Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access
Are you a global market access lead looking to understand the challenges faced by your UK affiliates? Or do you work at a national level with responsibility for bringing a new health technology to the NHS in England? In July 2024, Global Whispers and NHS Whispers came together, to bring you an overarching view of what it takes to access the NHS with a medtech or pharmaceutical innovation.
Guest speaker Dr Faris Al-Ramadani who shared his experience of introducing new technologies to the NHS from both sides of the fence: as a PCN Clinical Director and GP Partner, and as a HealthTech and Venture Capital Consultant.
The NHS in England is complex and ever changing. Recent years have seen the introduction of new structures, new decision-makers and new priorities. If you’ve fallen out of the loop of what’s happening with the NHS, this webinar is here to help.
After de-ciphering some of the new(er) NHS terminologies and structures, we discuss:
Learn more about this webinar at:
Discover more about how we can support your UK launch strategy at:
This webinar was first broadcast live as a webinar in July 2024
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