If you love to set goals you will love this episode. In this episode we discuss the power behind doing a yearly review. You will learn why yearly reviews matter and how the effecrt the new goals you will set in the new year. You will also learn HOW to do a yearly review.
Don't miss this powerful step of doing a yearly review before you set new goals. It will give you a wealth of insight as well as give you a chance to savor all that happened in 2023.
AND...don't miss my new Goal Setting Workhop happening January 16, 17, and 18 at 12pm CST. For 1 hour each day we will unpack the BEST way to set and GET your goal using techiques from neuroscience and the psychology of behavior change. Those two things PLUS inviting God's power into your goal process will empwer you to ACHIEVE your goals this year.
CLICK HERE to regsiter for the workshop.
Join live if you can as there will be live HOT SEAT coaching.
If you have any questions about the workshop just shoot me a message on IG @reneebooe
or email me at [email protected]
Is there a goal that you have set many times, but can't seem to achieve? This is common and it is not your fault. Learn how to set and GET your goals in 2024 with a new approach that works! In this workshop we will unpack how to use brain science techniques partnered with the power of the Holy Spirit to breakthrough the barriers that have held you back in the past from reaching your goals. This 3 day workshop will empower you to KNOW what you want to accomplish this year and have a clear path to walk it out. This is your BREAKTHROUGH year. It is time to get your hopes up again and reach those goals. Let's do this!