We welcome Alice from The Ethical Move this week on A Smaller Life!
Alice owns a branding firm, and she runs an online community (with the help of dedicated others) that's focused on ethical branding / marketing.
How do we attract customers without using lead magnets?
How can we appeal to our customers without manipulating them?
These are the kind of questions they ask at https://www.theethicalmove.org/
Main Takeaways
more take-aways in the shownotes on the website.
"...and that is really where the community is strongest, like the community is really meant to hold that space where we work on our ethical marketing pursuits, because they will last a lifetime. This is a great un-learning and a great re-creating of what we want things to be, you know? Like if we don't use lead magnets, what do we do? If we don't use the typical selling strategies, what are strategies that work, that work more, let’s say cyclically or in
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