Pilot’s Discretion from Sporty’s
What's it like to complete 98 inverted flat spins from 24,000 feet in a Pitts? Spencer Suderman is the only person in the world who knows, and he describes that incredible experience in this fast-moving episode. He also shares his opinion on what airmanship is and why it is so important for safe flying: "Pilots communicate with the airplane through the flight controls… you have to know how speak the language." Spencer has plenty of tips, including which flight control really makes the airplane turn, what his favorite maneuver is for improving airmanship skills, and how he handled the loss of a propeller in flight.
Spencer's website: http://spencersuderman.com
Inverted flat spins record: https://youtu.be/kIF8OJ2Q51A
Spencer's new YouTube series on airmanship: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBHmEXretS0o_ZBP7zyO7FTjBI25fjM1F
Sporty's Tailwheel Checkout Course: https://www.sportys.com/tailwheel-checkout-course-with-patty-wagstaff.html