Pilot’s Discretion from Sporty’s
As a London-based airline pilot, Mark Vanhoenacker has traveled the world—and along the way he became a bestselling author. He explains how he stays curious as he travels, what "airplane mode" means for your brain, and why long-haul flying can be a lonely experience. He also describes the unique personalities of the Boeing 747 and 787, including what it's like to sit two stories above the runway and why he loves flying with a HUD. In the Ready to Copy segment, Mark shares the best overnight destination for an airline pilot, why "wilco" is useful in everyday life, and what he thinks of Moby Dick.
Imagine a City: https://www.amazon.com/Imagine-City-Pilots-Journey-Across/dp/0525657509/
Skyfaring: https://www.amazon.com/Skyfaring-Journey-Pilot-Mark-Vanhoenacker/dp/038535181X/
Mark's website: http://markvanhoenacker.com
Sporty's Pilot Training app: https://www.sportys.com/sporty-s-pilot-training-app.html