Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access
Will NHS leaders, as part of an Integrated Care System (ICS), make conscious decisions to drive economic and social change?
What social and economic value do ICSs offer the wider population they serve? How will industry support ICSs to deliver population-based health and social benefits?
Prof Phil Richardson (Chair and Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access) is joined by Michael Wood (Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confed) for a far-reaching discussion around system integration, population health management, and the NHS’s social and economic potential.
In December (2022), Michael Wood authored a report exploring one of the four key purposes of an ICS: to help the NHS support broader social and economic development. Michael’s NHS Confed report looked at the economics of healthcare and where broader strategic partnership working might lead system thinking in the NHS.
Phil Richardson was one of several experienced ICS, local authority, university and professional experts that Michael invited to share their perspectives in the report.
We were delighted to bring Michael and Phil together in this webinar to discuss these topics, particularly in light of what these new leadership purposes mean for the NHS’s relationship with the Pharmaceutical and wider Life Science industries.
In the webinar, Phil and Michael discuss:
Learn more about this webinar here
Learn more about our work with the NHS
This episode was first broadcast as a live webinar in January 2023
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