ChemTwitter told us it takes 3 minutes to run a TLC plate, so today we‘re bringing you 3 good minutes with Xiaoshen Ma, Associate Principal Scientist in our Boston Discovery Chemistry group. Xiaoshen joined #MerckChemistry in 2018 and has been influential in advancing drug discovery through the exploration of bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes (aka BCP's) as bioisosteres for arenes - the work of which is already making an impact (Google Scholar). Today, Xiaoshen stopped by to give a sneak peak on Synthetic Advances Toward Novel Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes - a symposium that he organized at the upcoming Spring ACS in San Diego. We discuss what inspired Xiaoshen to take on this symposium, highlight the speakers and share what he hopes the audience walks away with.
Complete speaker lineup for Synthetic Advances Toward Novel Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes
Register for Spring 2022 ACS (in-person, hybrid, and virtual)
Follow Xiaoshen on Twitter - @XMa75870843
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