Prasfarma is a company full of experts in the manufacturing of cytostatic and highly potent products (HPAPI), with a focus on oncology.
Ahead of CDMO Live we spoke to Diana Alarcón, Business Development Manager at Prasfarma to understand more about the services they offer by the Barcelona-based Contract Development & Manufacturing organisation, and how they have become Annex-1 ready .
“Prasfarma has made significant investments adapting their facilities and machinery to Annex 1 requirements for the manufacturing of sterile projects. We have expanded our facilities and increased both production and analytical departments.”
Prasfarma has a reputation for working under an agile strategy. We consider our clients as our partners.
“One of our main value is our flexibility. We work on tailor-made projects and we adapted to our customer’s needs” says Diana.
Read about their upcoming roundtable on Annex 1 here