This episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast features an interview with Tannie Liverpool, who uses statistical physics to explore outstanding questions in biology. Based at the UK’s University of Bristol, where he is professor of theoretical physics, Liverpool explains how complex biological behaviours can be described at a very fundamental level using statistical physics.
He chats with Physics World’s Katherine Skipper about own research into cells and tissues, including the mathematics of wound healing. Liverpool also explains how physicists, materials scientists and mathematicians working in other fields are being inspired by the statistical physics of life.
This Sunday, 14 April is World Quantum Day and in the podcast we take a brief look at how Physics World and IOP Publishing are celebrating. You can find out more at this IOPscience Quantum Science Subject Collection and on Physics World’s quantum page.
Looking further into the future, on 2 July the first instalment of Physics World Live will look at the burgeoning field of quantum sensors. This live online panel debate will feature leading experts in quantum sensors. Register here to take part and put your questions to the panellists.