People’s History of Ideas Podcast
Discussing pay for professional revolutionaries, the role of servants in the lives of Communist leaders, and the Comintern in Shanghai.
Further reading:
Patricia Stranahan, Underground: The Shanghai Communist Party and the Politics of Survival, 1927-1937
Elizabeth Perry, Shanghai on Strike: The Politics of Chinese Labor
Wang Fan-hsi [Wang Fanxi], Memoirs of a Chinese Revolutionary
Gavin McCrea, Mrs. Engels
Frederick Litten, “The Noulens Affair”
Anna Belogurova, “The Civic World of International Communism: Taiwanese communists and the Comintern (1921-1931)”
Onimaru Takeshi, “Shanghai Connection: The Construction and Collapse of the Comintern Network in East and Southeast Asia”
Jospehine Fowler, “From East to West and West to East: Ties of Solidarity in the Pan-Pacific Revolutionary Trade Union Movement, 1923-1934”
Josephine Fowler, Japanese and Chinese Immigrant Activists: Organizing in American and International Communist Movements, 1919–1933
Frederic Wakeman, Policing Shanghai, 1927-1937
Some names from this episode:
Liu Shaoqi, Leading Communist
He Baozhen, Communist cadre and wife of Liu Shaoqi
Li Dazhao, Co-founder of Chinese Communist Party
Qu Qiubai, Top Communist leader
Wang Fanxi, A member of the Central Committee Organization Bureau
Zhang Guotao, Leading Communist
Peng Shuzi, Leading Communist expelled in 1929