source material such as official award citations, narratives and/or synopses from individuals or records from the National Archives.
The Hall of Valor is an ongoing project. It is a monumental effort to identify the half-million men and women who received the highest U.S. military awards, in addition to the millions of others who received other awards.
The Hall of Valor database currently includes all recipients of the Medal of Honor and all of the second-tier valor awards: Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross and Air Force Cross. They are also in the midst of a multi-year effort to identify recipients of Silver Star and below.
Doug and his wife Pam also created the Stolen Valor Act (SVA) that was signed into law by George W. Bush in 2006.
Additionally, Sterner warns us of calling out stolen valor; because, what if you’re wrong? Is it worth it?
I had a great time talking with this Patriot today. He even surprised me by the amount of info he had on my brother Mark.
Doug Sterner’s Amazon Author Page with his numerous books.
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause and get insider access!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Justin Roberts is our first Chaplain on the show. I thought we were going to mainly talk about his new movie, “No Greater Love“, but I also got educated on the emotional roller coaster roles of an Army Chaplain.
Roberts, the director and producer of No Greater Love, has experienced the reality of war and its aftermath first hand. While deployed in Afghanistan with the legendary “No Slack” Battalion, he witnessed brave men and women sacrifice themselves to protect others. Justin also witnessed suicide, the first occurring just two days after arriving at his new battalion. Then, at Brooks Army Medical Center he witnessed the physical and emotional struggle veterans experience even after returning home, including their intense sense of isolation.
This award-winning documentary shares the experiences of Chaplain Roberts and other soldiers through combat footage and emotional interviews.
It was released in theaters in Nov 2017, and will be available on DVD March 27, 2018.
You can order the movie here.
If you’re not sure of a trustworthy organization to support, Justin has provided a solution here where you can select a non-profit he has listed or search for one near you.
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause and get insider access!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Matt Larsen is the most successful hand-to-hand combat trainer and program developer in history. Regarded as the father of the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP), Larsen overhauled the Army’s hand-to-hand combat doctrine by rewriting the Combatives field manual in 2002 and updated the manual in 2009.
Larsen shared with me his background and why the Combatives Field Manual needed rewriting and why he was the guy to do it. Matt, who owns Matt Larsen’s Combat Fitness Center in Springfield, Virginia is a former Marine and Army Ranger, and has decades of experience in the martial arts field. He’s also a Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame combatives instructor Matt Larsen.
Here are a few topics covered:
Based on my last three shows, it appears I have a pattern of guests who teach how to protect yourself and your family. Although not intentional, I like what each of these guests teach, so I’m fortunate to have Matt on here to round out my three-in-a-row personal protection experts.
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause and get insider access!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
In addition to being a Marine, Rich Brown is my first law enforcement officer on the show. He’s proven to live a life of service–to his country, to his community and to immigrants looking for work and better ways of life in the US.
Speaking of immigrants, we have a great discussion about President Trump’s recent remarks concerning people coming here from shithole countries. Rich has not only been to many of the countries spoken of, but he helps hire immigrants from these countries. He provides some insight into the outrage by so many based on his experiences in these corrupt countries and working with their people.
Brown is a founding member of the American Warrior Society, which is an online university where anyone can learn how to keep their families safe. He is a veteran of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. And at one time he received orders to teach small arms, patrolling, military operations in urban terrain and unarmed close combat at the Marine Corps School of Infantry (East).
We close our conversation by talking a little every-day carry (EDC). And he shares some tips on how to carry with a tucked in shirt.
Learn more about American Warrior Society
Listen to the American Warrior Show podcast
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can get insider access while helping me produce quality interviews!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Here in part 2, Tim goes into more detail about how to protect yourself and he provides real-world examples both by his students and by other random acts of violence. Then you’ll understand why it’s absolutely crucial to know how to survive the most critical 5 seconds of your life.
If you don’t know the name Tim Larkin (@TFTTimLarkin), that’s probably a good thing. Why? Because most civilians who come to him have already had a violent encounter and been a victim.
Tim Larkin is the founder & creator of Target Focus Training, the world leader in personal-protection training. For more than 25 years he’s taught everyone from US Navy SEALS to regular citizens how to survive unavoidable violent attacks.
Larkin gave me a lot of time for this interview and in episode 1 he went into detail about his background and why he started Target Focus Training. He also explains why he uses the methods he does, because they are unique. He emphasizes the tools he teaches have nothing to do with your athleticism, size or strength.
Visit Target Focus Training and sign up for 10 free videos
Buy When Violence is the Answer
Buy Survive the Unthinkable: A Total Guide to Women’s Self-Protection
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
If you don’t know the name Tim Larkin (@TFTTimLarkin), that’s probably a good thing. Why? Because most civilians who come to him have already had a violent encounter and been a victim.
Tim Larkin is the founder & creator of Target Focus Training, the world leader in personal-protection training. For more than 25 years he’s taught everyone from US Navy SEALS to regular citizens how to survive unavoidable violent attacks.
Tim gave me a lot of time and went into detail about his background and why he started Target Focus Training. He also explains why he uses the methods he does, because they are unique. He emphasizes the tools he teaches have nothing to do with your athleticism, size or strength.
Here in episode 1, you’ll understand how he prepared himself for this type of work, for his military career and why in the world he was taking cold showers as a young teenager. In episode 2 he’ll go into more detail about how to protect yourself and provide real-world examples both by his students and other random acts of violence. Then you’ll understand why it’s absolutely crucial to know how to survive the most critical 5 seconds of your life.
Visit Target Focus Training and sign up for 10 free videos
Buy When Violence is the Answer
Buy Survive the Unthinkable: A Total Guide to Women’s Self-Protection
*My podcast is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Israel Del Toro (aka DT) was angry that he wasn’t left to die on the battlefield. Later when he saw his face in the hospital, he went thru his darkest hour.
After losing his parents as a young boy, DT joined the Air Force and became a Tactical Air Control Party member. Then, in 2005, his vehicle hit a roadside bomb and over 80% of his body was severely burned (third degree) and he lost most of his fingers.
The doctors told him he would never breath on his own and wouldn’t walk again. Two months later he walked out of the hospital unassisted. But the moment of truth was yet to come. How would his son react after seeing his dad, wrapped up like a mummy, for the first time since deploying?
His reaction; he hugged and squeezed his dad like he never had. DT said that was the greatest feeling in the world. All his son wanted was his dad.
Del Toro has accomplished much since that day: he’s the only person to return to active duty in the Air Force after being 100% disabled, was awarded the Pat Tillman Award for Service in 2017, jumped out of planes, won medals in the Invictus Games, and become a mentor and role model to many.
And why did I almost title this “Stairway to Heaven”? Well, it’s his favorite song and each time he goes under the knife, they play that song in the pre-op room. I mean, he’s only had 120+ surgeries.
Read more about Israel Del Toro
Follow him on social:
@ideltoro21 on Twitter
@idt21 on Instagram
*Please consider visiting my Patreon page where you can support and get something in return.
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rambo Theme Song – Jerry Goldsmith
With the release of “12 Strong“, I’m replaying my interview with Bart Decker (Episode 008). He and his Special Operations team were some of the first men inserted into Afghanistan after 9/11. They arrived by helicopter and then realized horseback was the only way to move to their target location since many of the ledges were 2′-3′ wide. These men were covert operators named Task Force Dagger that joined up with the Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban.
The team rode on horseback to capture the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. Once they arrived, the Taliban had moved out and his team were welcomed as liberators. Bart also tells us how he controlled his emotions when interacting with John Walker Lindh, the American who converted to Islam and took part in a violent uprising after his capture in Afghanistan.
Decker is now retired after 20+ years serving in the Air Force. He said he wouldn’t go back and change a thing. He loved his time serving his country and has no regrets.
He and his team are forever honored at One World Trade center with a 13’ bronze statue of an American Commando on a horse. Glad to see this story finally making the big screen. I’m sure Decker won’t be mentioned or portrayed in the movie. After all, would you be surprised that an AF guy be highlighted whenever there are SF and/or SEALs in the picture? I don’t think Bart is complaining.
And here is a good article by Jack Murphy describing some controversies with the movie.
More info here:
“Horse Soldiers” by Doug Stanton
Americas Response Monument at One World Trade Center
Sgt Macs Bar on Horse Soldiers and Bart Decker
*PTC is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
What would a fire on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier that’s miles from land be like? You have nowhere to go and it’s up to you (the crew, especially those trained) to handle it.
There have only been 5 major flight deck fires in our history and fortunately Darren Sapp never experienced one, but he did write about it. After many years of being asked about the dangers and adventures of working on an aircraft carrier, he wrote a novel that explores that experience and climatic nature of a huge fire on the flight deck.
Before this interview, I’d never heard of the different color shirts on aircraft carriers (yellow, red, blue, etc). Sapp was on the inaugural crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the 80’s and we cover several topics:
Visit DarrenSapp.com
Update from interview: Darren later corrected the date of the Green Beret’s birth to 1952
*PTC is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Roger Long was living the American dream in his 30’s–good, stable job with very profitable company, home like they’d always wanted, 2 healthy boys and married to the love of his life. Then, Young onset Parkinson’s disease attacked and changed his life forever.
He gained a lot of weight, walked with a cane and medically retired. Then, a phone call from his deployed son in Afghanistan gave him the kick in the tail he needed. When his oldest said “Dad, I don’t think I’m going to make it out of here alive”, Roger knew he had to be available to walk with his son when/if he came home.
So, he started walking with a goal in mind – to walk a continuous 10 miles in his neighborhood. He dropped his cane and did it. He also quit all his meds and got to the point where the effects of Parkinson’s would come back only when he didn’t exercise regularly. Roger had to walk most days of the week in order to feel good.
In 2012 he completed the Bataan Memorial Death March with this oldest son, physically aiding him across the finish line. Later, reaching the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro ten years after his Parkinson’s diagnosis was the culmination of a life-changing turnaround that set him on a new life course. Africa changed him. It showed Long what’s really possible and to think beyond himself. In the end Roger said goals help us recover.
He documented his diagnosis and journey climaxing with standing on top of Kili in his book:
Push the Rock: Second Chances on the Road to Kilimanjaro
Read more about Roger at First Summit Project
*PTC is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2018 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
I’m taking this week off to enjoy Christmas with my family. This means eating too much sugar and wrestling with the boys.
Got some very interesting guests coming up – I’ll describe them in the audio of this one.
If you’re looking for some Christmas cheer, here is the link to last year’s episode on this day: “Christmas from Heaven” with Hal Halvorsen, aka, “The Candy Bomber”.
In addition, here are links to some of my most popular episodes over the last year and a half:
CCT Mark Lauren – You are your own Gym
Bobby Escorting Mark’s body to Dover – Angel Flight
Kyle Defoor – former SEAL, sniper
CCT Bart Decker – Horse Soldier in Afghanistan
Tune in next week for Roger Long – Marine dad and still kicking Parkinson’s butt.
If you’re still in the spirit of giving, check out my Patreon page to see how a very small donation can help with my mission here at Patriot to the Core podcast.
After being in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for over 3-1/2 months, Michael Andrew is sitting at the airport saying “Service is the ultimate drug with no negative side effects.”
This was an early morning call while Michael was at the airport waiting to fly back to the states after “leaving it all on the field in Puerto Rico.” He’s been a volunteer, working mostly with the Salvation Army. They ended up making him an Operations Chief. Michael is leaving the island exhausted and said his soul is on fire.
Here are some things we discuss:
-What he learned as a leader
-His weaknesses that were exposed and that he was able to make strengths
-Delivering food and water was really delivering hope
-Miracles he witnessed, almost daily
-How he’s the luckiest and richest man in the world and it has nothing to do with money
Great episode, especially since he didn’t have much time to think about it. It’s really his raw answers and thoughts. He’ll elaborate much more on his podcast and future videos and blog posts.
Here is my last interview with Michael Andrew after he arrived in St. Martin to help after Hurricane Irma, before going to PR, but he tells me in that interview that he needs to get to PR. Below are more links to follow him:
Hear our first interview on Episode 002
You can also follow Michael on his podcast The Maven Nation
A few weeks after the attacks of 9/11, Will quit his finance job in Midtown Manhattan to join the military. Turns out quitting his job may have been premature since it took about a year to get in the Army.
This Princeton graduate entered basic training 10 years older than most and knew what he wanted to do. He became an Airborne Ranger qualified infantry officer in the US Army.
After leaving the Army and a few other jobs, he pitched the idea to a publisher on a book about “The Twelve” American soldiers who guarded Saddam Hussein during his trial. They liked it and we finish up our discussion about his book “The Prisoner in his Palace“.
“The Twelve” committed not to speak to anyone about their job, nor to write about it. Living alongside, and caring for, their “high value detainee” in a former palace dubbed The Rock and regularly transporting him to his trial, they learned Hussein actually had some charm. He’d have angry outbursts in court cursing Americans, only to tell his guards in the elevator later not to pay attention to that.
Bardenwerper doesn’t skip the fact that the American guards knew Saddam was a killer and deserved what he got. However, they saw another side of him that few Americans have. In fact, as they were taking him to be hanged, Saddam Hussein gave one soldier a significant gift–one that probably wasn’t appropriate to accept, but he didn’t want to do anything that could potentially make the execution not go as planned.
Intriguing book that “shows two Saddams coexisting in one person: the defiant tyrant who uses torture and murder as tools, and a shrewd but contemplative prisoner who exhibits surprising affection, dignity, and courage in the face of looming death.”
Learn more about Will below:
My book tour stop at San Quentin
Hear Will on Team RWB Podcast
Hear Will on Ep 22 of Hazard Ground Podcast
*PTC is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
After 33 years as an Army officer, Vinny Boles is getting paid to travel the globe to speak on topics he loves- leadership and supply chain.
This 2-star General shed some light on how to lead in a crisis (which applies to any profession) and how do you take bad news. The later is the most critical leadership skill.
I asked him how to keep morale up when your company is downsizing. He has interesting advice. A portion of that was that it’s critical to show empathy.
Other topics:
Management vs leadership: What’s the difference? Vinny elaborates.
Millennials: Why they are the 21st century’s greatest generation.
I had a great time meeting this warrior and got solid advice that’s applicable to anyone.
Learn more about Vinny and purchase his book “4-3-2-1 Leadership” from his website.
Also mentioned in this episode is Thad’s recent 2-day Scoped Rifle Class with Kyle Defoor.
Also appreciate Southeastern Skin Cancer & Dermatology for letting us do the interview in their office.
*PTC is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
On George’s 9th deployment in 2010, his Humvee rolled over on him a few times, which shattered his hip, broke bones in his back and screwed up his shoulder. He woke up on his way to Walter Reed where he’d spend the next seven months.
We talk in person about his recovery – not physical, but his mental and emotional recovery. Of course, George wasn’t immune to self-medicating because he didn’t want to dream. After talking with a professional, she convinced him that he suffered from Survivor’s Guilt, not Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).
George tells us of his darkest time, lashing out at his nurses and sister, drinking way too much, and then being told by a Priest that he was “being an ass.” That was a wake up call.
This is just a good interview with an American Hero who has seen hell and suffered tremendous injuries and come out even stronger physically, and especially emotionally.
Whether you’re dealing with your own trials or know someone who is, George shares some great insight on overcoming.
If you want to hear more from George, he was my guest on Episode 031.
*PTC is now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Woody Williams will never forget the odor of burning human remains.
“There are some things about that 4 hours that have bothered me my whole life… I can’t remember going back and getting the other 5 flamethrowers. It was so horrific, I didn’t want to remember.”
Today’s guest is our first Medal of Honor recipient on Patriot to the Core. I was introduced to death by flamethrower after learning of Mr. Williams. He went thru 5 – 70 lb flamethrowers in a 4-hour battle on Iwo Jima. Two of the Marines assigned to him were killed that day protecting his life. He is the last surviving recipient of the Medal of Honor from that battle, and the last surviving Marine to receive the MOH for heroism in World War II.
You could say Mr. Williams lived a sheltered life up until his time in the military. Prior, he’d never heard of Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Ocean, or Japan. He joined the Marines to protect his country and protect his freedom. He thought he’d be staying in the U.S., but after boot camp he learned they’d be fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.
I asked, “What did you know about Iwo Jima before you got there?” His response, “Not a thing!” Later he saw the flag raised on Mount Suribachi, but didn’t consider the significance at that time. He had a job to do and wasn’t reveling in the moment.
His story is remarkable. He was awarded the MOH by Pres. Truman, but admits being more nervous to meet the Commandant of the Marine Corp than the President. He shares with us what both these men told him regarding the medal. He didn’t know anything about the MOH. Even the day he received it he didn’t know what it was about.
I even get his opinion on the NFL controversies over kneeling during the National Anthem. Awesome interview. You should read his medal citation below and learn more about him at these links:
Read his Medal of Honor Citation
Learn about his foundation:
Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation
*PTC is now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Mark Lauren is a bodyweight expert. His fitness method is for “real men and women with real lives … giving the ability to train alone anywhere, any time, without the crutch of personal trainers and gyms.”
Mark honed the programs and myriad exercises in his book, “You Are Your Own Gym“, while preparing hundreds of trainees for the extreme demands of the most elite levels of the US Special Operations community. The military’s most advanced forces – from Navy SEALs to Army Green Berets to Air Force Special Tactics Operators – use these exercises as the backbone to their strength training.
Lauren says, “What if I told you that you already have the most advanced fitness machine ever created? Your own body.”
We have a great discussion about his time in the Air Force combat control pipeline, failing by one push up and having to start over. Then becoming an instructor in that same pipeline and developing a specific physical training program for AFSOC warriors.
A few topics we cover:
This guy is unique. This guy is cyborg. I really like what he teaches. Maybe you will too. And I can’t wait for his app to come out in Jan 2018.
Sign up for Mark’s fitness community and programs and get 20% by using coupon code PATRIOT, by going here: https://bodyweight.marklauren.com
Learn more about Mark, his programs, books and videos below:
Give Mark a shoutout on Instagram and Twitter
*PTC is now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
“You wanna be a leader? It starts at home.”
When I say Noah Galloway quit college to join the Army after the attacks of 9/11, he literally didn’t go back to class and joined officially in October of 2001.
He was in shape and felt impressed to do his part by taking the fight to the enemy. On his second deployment to Iraq, he was hit with an IED and lost his left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee.
Fast forward just a little: he went thru two divorces, depression, and got out of shape. Thanks to his children, he finally made the decision to get back in shape, be healthier and inspire others. That’s exactly what he’s done.
I remember in 2014 when he was working to be on the cover of Men’s Health magazine. I voted for him and so did countless others. He was chosen for the cover and as Men’s Health magazine’s 2014 Ultimate Guy.
Life for him exploded after this – Dancing with the Stars finalist, talk show appearances and a cadre on Fox’s American Grit, where his team won Season 1.
Here are a few questions I ask Noah Galloway today:
-Why quit college (mid-semester) to join military?
-Who was your rock during your darkest times?
-Did you talk openly about your struggles?
-What can someone who is suffering with depression or anxiety do right now to ease their pain?
-How did exercise help you recover mentally?
His children are his priority. He turns down opportunities regularly if it takes him away from his kids too long.
Hear him talk about future plans. I recommended he do a show with Bear Grylls’ (my dream). I had a great time with Noah. Watch out, you may see him and one of his sons on the professional bowlers circuit soon.
We talked in person at Sheepdog Firearms. I really appreciate their support of the podcast and The Mark Forester Foundation.
Learn more about Noah, his book, his charity or give him a shout-out below:
His book – Living with No Excuses
*Patriot to the Core is on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and guests like Noah.*
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Today Mark’s friend and teammate tells us what it was like to get the news of Mark’s death, how he got a risky flight out of his FOB and met up with Mark so he could escort back to the states as part of the Angel Flight.
September 29, 2017 makes seven years since Mark was killed in Afghanistan. This episode is solely about Bobby Bonello and Mark Forester. Even though much of what is discussed is written in my book, I wanted to have an oral history and capture Bobby’s feelings and some details that were left out of the book.
Seeing Bobby at Dover AFB for the Dignified Transfer was somewhat comforting. He knew Mark and knew us. Up until then, our notifications had been from those who knew Mark, but we didn’t really know.
Bobby was visibly shaken and had a sort of blank look in his face when we first saw him. Probably how we looked too.
The picture above is Bobby at Mark’s casket/transfer case in a C-17 in Kandahar, just before leaving for Dover AFB. Although barely being able to see Bobby’s face, he looks shaken, worn and upset. I still can’t tell you who took these pictures, but they were a friend of a family friend who happened to be there. Amazingly this person found out who it was and made the connection, got the pics to his friend, who then sent to me. It was only a matter a days after this happened.
And hope you enjoy clips of the song used. Credit to Radney Foster, Angel Flight.
*PTC is now on Patreon. If you like what you’re hearing please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content and keep on keeping on!
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
In my second interview with someone on the ground, in the action, helping with hurricane relief, Michael Andrew talks with me from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands following the destruction of Hurricane Irma. This is the kind of work he was made for. Michael thrives in these environments.
He arrived there Wednesday via charter flight and is on a disaster aid trip, partnering with The Salvation Army and his organization Red Lightning.
He was recently asked if he wanted to evacuate since another hurricane is headed that way (Maria), but he’s staying put so he can help.
Michael tells us what work he’s specifically doing, how he geotags specific locations, what supplies are needed, etc. He’s doing great work – something he feels he was born to do and was blessed with necessary skills to accomplish.
Michael also explains why sending supplies isn’t the best action right now, but donate to an organization who knows the needs in real time- since the needs can change quickly.
We talk sanitation, security, water, clothing and how taking a few days to serve will make your problems seem so small.
To learn more about Michael and if you want to donate to his non-profit, which will directly help people in the areas he’s serving, see links below:
Hear our first interview on Episode 002
You can also follow Michael on his podcast The Maven Nation
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Terry Dailey could possibly have the baddest Harleys around. When he rides “Old Glory” or “The Eagle” he gets lots of attention. Additionally, strangers start talking to him about their service or their bikes. It kind of gave others permission to talk to him about almost anything.
In my first “in person” interview, Terry and I meet at “Sheepdog Firearms” to see and learn about his bikes.
Dailey started Project Patriot Bikes to reach out to groups, communities and individuals in an educational format. Through the visual aspect of the bikes, PPB will raise public awareness of each branch of the military. The PPB exhibits will instill a renewed level of patriotism.
What better way to show our gratitude to those that have served our country than to use an icon of freedom. The motorcycle, since its inception, has always been viewed as representing a free spirit. It doesn’t matter if you have ridden a motorcycle or not. The motorcycle is symbolic with the freedom to travel, to see the country in a different light. The freedom of the open road, with the wind in your face and constant changing fragrances of mother nature.
It is the goal of PPB to add more bikes to the fleet: one each representing the branches of the US military and Coast Guard.
We also discuss Project Patriot Bikes’ flag program where they’ll replace any tattered or weather flag at a business. However, they always thank them for flying it.
This Vietnam veteran was a pleasure to speak with. He just wants to do some good in the world and educate others on our symbols of freedom.
Learn more about Terry and PPB below:
And our show partner:
*Also, we’re now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
When this 5’3″ tall airman was denied a waiver to be a pilot, along with women and a male gymnast, he had to figure out something else to do.
23 years later, he retired from the Air Force’s elite Special Tactics community as a combat controller.
Kurt Buller said he has “the energy of a really tall guy jammed up in my little body.” He’s a motivator and a leader. You’ll hear his passion for excellence from the moment he opens his mouth. When I asked him how he made it thru the grueling pipeline, he said “the team made me stronger.” We also talked about the most difficult decisions he made as a leader.
He shares some nuggets of wisdom, such as:
This interview was jam-packed with advice for being a leader and teammate. And since he helped prepare AFSOC warriors for battle, he complimented the role of all battlefield airmen–CCT, PJ, TACP, and SOWT.
Since his retirement three years ago, he taught JROTC and now has his own consulting company Intrepid Leadership Group where he’s still able to work with our nation’s elite warriors. It allows him to spend more time with his wife and teenage boys while still doing something he loves.
Buller will fire you up. I had a good time with this one and think you will too.
*Also, PTC is now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rock Tune by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Since seeing all the good happening in the Houston area among so much devastation that Harvey brought, I had to talk to someone who was there – boots on the ground. Johnnie Yellock II is a medically retired veteran, and still a man of action.
He posted this week that he was going to drive to Houston and help; provided his email where donations could be made and then… the donations came. He rented a Uhaul, got LOTS of supplies and drove towards Houston Thursday.
I talk to him today (Sept 1) while he’s taking a short break from the work in Spring, TX. He tells us how high the morale, spirit and determination are for everyone he’s been around these two days. Johnnie tells us how you can help and what you’ll need if you come out to do some manual labor.
If you know others that are in the thick of it, let me know and we may have them on the show. Johnnie Yellock is a true Patriot showing service before self.
You can follow Johnnie on Facebook or Instagram @jyellock2
Also, Johnnie was the guest in Episode 001.
Patriot to the Core is now on Patreon. Check out our page and consider contributing to the cause and get a little something more in return.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
In 2005, George Lutz opened his door to two uniformed Army officers who spoke these five devastating words: “We regret to inform you…” His son Tony had been KIA on 12/29 at just 25 years old. A short time later, Honor and Remember was born.
Since starting Honor and Remember, George’s goal has been to have the Honor and Remember flag recognized nationally. Currently 23 states have officially adopted it as a symbol of remembrance. He encourages us to help him get more states on board.
All Gold Star families qualify for one of their flags. Unfortunately, there are 1000 families on the waiting list today because of lack of funds.
Beginning in April of 2018, Honor and Remember is teaming up with Run for the Fallen to run over 6000 miles across America to honor all our fallen service members since the USS Cole. It will start in San Diego and end in Arlington National Cemetery 120 days later. Their web site will show you where they will be each day and you can search by death date of your loved one to see where in their route the runners will be when representing a specific death date.
See below how you can get involved, if you so desire. It’s pretty remarkable to see so many people run this monumental distance. Throw in all the volunteers and it’s moving to see and/or take part in.
Learn more about George, his organization, and Run for the Fallen:
Patriot to the Core is now on Patreon. Check out our page and consider contributing to the cause and get a little something more in return.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Jack Fanning was a combat controller training for a new team when a night time HAHO training jump went terribly wrong.
When he jumped from the aircraft, he was at the pinnacle of physical shape, with hundreds of jumps under his belt. However, Fanning ended up hitting the ground at 35 knots (~40 mph) which caused his C3 to overlap his C4. While on the ground, he had a very hard time breathing and said “I knew I was dying.” Somehow, his IR strobe got turned on and his teammates found him.
After some miracles, much determination, and remaining positive, Jack is now an active quadriplegic who skydives, skis, hunts, scuba dives, and other activities.
He’s also a founding member of “Brother’s Keepers“, which is a non-profit that provides retreats and support for our wounded warriors, their families, and others in our community who are in need. He’s found immense healing by serving others.
This warrior is determined to walk again. Therapy kicks his butt 3-days/week and he’s flexed one bicep and walked with robot legs.
Fanning gave some advice for those considering spec ops:
And if you’re struggling from seen or unseen wounds, ask for help. It’s also beneficial to talk about your injury/problem. Keep a positive attitude and get up and do it (whatever ‘it’ is). You’ll be uplifted when you hear Jack talk about his recovery and feel his fighting spirit.
Learn more about Jack Fanning below and other organizations mentioned in this episode:
*Also, we’re now on Patreon. Please check out how you can help the cause so I can provide quality content.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
“If you think you can’t memorize something, you’re wrong. You can remember 10-20 times more data than you think.”
2-time USA Memory Champion Ron White, aka Brain Athlete, gives us some insights on what he’s been doing. We start out with the Afghanistan Memory Wall, where he memorized the rank, first and last name of each person killed in Afghanistan since the war on terror began. This is over 2300 names, 7000 words. Not only does he have them memorized, but he knows them in the order they were killed. He has a traveling wall where he writes their names at various events across the country. He was most recently at Charlotte Motor Speedway for the 600 Miles of Remembrance and Dover International Speedway.
He was a contestant on Season 1 of SuperHuman on Fox where he met 10 ladies, got their name, phone number (all 10 digits) and unique fact about them in a few short minutes. The judges randomly called out names and he got 100% correct.
Now, this former Navy reservist teaches online memory courses and speaks around the world. He has a memory system by visually attaching what he wants to remember to an object in his house.
In 2009-2010, this brain athlete was a memory champ by memorizing a deck of cards in 1:27 (1 min, 27 secs). He also memorized 167 digit number in 5 mins. Eventually he was beat out by someone who memorized a deck of cards in 19 seconds (that just blew my mind).
We had a good time today. We even played a simple memory game (simple for him, not for me) where I called out some random 2-digit numbers and he recited them all back in order.
Learn more about Ron and his memory courses below:
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
“Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference.” (spoken by the sheepdogs; the warriors).
What do you ask the expert in the study of the psychology of killing?
Dave Grossman is the country’s #1 trainer of military and law enforcement who helps those who have to kill overcome the natural resistance to killing.
Among the many things we discuss today are the difference between sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. Which one are you? Well he’s going to describe each one and how they respond to threatening situations. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds.
Grossman’s books are required reading for DEA, military and police units. He travels 250+ days/year as one of our nation’s leading trainers for military, law enforcement, mental health providers, and school safety organizations. He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school massacre, and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton and Nickel Mines Amish school massacres.
Yes, we even talk about the effects of violence on TV and in video games, especially in very young children. Feed our youngsters virtuous info and images, then once they are more mature, it’s okay to see some violence. Don’t take a 5-year-old to see “Saving Private Ryan” for heaven’s sake.
He also gives staggering statistics regarding the effects of sleep deprivation in everyone – young and old. Don’t let your kids go to bed with their phones/devices. And we adults shouldn’t either. He will explain a few reasons why.
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is also very passionate about our veteran’s health and the anti-war smear of our veterans by the media. PTSD is treatable! And survival guilt is normal. It’s not PTSD. For those with PTSD, don’t let it stop you from getting better. Grossman provides an example from a very well-known veteran.
We even talk about being prepared with tools to protect us, our families, and others. He said, “I’d rather walk out the door naked and alone than to be with my loved ones without the tools to protect us.”
My conversation with this Army Ranger, paratrooper and former West Point Psychology Professor blew me away. He’s a dynamic speaker who uses facts, passion, and common sense.
Learn more about Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, his books and academy here:
On Killing (perennial bestseller)
Stop Teaching our Kids to Kill
Warrior Mindset: Mental Toughness Skills for our Nation’s Peacekeepers
Sheepdogs – Meet our Nation’s Warriors (children’s book)
Why Mommy Carries a Gun, American Sheepdogs (children’s book)
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Here is a 1-minute clip of my interview with Dave Grossman.
He is the country’s expert trainer of military and law enforcement who helps those who have to kill overcome the natural resistance to killing.
In this short clip he starts on the difference between sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs.
Our full interview will air July 10, 2017. If you subscribe to my podcast, this episode and others will automatically download on your device. You can easily do so by clicking the appropriate box in the upper right section of this page (looks like this):
Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) member George is with us to share how his desire to serve others resulted in joining the JROTC in high school, then enlisting in the Air Force after graduating.
17 years later, his body is worn and at times his heart, soul and body were broken. On his 9th deployment in 2010, his Humvee rolled over on him a few times, which shattered his hip, broke bones in his back and screwed up his shoulder. He woke up on his way to Walter Reed where he’d spend the next seven months.
His recovery while in the hospital didn’t only include his body, but also his heart and soul. His teammate and friend, Mark Forester, was killed a few days prior and George was suffering with severe survivor’s guilt. “Nothing impacted me the way it did when Mark died”, George tells us. His demons were so serious that after arriving in our town to visit for the first time, he pulled over for an hour to get the courage to face Mark’s family. Of course, we had no ill feelings.
On a lighter note, he informs us what a TACP is and why he chose to join this elite group in the Air Force Special Operations. Almost seven years later, George is still working for the Air Force in a Research and Development role.
In this episode, we talk:
George is captivating and a selfless American.
He will be back soon to get into more details about his recovery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, including surviving a divorce and overcoming all odds to walk 33 continuous miles, accept a more demanding job with AFSOC and even got remarried recently.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
I asked Benjamin Brandt how deploying to a war zone prepared him to be a financial planner. He said in the military they learned to act without thinking. In his profession now, it’s important to think without acting.
He was a member of Task Force Trailblazer where he was a combat engineer. Their mission was to identify IED’s so US and coalition forces are assured mobility. While deployed in 2003-2005 for 15 months, he saw IED’s get more and more sophisticated.
Now 12 years later he has a successful business teaching people how to retire. He also gives us solid advice how to plan a vacation on a limited budget by:
We have a great talk about actionable steps we can take to put ourselves in better financial positions. And Benjamin is open about his PTSD and how he has no side effects now.
You can watch him on his weekly show “Money Monday” in a Gorilla suit here:
He’s an interesting guy with no secrets. He even hired a private investigator to find out everything about him and he published on his blog.
Learn more about Brandt here, including listening to his podcast:
Benjamin created this link for our listeners:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
For this Memorial Day show, we are privileged to have the Gold Star parents of Adam Brown, fallen SEAL Team 6 operator.
Larry and Janice’s son Adam was killed in action on March 17, 2010 in Afghanistan. He died a hero, putting himself in harm’s way to help save his team.
They share with us how the traits and personality he had as a small boy were critical in how successful he was as a special operator. He has since been referred to as “Fearless”. This is probably a better nickname than he had for a short period of time when he was younger playing youth sports. Then they called him “Psycho”.
His parents also share when he got shot in the right eye, so he learned how to shoot using his non-dominant eye and became a sniper. Later, a Humvee crushed and severed most of the fingers of his right hand. After recovery, he learned to use his left to shoot a pistol, a tougher task than firing a sniper rifle.
Adam Brown had his struggles too. He became addicted to meth and cocaine while a teenager, and even stole to support this habit. But, he went to teen challenge and overcame. Even after marrying and being clean, Adam had a moment or two of weakness. Fortunately he had a good woman who could hold him accountable.
Since his death, his family has created “While We’re Waiting“, which is a nonprofit ministry which offers faith-based retreats and support for parents who have lost children.
His friends also organized an annual race at his high school to raise money for charities that Adam would support. They are listed here. This event had about 1000 participants this year and raised almost $50k.
You’ll also want to review the New York Times best-selling book on Adam, titled “Fearless”. Written by Eric Blehm. I’ve read it and definitely recommend.
At a memorial service in Hot Springs, a week after his death, John Faas — a SEAL who had been with him on the final raid — said: “Adam is the hardest man I have ever met. Over the course of his career he sustained more significant injuries than most of us combined, but he just kept on operating. He would not quit, he would not accept defeat. Not ever. Adam’s devout Christian faith matched his toughness and fearlessness.”
I can’t say enough about this guy. This interview with Adam’s parents can not cover all the aspects of his life that benefitted so many, and also saved many lives.
Adam leaves behind his wife, two children, parents, a brother, and sister.
Learn more about Adam Brown at the below links:
Fearless Rock – Adam Brown underwater memorial
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Mark’s ebook in the Kindle version will be on sale the next 4 days. Today you’ll see it start out at $0.99 (at 10 am central) and then will go up by $2.00 every 27 hours for the next 4 days. This is a very cheap option to read about an American Hero, especially as we celebrate Memorial Day.
Click here to go to Amazon and download
If you’ve read my book: “My Brother in Arms”, you’ve seen Matthew Glencoe’s name on the front cover. After I’d been working on the book for about a year, I realized help was needed if the book was ever going to be finished in reasonable time.
As he helped organize the book, Matt and I discuss what is was like for him to learn about Mark and his family. One duty was to come to Mark’s annual memorial walk in Haleyville AND take part. He did. Then quickly realized walking a continuous 31 miles in hilly northwest Alabama without training wasn’t the best idea. However, he endured and finished. This 13-hour event allowed Matt many opportunities to see and feel the support for Mark and his foundation from so many.
Glencoe also turns the tables and asks me several questions. I share the process of writing the book and why I was committed to it, especially having not written a book before.
Today’s episode is a little different because May 15 is my brother Mark’s birthday. He’d be 36 years old today. And with our big event coming up this weekend, on May 20, I thought it was appropriate to talk about Mark’s book, the race, and memorial walk.
A portion of book sales supports The Mark Forester Foundation. This isn’t a book specifically about war, even though the majority of the book is about Mark’s military career and deployment. However, Matthew Glencoe reminds us that this book is more about the makings of a hero.
After reading, you may also feel that Mark’s life ended dramatically, but was exceedingly well lived. You can read more and purchase the book at these links (and any major bookstore):
Register for the Price of Freedom Race (event is May 20)
Register for the 36-mile Memorial Birthday Walk (event is May 20)
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Carter Henry’s new book “The Hero Workouts” features 100 hero WODs (workout of the day), with background on each fallen hero featured. Hero WODs are common in the Crossfit community. They typically add a level of difficulty that isn’t already there with normal WODs.
If you’ve participated in a Hero WOD at a Crossfit box, you know how intense they are. People often gather to honor these men and women they never knew, but who gave their life while serving others.
Carter set out to do a new Hero WOD each week for 52 weeks straight. She realized that it benefited her tremendously, but not anyone else. So, she wrote this book so we have the back story about each person featured. After all, these heroes were someone’s child, spouse, brother, parent, and of course friend.
From the web: … “By participating in these workouts, one gains the opportunity to revere an individual who has made the ultimate sacrifice. Taking the time to remember these men and women or to learn who they were can be part of a healing process… The stories behind the workouts are emotional and moving – stories of courage, family, loss, and grief collected and expressed by researcher and writer Carter Henry, herself an active duty sailor in the United States Navy.”
She also directs the reader to non-profits and organizations their families have created.
Carter is donating 100% of her earnings from this book to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. SOWF provides college scholarships for the surviving children of fallen Special Operations Forces, family & educational counseling, and financial grants to severely-wounded Special Operations Forces service members.
Read more and order the book here:
Follow on Instagram at: http://instami.com/therealcarterhenry
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
“I would do BUD/S again,” Kyle Defoor told me today.
I’ve been looking forward to this one a long time. Right after high school graduation, Kyle left for boot camp in Orlando. A few months later, he was in Coronado going thru BUD/S as an 18-year-old kid.
We talk about growing up together in the small town of Haleyville, AL. And since his chances of playing D-1 football were looking slim, he joined the military. He knew he wanted some type of special operations, but all he had heard of was the Army’s Green Beret’s (from watching Rambo). After meeting with an overweight recruiter who smoked, he moved along and met a decent Navy recruiter showing the old video “Someone Special”.
Kyle also shares how he prepared for the Navy and BUD/S. These were pre-internet days, so information wasn’t easy to get. He went to the library and talked with a man in town who was a SEAL from the Vietnam era.
After serving 10 years in the Navy, he got out, did some contracting and other odd jobs and then formed his own company in 2010 “Defoor Proformance Shooting”. His bio from his site states:
“Kyle Defoor is a professional shooter who teaches firearms and tactics to military, law enforcement, and civilians. Specializing in pistol, carbine, urban sniper, and CQB, Kyle gained his knowledge from decorated combat service in multiple war fronts as a special operator and as one of the first and premier tactical trainers in the world. An active motorcyclist, hunter, climber, runner, and waterman he can be seen on multiple TV shows, magazines, websites, and on ranges worldwide.”
This episode is good stuff from an experienced special operator who was part of multiple military operations globally. He also speaks in generalities about the teams he was part of.
Read more about Kyle Defoor below and you’ll understand why he says “boot camp was the greatest thing ever.”
Kyle Defoor supports The Mark Forester Foundation
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Blayne Smith is the Executive Director of Team RWB (red, white and blue), a nonprofit that has become one the nation’s fastest growing veteran service organizations by “enriching the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.”
In this episode, Blayne discusses his deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan as a Scout Platoon Leader, and SF ODA officer, respectively. We dive into some details of leadership on the battlefield while down range. He shares how his team worked to be unified, even though they had several members attached who weren’t Green Berets who’d worked together for a few years. This was common with their Air Force combat controllers (JTAC’s), Special Operations Weathermen, dog trainers, etc.
Blayne struggled after he returned home and separated from the Army. He found he couldn’t push aside his memories and friendships during his time serving. Smith also needed to deal with the feelings of losing teammates during his final deployment. He became a different person: the tires on his mountain bike went flat. The soles of his golf shoes rotted. His guitar sat silent, and he lost confidence in himself.
He found therapy in getting out in his community, running, and thanks to a friend, joined Team RWB. He counsels those who are struggling (veteran or not) to “take care of it. Talk to somebody.” He also found great success at the VA. Additionally, Team RWB is in over 200 cities across the country and their shirts are easy to spot at any running event in the US.
This West Point grad was in college when we were attacked on 9/11. After his first deployment, he cross-trained to special forces and deployed to Afghanistan as a detachment commander for the 3rd Special Forces Group. It was an honor to talk to this Patriot who has dedicated his days to serving others.
You’ll also enjoy hearing Blayne Smith and J.J. Pinter on Eagle Nation podcast. Links with more info below:
Here is a little more background on Blayne:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Today we have the privilege to hear from one of the legends in the Combat Control field, Mr. Wayne Norrad. Many listeners probably never heard of Combat Control (CCT) before Patriot to the Core. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you’ll learn from Wayne that they are an integral part in most, if not all, of the major conflicts with which the US is involved.
We talk about his participation in the Tegucigalpa Honduras hijackings in the early ’80’s, deploying to Panama with Delta Force, and the Air Force’s role in counterterrorism. In addition: Operation Just Cause in Panama, being the first CCT with the advance party in Operation Desert Shield, and opening King Fahd International Airport in Saudi Arabia. His team was in Cambodia in 1975 with no weapons or uniforms, therefore no way to defend themselves. Norrad also shares the creation of Detachment 1 at Pope Air Force Base after the failed Iranian Rescue Mission.
Among the changes made since Norrad joined CCT: PT test is much harder, and Combat Dive and Freefall schools are now required. And a little trivia: they used to wear navy blue berets. Now they’re red.
He has been instrumental in developing HAHO (high altitude, high opening) parachute tactics and integrating air/ground assets to safely and successfully employ joint special operations forces onto the battlefield.
Wayne Norrad also controlled the first fixed wing aircraft to land at Kuwait City International Airport. And through some simple thinking, figured out how to keep his and his teammates fingers from going numb while parachuting. This involved using their feet to steer.
Thanks to his efforts, today’s CCT’s can go in by any means to do their jobs (air, land, water). They are a premier elite fighting force.
We definitely will have Wayne back to further discuss his experience in CCT, Combat Control Association and the Air Force Demo Team.
For more information, read this article written by Wayne Norrad, CMSgt, USAF (Ret) (beginning on page 19):
Special Tactics in Desert Storm
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Frank Jones married his high school sweetheart two weeks before WWII broke out. He felt he should do his part to serve our country, so he joined the Air Force.
After washing out of pilot school for making six spins instead of two with his instructor, he became a bombardier.
One year after being married, and about three months after his first child was born, he was flying to England for his first deployment.
On his 23rd mission, with Hamburg, Germany as the target, Frank’s plane was shot down. The crew got out first, then just as he exited the plane, it exploded. However, he parachuted to his safety; temporarily.
He was alone on the ground, until he saw several locals. Even though he hid behind a bush, some kids saw him and reported to the adults. 20-year-old Frank Jones was then taken prisoner on December 31, 1942.
The explosion made him deaf which ended up causing him to be thrown in solitary confinement. Once removed, the bang from a slammed door miraculously brought his hearing back.
Frank tells of their walk to another POW camp in Munich in the middle of winter. What it was like to sleep in a pig pen, be a prisoner for four months, and then the sweet reunion with his wife and son in spring of 1943. Plus, he learned boll weevils look like beans in soup, but he ate them anyway – hunger does that to you.
This 94-year-old stays active and is a joy to speak with. Jones is one of the few left living from the Greatest Generation.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Dan Sheehan was fully prepared for combat. He’d been an officer in the Marines for six years. His father was a Navy pilot; his brother was a Marine. This is what he was meant to do. When it came to killing the enemy; no problem. If they pose a threat, kill them. If they try to kill him or his team, kill them. It was that simple…. or so he thought.
He learned it wasn’t that cut and dry during his first deployment to Iraq in 2003. When teammates eliminated terrorists, he had no problem with it–it was necessary. But for some reason when Dan killed, it impacted him like he never imagined. His attitude became worse and his emails home turned more negative.
He not only struggled with actually killing, but how could he be 100% certain those he was firing at were legit enemy combatants? There was no way to be completely certain. He also learned the results of inaction could cause death to him and his teammates.
Dan returned home in 2002 to a welcoming nation. Strangers bought him drinks and shook his hand. But when things quieted down, he was a wreck. He couldn’t sit still. Even surfing wasn’t the therapy he thought it’d be. How was he supposed to immediately adapt from an active battlefield to home life? He turned to alcohol, which allowed him to calm down some.
Fortunately, he had an understanding and patient wife, plus he began spearfishing. His wife helped him in a way that no one else could. The spearfishing provided a rush and “high” that he needed to feel normal.
His journey has been long, but he told me he’s in a really good place now. He’s a stay-at-home dad who vowed to not screw up his kids. Writing provided therapeutic healing in a way nothing else did. Now, his books help veterans and those close to them understand they aren’t alone.
To learn more about Dan, his books, and to see pics and videos from his deployments, check out his web site below:
You can purchase his awarding winning books here:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
J. Stanford (Stan) Staheli was only 18 years old when drafted. One year later he was a member of Patton’s Third Army, 4th Armored Division, liberating France from the Nazi’s. It was here that he was captured in 1944 during a German counter-attack near Rimsdorf, France. The Germans immediately said “The war’s over for you.” Stan thought surely, they were going to be killed; but that wasn’t the case.
He and the other prisoners walked three days to the camp in Frankfurt. They then traveled by rail in a standing-room only conditions to East Germany. Then eventually to another location where they were held for five months. Even though he said he was treated humanely, he was stripped of his clothes each night and only had a small throw blanket for cover, during the coldest recorded winter in German history at the time.
Stan said life in the prison camp wasn’t that bad. The guards told them “if you don’t work, you don’t eat.” Having grown up in the depression, this wasn’t a new concept to him. He learned to love to work long before the Army. They built bomb shelters and repaired railroads for the German Army. However, many of the guards were disabled from the front lines and would show the prisoners pictures of their captors’ families when their superiors weren’t around.
Staheli said his mom never lost faith that her son was alive. Even though he was officially “missing in action”, many presumed he was dead. After being released, he was finally able to write his family and then surprised them on a Sunday morning in Cedar City, UT.
Today, Staheli is 91 years old and has a noble posterity – 10 children (2 have passed), 53 grandchildren, and 60+ great-grandchildren. Quoting Will Rogers, he said “I never met a man I didn’t like.”
This hero, with only an 8th grade education, was presented an honorary diploma from Enterprise High School in May 2016.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Here in Part 2 we find out more about Mike Spann’s final moments in Qala-i-Jangi fortress. At one point, Mike was interviewing American traitor John Walker Lindh. Lindh knew of the uprising that was planned and could have saved Mike’s life, but he never said a word. Instead, when questioned, he remained silent, leading to Spann being overrun and killed.
Since Mike Spann’s death, his father has been on a mission to find out all the details about his son’s final moments, however this required deciphering the truth from fiction. He even went to Afghanistan and met with General Dostum. Here he saw the spot where his son was killed by the anti-American terrorists.
Also, Spann answers the disputed question of whether or not his son was tortured.
It was an honor to speak to this grieving and proud father of American hero Mike Spann.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
As a CIA officer, Mike Spann (Johnny Micheal) was in the fortress of Qala-i-Jangi, where Taliban prisoners were being held and questioned. Although these captives had given themselves up, their pledge of surrender was a lie.
Mike was interviewing a group of extremists when hundreds of prisoners revolted in a planned uprising. Just before he was killed in the attack, Mike warned an Agency colleague of the imminent danger, helping his colleague get to safety. Spann fought for his life, but in the end was overtaken. He went down fighting.
The life of Mike Spann life could have been spared if American traitor John Walker Lindh would have told Mike about the scheduled revolt. Instead, he remained silent when Mike questioned him.
His dad shares with us about Mike’s early days of getting his pilot’s license at age 17, why he joined the Marines and then the CIA. Then, how 9/11 impacted him.
Johnny also tells us that he discovered he couldn’t trust everything he read or heard from the media, due to getting burned by some reporters.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
In 1993, Larry Moores was leading a convoy to capture two Somali leaders when two Blackhawks were shot down. Then the mission turned into a desperate search and rescue mission. In what is known as “Black Hawk Down”, Larry describes his role in the battle that left 18 killed, over 80 wounded, and one missing pilot from his task force.
He shares with us valuable lessons he learned in Mogadishu and what roles his men played in recovering our dead and wounded. Also, the benefits of living right in the city of Mogadishu and deploying from a very visible airfield. The locals saw them all the time.
He enlisted as a young Army Ranger, commissioned through Officer Candidate School and served a 21-year career in Airborne, Ranger and Special Operations assignments, with numerous deployments including, Grenada, Somalia and Afghanistan.
Moores is now Executive Director of Three Rangers Foundation, which provides veterans with experts, advice and assistance in every aspect of their journey; whether spiritual, physical, mental, employment, finances, family, or education.
Learn more about his foundation and upcoming events in 2017:
And Larry proudly supports James Dietz’s portraits in his home:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
On this special Christmas Day episode, we hear from a legend from WWII – Gail (Hal) Halvorsen. He has many names: Uncle Wiggly Wings, The Berlin Candy Bomber and The Chocolate Flier. He became popular for dropping candy from his plane to the children of Berlin, from 1948-49.
His efforts gained support from many back in the states. School children packaged candy in boxes with parachutes, and candy companies like Wrigley and Hershey’s donated items. Thanks to his efforts he and his team had dropped 23 tons of candy by Christmas 1949.
Today we talk of “Operation Little Viddles”, how he became a pilot, how to overcome trials and depression, and the importance of serving others. This is an uplifting episode that you don’t want to miss. He shares that these children in Berlin taught him about freedom more than anything else. It’s amazing what 2 sticks of gum turned into!
Learn more about Mr. Halvorsen here:
His book, “The Berlin Candy Bomber” here: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/088290616X
Special with Tom Brokaw: https://youtu.be/QWbISrde2mQ
Outro music courtesy of Blake Shelton – Home (feat. Michael Buble)
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Will Thomas was 12 when the EXTORTION 17 tragedy helped him see that our freedom to compete in athletics and pursue other passions is made possible by the sacrifices of heroes. Grateful for their gift, Will began honoring America’s special operations community through a mission called Operation Hawkeye.
Will is now a senior at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C., and Operation Hawkeye has grown into a national grassroots organization of individuals and enterprises dedicated to honoring the service of fallen special operators and raising monetary and in-kind aid for related charities, mainly through athletic challenges and gear collaborations.
Last summer, for example, Will piloted a successful baseball-themed challenge called STRIKE FORCE, benefiting Gold Star Teen Adventures. He is currently working on his biggest campaign yet – a national version of STRIKE FORCE allowing high school, travel, and college baseball teams across the country to use baseball to raise funds for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, beginning spring of 2017.
He also works with mission teammates to create branded apparel and other items benefiting special operations causes, such as the Operation Hawkeye shemagh scarf offered by Combat Flip Flops, which provides desperately-needed jobs in war-torn Afghanistan and helps fund programs offered by the TEAM 5 Foundation and the STATION Foundation.
Our future is bright with young men like Will stepping up to lead. You can learn more about Will and his organization here, as well as him playing 2 on 2 in his driveway with Admiral McRaven:
Music courtesy of Rush – Freewill.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Marc Esposito’s vehicle was hit by an IED when he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009. After being in a wheelchair for almost five months, he was finally able to stand.
By 2011, he competed in the Warrior Games and won Gold in pistol shooting. Shortly thereafter, rode his bike across the country, from the pacific in San Francisco to the Atlantic in Virginia Beach.
Marc said cycling changed his life, even though he was hit by a car along the route. He made an early decision to not let his injuries ever haunt him.
You’ll enjoy hearing Marc tell about his life since his injury on the battlefield.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
If you want to hear from someone who is a great example of the American Dream, this is it. Ronnie Rains grew up poor, was drafted to serve in Vietnam, and later in life started businesses that have allowed him to be very generous to many people today – specifically our military and their families.
Regularly, Ronnie hosts wounded warriors at his ranch from all branches of our military. He wants them to have a place to relax, hunt, fish, kayak, eat good food, and be away from cameras and photo ops. He says putting those injured with someone in worse conditions than their own lifts their spirits. I’ve been there and know first-hand the care he takes of our heroes.
This humble man helps our warriors in ways doctors and medicine can’t. He shows us how to walk the talk by serving quietly, while impacting many.
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
At age 56, Dan Hammond qualified for the US National Team to compete in the Duathlon World Championship in Aviles, Spain. He shares how he overcame injuries to quality for team and then found motivation to finish the big race, despite his body telling him to quit shortly after starting.
He also started “American Profile” magazine to distribute the good news of life in hometown America. It was the largest publishing launch in the US and spotlighted heroes that most of us never knew about; or those we did know, but never knew the selfless work they did for others. Goes to show that every town and every person have great stories.
Read more about Dan here:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Dennis Miller called Michael Yon the “Premier Combat Journalist”. You want captivating?? This is it. We cover topics from hand-to-hand combat, North Korean’s kidnapping Japanese and presumably Americans, the United States’ biggest threat, pedophilia among our mid-east enemies, WWII 442nd Infantry Regiment, war crimes, and much more.
After getting out of the Army Special Forces, Michael embedded with our troops for longer than any other war correspondent, according to the New York Times. He deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Thailand, Philippines and elsewhere.
Learn more about Michael here:
And his book “Gates of Fire”:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
It’s been 10 years since Justin was shot in the head by a sniper in Iraq. The bullet entered behind his ear and exited thru his mouth. You can imagine the destruction that caused.
Since his injury, Justin has continued his education, married his sweetheart (who took care of him during his recovery), written a book, and became a coach and motivational speaker.
This hero is involved in multiple organizations and causes that help veterans. He was named a “Champion of Change” by the White House, presented the All-American Hero Award in 2013, along with many other awards.
After a couple dozen reconstructive surgeries and being blind in his left eye, he tells us that we are stronger than we think we are and we can overcome any obstacle. Although he can no longer run, there are very few things he can’t do. I left this interview in awe of his attitude and grit – I hope you feel the same!
Learn more about Justin here:
Purchase his book here:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Today is six years since Mark Forester was killed by a terrorist in Afghanistan. This episode is just two brothers talking about the notification of Mark’s death, the Angel Flight, the Patriot Guard Riders, near death experiences, and life since. We also reminiscence about our little brother and why he was the warrior he became.
Joseph was very influential in Mark’s decision to join the Air Force so it was fitting that we chat and document it. I especially enjoyed Joseph’s insight on what he thought Mark’s final thoughts were in those last few minutes of his life on the battlefield.
Learn more about Mark at:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
This week Ryan introduces us to her brother Travis and why he inspired the creation and growth of their foundation. He was a 2004 graduate of the US Naval Academy and was KIA 29 April 2007.
By following the mantra “If not, me then who…”, they’ve created an organization that empowers veterans and families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations.
You’ll be impressed with the work they’re doing for our veterans, Gold Star families, and the community.
Learn more here:
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
Rob is one of those guys who was angered by the attacks on 9/11 and quit his job and joined the military THAT DAY. Unfortunately, he couldn’t pass the swim test for CCT initially, but he kept working and got accepted.
Even though his employer laughed at him for wanting to join, Rob has had a successful career in combat and sent many terrorists to meet their maker. After being shot, having a lung collapse – twice, and losing over 5 pints of blood during a fight with the Taliban in 2009, he still called in close air support and saved his team which helped eliminate over 47 enemies that night and prevent thousands of pounds of Imodium Nitrate from being used for bombs.
Rob shares an incredible story of bravery and determination by him and his team to fight the enemy, no matter how many of them kept appearing from the spider holes trying to kill them.
He was also named one of the Outstanding Airmen of the Year in 2010.
You can learn more about Rob from this book by Oliver North:
This book:
And read more about him here:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]
I’ve been wanting to talk to Bart for a long time. He and his Special Operations team were some of the first men inserted into Afghanistan after 9/11. They were covert operators named Task Force Dagger that joined up with the Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban.
They rode on horseback to capture the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. Once they arrived, the Taliban had moved out and his team were welcomed as liberators. Bart also tells us how he controlled his emotions when interacting with John Walker Lindh, the American who converted to Islam and took part in a violent uprising after his capture in Afghanistan.
Decker is now retired after 20+ years serving in the Air Force. He said he wouldn’t go back and change a thing. He loved his time serving his country and has no regrets.
He and his team are forever honored at One World Trade center with a 13’ bronze statue of an American Commando on a horse. Hopefully we see this story hit the big screen in the next few years. It’s definitely deserving of it!
More info here:
“Horse Soldiers” by Doug Stanton
Bill and Evonne Williams have created a powerful memorial for fallen heroes since 9/11. Its legacy will be that these men and women will never be forgotten and that their names will be remembered and spoken. Their original exhibit has traveled around the state of Nebraska every week since 2011.
In cooperation with Bellevue University, their exhibit has traveled to and represented 18 states. Soon, they will have all 50 states represented and begin a national tour.
He also shares his involvement with flying large numbers of WWII and Vietnam vets to DC on Honor Flights. And then Gold Star wives and children honored at a Nebraska football game last fall. Although Bill and his wife never served in the military, their four sons did. They have incredible support and continue to help Gold Star families around the country heal.
More info here:
As a college baseball player, Will was mentally tough and physically strong. After graduating college, he joined the Army and became a member of Special Forces (aka Green Beret). He shares the challenges of going through the pipeline and how the Army gave him much more than he ever gave it.
On his third deployment, he stepped on an IED and lost both legs above the knee. This IED also killed some teammates. He enlightens us with his road to recovery, mental toughness, and strain on his family. He now hunts, snowboards and serves as a motivator and inspiration to anyone dealing with adversity. He expresses how grateful he is to be alive and to live in this country.
Learn more about Will here:
Melanie got into the publishing business after sharing copies of her journal to help people deal with grief and hardship. This was because she documented her trial of losing her seven-month old baby girl Brynn to SIDS. Seeing the hope it gave so many, she turned these writings into a book called “The Triumph Book”, which is real stories of people overcoming tremendous trials and finding purpose in life.
Later, she wrote and published “The Triumph Book: HEROES” which consist of real life stories from our veterans. She learned and shares the struggles many of our veterans endure and fight each day.
Her stories are real and powerful. Listen and feel her passion for serving our guardians of freedom. She encourages us to serve others to overcome tragedy.
Learn more at:
Phil has always been an artist and worked with many actors and entertainers in Hollywood and in the music business. But, after painting a portrait for a fallen friend’s dad, Phil realized how much healing it provided for those left behind to grieve. He realized his calling was to paint portraits of fallen heroes, so he started the Texas Fallen Soldiers Project, which quickly grew into The American Fallen Soldiers Project.
He personally delivers 30-35 paintings every year to the families of fallen. He shares the long process of producing each painting and the connection he feels with each one.
Learn more at www.americanfallensoldiers.com
Mike Dillman has spent his life in service to our country and his fellow veterans. While flying home from Vietnam, Pres Nixon gave an order to remove their uniform because they were returning to a divided nation. Once in California and on his way to Oakland, his bus was literally stopped and rocked by protesters in Berkeley. Ironically he felt safer 24 hours prior while in another country than in his home state. After this he vowed to do all he could to honor our military, their service and sacrifice.
Since then he’s created and incredible Memorial Day event in one of the most patriotic cities in America – Manteca, CA. I know because I’ve been there. He shares his fight with PTSD and how sleep was his enemy. How he almost lost his wife and kids and how the VA saved his life and marriage.
Pastor Dillman is a man who loves his country and is devoted to making sure his posterity remains free.
This week I talk with my good friend Mike about his volunteer work. He’s a photography instructor by profession, but his most rewarding work is traveling the globe when massive natural disasters occur. He shares why this work is so fulfilling despite his life being threatened multiple times, details about his extended stays in Haiti, Nepal, Japan, and shorter relief efforts in the southern US.
He also shares his failed businesses, financial struggles and the fruits of his service. He has a “go-bag” and is always ready to leave within 24 hrs of disaster. He gives us some tips of what tools he travels with and what’s in his go-bag.
As an adult, he has never worked for someone else to live. He’s always been an entrepreneur and after many years has found financial stability. We went a little long today, but there was so much information that needed to be covered. We still had to cut it short. After listening, you’ll understand why he is a Patriot to the Core.
Learn more about Mike and his work at:
In July 2011 Johnnie was 10 days into his second deployment to Afghanistan when his vehicle hit an IED. After applying two tourniquets to his legs and calling for air support and medical evacuation, he was eventually transferred to Brooks Army Medical Center for more surgeries, rehab and recovery.
He’s now had 30 limb-salvaging surgeries to his feet, he is 1-inch shorter in height, and his ankles are fused at a 90-degree angle, requiring him to wear braces on each leg.
He discusses the details of his injury and how he kept a positive attitude throughout his recovery and painful surgeries. He says there is nothing he can’t do.
Now medically retired from the Air Force, he speaks regularly to large groups and churches. He’s also been a two-time participant in Pres. George W. Bush’s Warrior Open Golf Tournament.
You’ll appreciate his advice and humor on overcoming adversity and always having something to look forward to.
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