Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access
Our experts in health economics, value communication, design and digital discuss how to craft digital payer value communication tools to meet the needs of internal stakeholders, including market access teams and KAMs, and healthcare customers.
What does a best-in-class value communication tool look like in 2022? What are the key considerations when developing a new payer value toolkit? And what should Pharma and Medtech companies look for in a consultancy partner?
For this webinar we brought together representatives from our health economics (Anthony Bentley), value communication (Lydia Crowe), design (Ryan Booth) and digital (Rob Pitt) teams to showcase how a typical Mtech Access project team collaborate to create interactive digital tools, with Emily Mair (Associate Consultant) acting as host presenter.
Using our updated Digital Value Communication Tool Demo as a case study, our panellists explained how we craft our tools to meet the needs of three key groups:
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This podcast was originally recorded as a live webinar. The webinar featured a run through of our new demo interactive budget impact model and and value proposition tool. This section has been cut from the podcast recording as it is highly visual. Click here to see the demo video or visit our demo centre to explore the demo yourself. We'd love to show you more - email [email protected] to arrange a more detailed demo and discussion meeting.
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