A call to not strive for originality. Are photos narrating the essence of being human? Objects, machines and environment as my fave collaborators.
Post with photo reference here: https://carlmikaelbjork.se//photography-art-research-podcast/003-creativity-plagiarism-and-authorship
DM/Insta: @carlmikaelbjork
[email protected]
AZOULAY, Ariella. (2016). Photography Consists of Collaboration: Susan Meiselas, Wendy Ewald, and Ariella Azoulay. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies. 31. 187-201.
BETTELHEIM, Bruno. 1991. The uses of enchantment: the meaning and importance of fairy tales. London: Penguin
JOHNSTONE, Keith. (2007[1979]). Impro: improvisation and the theatre. London: Methuen Drama