Pilot’s Discretion from Sporty’s
After a lifetime of flying on space shuttles and Air Force jets, Mike Mullane believes that “humility keeps you alive,” whether you’re an astronaut or a student pilot. He shares the hair-raising experiences that taught him that lesson, and explains what normalization of deviance means in the context of aviation safety. Mike's son Patrick, a new private pilot, also joins the podcast and explains what makes flight training weird for older students and what earning an MBA taught him about flying. This is a back-and-forth episode about aviation families, risk management, and flying dreams.
Mike's blog: https://mikemullane.com
Mike's book: https://www.amazon.com/Riding-Rockets-Outrageous-Shuttle-Astronaut/dp/0743276833/
Patrick's book: https://www.amazon.com/Father-Son-Holy-Shuttle-Astronauts/dp/B088BF1D3G/
Sporty's Pilot Training app: https://www.sportys.com/sporty-s-pilot-training-app.html