It should come as a surprise to no one that we are less than thrilled to be covering a 2-part marathon of an Unsolved Mysteries segment about Hitler’s right hand man, Rudolf Hess. Before we even got to this episode, we screwed something up by mistakenly referring to him as “Herman Hesse” in our last episode. Herman Hesse, as you probably know, is the German who wrote Siddhartha NOT the German who helped conspire to murder millions of Jews. So clearly we can’t be trusted with a WWII mystery. Because of that, we invited resident history nerd, Rochelle, onto the show. Rochelle helps us keep our Hesses straight and shares some of her WWII knowledge.
>ONLY A FEW TOTE BAGS LEFT. A limited run of “The Cackling has to Stop” tote bags will be for sale for $16 each. $1 of each tote bag sold will be donated to the Minnesota Innocence project. The Innocence Project is a nation-wide organization that works to free the wrongfully convicted:
> Outro music by Olivia Hinthong
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