Cancer vaccines are a very niche section of cancer treatments. But two companies in Australia – the only two so far to go public with their work in this arena –are working on an even niche area within this. And one says their work is not a vaccine. The other does.
So what gives? Well it depends on what you want to focus on: the deadly infectious nature of an oncolytic virus that bursts tumour cells from the inside, or the resulting immune memory that can fight that cancer as well as others that look similar.
We speak with Imugene CEO and managing director Leslie Chong and ImmVirX founder Dr Malcolm McColl about why they think that finally the time has come for this underloved field and what they plan to do with their science if they can prove it up.
Produced by Rachel Williamson and Charis Palmer. Music and effect credits to Ziso, Inspector J, Seth Parson and Boom Library.