People’s History of Ideas Podcast
Polemics with non-revolutionary Marxists and anarchists, and then the party congress in July 1921.
Further reading:
Arif Dirlik, The Origins of Chinese Communism
Some names from this episode:
Chen Duxiu, editor of New Youth and leader of Shanghai Communist nucleus
Gregory Voitinsky, Leader of Comintern delegation to China in 1920
Karl Kautsky, Second International theorist of economic determinist Marxism
Li Dazhao, Beijing-based revolutionary Marxist leader
Zhang Dongsun, Exponent of a non-revolutionary interpretation of Marxism
Ou Shengbai, Guangzhou anarchist and former student of Chen Duxiu
Henk Sneevliet, alias Maring, Dutch Communist and Comintern leader in China beginning in 1921
Zhang Guotao, emerged from founding congress as important Communist leader
Li Hanjun, advocated study and propaganda as main party activities at first congress
Liu Renjing, one of the Beijing delegates to the first party congress