Pilot’s Discretion from Sporty’s
Mist swirls as a yellow Cub touches down on a grass runway—Joe Costanza (better known as @Bananasssssssss on Instagram) is the man behind those viral videos, and in this episode he takes us behind the scenes. He explains why stick and rudder flying is a nice break from his day job flying an Airbus, how to have fun flying with kids (he has four), and the good parts of social media. He also shares his slightly controversial advice for new airline pilots and how training is changing to adapt to a new generation. In the Ready to Copy segment, he describes what it’s like to land on a grass strip, what the Cub teaches him about flying the Airbus, and how to take better aviation photos.
- Bananasssssssss on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bananasssssssss/ - Joe's advice for new airline pilots: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw7g2awuBZy/ - Buy a model of Joe’s Cub: https://www.wright-bros.com/2024-limited-edition-piper-j-3-cub-die-cast-model.html