Welcome back to the podcast, where we're looking at mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett.
This episode looks at a message James received from his daughter, Nita, some months after her passing to spirit following an unsuccessful operation. James received a short message in October 1918, followed by this longer one in December 1918, which contains more detail about her life in spirit and how she has progressed.
The written transcript of this video is available here: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-20-a-father-hears-from-his-daughter-39ecd40aada6
The YouTube video version of this episode is available here: https://youtu.be/K71uyUZBnWw
If you're interested in exploring the Padgett Messages for yourself, the full collection can be found at www.divinelove.org
There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes and can be found here: www.divinelove.org
A shorter selection of the messages, which forms the basis for these videos, can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
Additional links can be found on the YouTube channel homepage.