Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access
With so many patients left waiting for NHS care, what will the long-term impact be? How can Pharma and Medtech support the NHS with systematic challenges, like waiting? Where can industry work with the NHS to improve patient flow to get people appropriate treatment sooner and limit the harm caused by waiting? Prof Phil Richardson (new Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access and until recently, Executive Director at NHS Dorset ICS) joins Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) explored all this and more.
In this NHS Whispers webinar, we explore:
- The pressures facing NHS systems and how this results in patients waiting
- The long-term impact of this waiting; what it means for patients, their - outcomes and treatment
- What informs how NHS system leaders identify and approach these challenges
- How health and care systems can make effective decisions in this climate
- How Pharma and Medtech can support system leaders with these challenges
This webinar was first broadcast as a live webinar in November 2022. Learn more.
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