People’s History of Ideas Podcast
The Communist Party begins its labor organizing drive, and the Comintern pushes for a united front with the Guomindang.
Further reading:
Elizabeth Perry, Shanghai on Strike
Tony Saich, The Origins of the First United Front in China
Steve Smith, A Road Is Made: Communism in Shanghai 1920-1927
Some names from this episode:
Henk Sneevliet, alias Maring, Dutch Communist and Comintern leader in China beginning in 1921
Zhang Guotao, emerged from founding congress as an important Communist leader
Sun Zhongshan/Sun Yatsen, leader of the Guomindang
Li Qihan, communist teacher and labor organizer who pioneered utilization of secret society contacts in labor organizing
Huang Ai, anarchist labor organizer executed in 1922
Pang Renquan, anarchist labor organizer executed in 1922
Chen Duxiu, first general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
Gregory Voitinsky, leader of Comintern delegation to China in 1920
Chen Jiongming, progressive southern warlord, sometime opponent of Sun Yatsen
V. Lidin, Comintern agent in China, subordinate to Maring
Li Dazhao, leading Communist
Adolph Joffe, Soviet ambassador to China
Georgy Safarov, head of eastern section of the Comintern
Wu Peifu, northern warlord who crushed railroad workers’ strike in 1923