Pilot’s Discretion from Sporty’s
Not all airline careers are smooth, but veteran pilot Steve McNeilly says the rewards make the turbulence worthwhile. He talks about the value of building experience in piston twins, learning to land the Boeing 737, and what it means to be a professional pilot. Steve also built a full-scale Vulcan bomber simulator, so he talks about the process of building one-of-a-kind sims and explains why he’s so interested in jets from the 1950s. In the Ready to Copy segment, you’ll learn what it was like to fly the DC-8, why the A&P certificates are so hard to earn, and why playing music and flying airplanes are similar.
Show Links:
Vulcan pictures: https://www.avtutorials.com/vulcan_simulator/
The O’Hare Comet story: https://youtu.be/NjkO-8OUMYQ
Sporty’s 2025 Pilot Training Courses: http://sportys.com/discover