83 avsnitt • Längd: 60 min • Månadsvis
The official podcast of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. SGM Riley and MAJ Holzmann embark on a journey to provide the best podcast in the military with bi-monthly relentless awesomeness. Real. Bold. Un-restricted.
The podcast Pineland Underground is created by USAJFKSWCS, Ash Holzmann, Derek Riley, Jason Gambardella. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Did you know we can trace the Psychological Operations Regiment to a single person?
Did you know PSYOP played a role in the Office of Strategic Services?
They were there at the landings of Normandy, in the planning for Desert Storm, and remain a critical component to military victory in the modern age.
Join us as we host Dr. Jared Tracy, the Army Special Operations Forces' Deputy Command Historian, as he dives deep with us on the nuances and facts of the PSYOP Regiment and its history.
About the guest:
Dr. Jared M. Tracy, PhD served six years in the U.S. Army, and became a historian at the US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) in December 2010. He earned an MA in History from Virginia Commonwealth University, an MDiv in Theology from Liberty University, and a PhD in History from Kansas State University. Dr. Tracy is now the deputy command historian for USASOC at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. He previously concentrated on PSYOP history, but now he researches and writes on a wide range of ARSOF-related topics. His writing has appeared in Military Review, NCO Journal, Southern Historian, and Veritas: Journal of Army Special Operations History.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research misinformation.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Victory Through Influence (Dr. Tracy's first book):
The ARSOC History website:
Dr. Tracy's dissertation is publicly available here:
His writing on the history of PSYOP and PSYWAR has even been posted to the main army website:
Article on rebuilding the PSYWAR capability:
Is Taylor Swift a PSYOP (featuring Dr. Tracy)?
The Guardian article referenced about Panama (featuring Dr. Tracy):
What did PSYOP do during Operation Just Cause in Panama. Ash disappointedly was not able to find the interview of the captain, but the ARSOF Historians have covered this exact operation in detail:
From that article:
"Then, LTG Stiner (with Thurman’s approval) ordered a PSYOP-led “sound barrier” around the Nunciature after Christmas to prevent media eavesdropping on negotiations between MG Marc A. Cisneros, Commander, USARSO, and José Sebastían Laboa, the Papal Nuncio (Vatican diplomatic representative). Deafening, round-the-clock music from cassette tapes and local radio stations blared through 450-watt loudspeakers mounted on HMMWVs."
The art and science of PSYOP has been written about at length:
Heber Blankenhorn's story is even more interesting in detail:
The ARSOF Historian's office has also covered multiple articles that mention Blankenhorn:
The Committee on Public Information (CPI) is a rabbit hole unto itself:
Lippmann wrote the first book on Public Opinion:
Bernays re-wrote the book on Public Opinion:
Book - The Averaged American:
The modern definition of PSYOP:
The Smith-Mundt Act:
Morale Operations within the Office of Strategic Services (OSS):
Public Records on the Office of War Information:
Declassified records regarding The Psychological Warfare Division of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (PWD SHAEF) from the CIA's website:
The First Motion Picture Unit:
Razzle Dazzles ships:
The Ghost Army of World War II:
A book on the history of the Information Control Division:
The United States Information Agency:
Gen Schwarzkopf and PSYOP:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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"Without sustainment, you're just camping with guns."
Did you know it takes quite a lot to sustain an organization like the Special Warfare Center & School? Join us as we discuss sustainment for the organization, sustainment for Special Operations, and how logistics wins wars.
About the guest:
Lt. Col. Pete Van Howe served as the G4 for SWCS and previously served as executive officer of the 407th BSB, 82nd Airborne Division. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and a master’s degree from Troy University. He is a graduate of the Theater Sustainment Planner’s Course, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Action Officer and Support Personnel Courses, Air Assault School, and Jumpmaster School. He is the current Brigade Support Battalion Commander within the 3rd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Bull Halsey quote (on page 16):
Baltimore Bridge Collapse:
Ship stuck in the Panama Canal:
The cost of the Suez Canal obstruction in 2021:
Setting a Theater:
Talent management for Special Operations logistics:
Additional Reading:
Lt. Col. Van Howe has been previously published (page 51):
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Did you know the Special Forces Operation Detachment Alpha hasn't always had twelve people in it?
Did you know only 1% of the first official Special Forces organization was made up of members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)?
The history of Special Forces is a tapestry, weaving together organizations like Merrill’s Marauders (or Unit Galahad), the Philippine resistance movements in WWII, the original PSYWAR School, and the Ranger Regiment's early days.
Join us as we host Dr. Troy J. Sacquety, the Army Special Operations Forces' Command Historian, as he dives deep with us on the nuances and facts of the impetus and history of the Special Forces Regiment.
And listen through the end to hear the controversial history of the green beret!
About the guest:
Dr. Sacquety earned an MA from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and a PhD in Military History from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the USASOC History Office staff in August 2006, he worked several years for the Central Intelligence Agency. His research interests include Army and Office of Strategic Services special operations during World War II, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Brief biography of Brig. Gen. Evans Carlson:
All Special Forces Groups in the 1st Special Forces Regiment trace their official U.S. Army lineage and honors to the FSSF activation on 9 July 1942:
The Coordinator of Information (COI), which became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS):
The origins of the OSS and its relationship with modern Army Special Operations:
British Special Operations Executive:
The French Bureau Central de Renseignements et d’Action (BCRA):
The OSS also required immense amounts of coordination and logistics to be successful:
Jedburghs (including their epically great patch):
The Green Berets, written by Robin Moore, was the book mentioned from the Vietnam era:
Detachment 101:
Special Forces in the Korean War:
Special Operations in the Korean War:
The Alamo Scouts:
The Alamo Scouts have been recognized as Distinguished Members of the Special Forces Regiment:
A diary of the Alamo Scouts:
Maj. Gen. McClure:
Brig. Gen. Russel Volckmann:
Col. Wendell Fertig:
Lt. Col. Melvin R. Blair:
Lt. Martin Waters:
Col. Aaron Bank:
Colombian Lanceros:
Formation of the Rangers:
The history of Special Operations Command (not to be confused with 1st SOCOM):
The history of 1st SOCOM:
The Lodge Act:
Program of Instruction (POI) is essentially the syllabus for Army instruction.
The Special Forces tab was approved in 1983:
History of the ODA and its size over time:
The history of the green beret:
Edson Raff's involvement:
95th Civil Affairs patch:
Want a deeper dive on the conflict in Burma? Dr. Sacquety did another interview at the following link:
Detachment 101 and John Ford:
The Range of Military Operations (ROMO):
Recommended Civil Affairs reading:
The Hunt Report:
Civil Affairs articles from the ARSOF Historian's Office:
Recommended Special Forces reading from the episode:
The Green Berets by Robin Moore:
From OSS to Green Berets:
Dr. Sacquety is also the author of the book The OSS in Burma: Jungle War against the Japanese:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Corie Weathers is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, consultant, and author focusing her career for the last 20 years as a clinician specializing in marriage, military and first responders, the service culture, and its impact on families. We sat down with her to speak about the challenges of communication within military families and relationships, returning home after conflict, retention, recruitment, and more.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Ms. Corrie Weathers has been featured on a variety of media platforms. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website:
The Socrates quote mentioned: (469–399 B.C. ) "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households."
The quote, "was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907." You can read more about it here:
Most service members are the children of veterans:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Did you know Civil Affairs Soldiers were on the beaches of Normandy and tasked with addressing the cattle killed from the combat operations so that disease outbreaks could be mitigated? Or that Civil Affairs prevented cholera outbreaks during the Korean War?
Combat is only one aspect of conflict and war.
We dive deep in this episode where we cover the history of Civil Affairs.
The Civil Affairs Branch predates the Psychological Operations and Special Forces branches, and even predates the Army Aviation and Military Intelligence branches. The history of Civil Affairs is important for Special Operations practitioners and leaders throughout the military to learn.
Join us as we host Dr. Troy J. Sacquety, the Army Special Operations Forces' Command Historian, and recently named Honorary Member of the Civil Affairs Regiment.
About the guest:
Dr. Sacquety earned an MA from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and a PhD in Military History from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the USASOC History Office staff in August 2006, he worked several years for the Central Intelligence Agency. His research interests include Army and Office of Strategic Services special operations during World War II, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Brief biography of Col. Irwin L. Hunt, author of the Hunt Report:
Derek mentioned the famous General, Gen. Lucius D. Clay:
Information on the European Civil Affairs Division and Civil Affairs history:
Col. Charles R. Munske, who began his career as Coast Artillery:
Brigadier General Crawford F. Sams:
The Ring Road of Afghanistan:
Recommended reading from the episode:
The Hunt Report:
American Military Government of Occupied Germany:
Dr. Sacquety is also the author of the book The OSS in Burma: Jungle War against the Japanese:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Preserving and capturing the lessons learned from the Global War on Terror; what is keeping the newest generation of Army Special Operations Forces (SOF) up at night; how can we continue to develop professional military writing in Army SOF; how to we modernize such efforts? We tackle all of that and more in this episode with two great Special Operations practitioners and recent graduates of the National Defense University.
Spread the word! We have two (the very first!) Harding Project Fellows who will now be leading the Special Warfare Magazine.
P.S. -- We have a new season! Fear not, Ash is in a better place and will still be featured in several episodes, as we recorded a ton of content prior to his departure. We will have a future transition episode to discuss the end of "Season 2".
About the guests:
Sgt. 1st Class Ben. Ben is originally from Apex, North Carolina and enlisted in 2012. He completed the Special Force Qualification Course in 2013 as a Special Forces Medical Sergeant. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a Master of Arts in International Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University.
Maj. Emily Lopez. Emily enlisted in the Army Reserves in 2008 and was commissioned from Oklahoma State University as an Ordnance officer in 2013. In 2019, Lopez graduated from the Civil Affairs Qualification Course. Lopez holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Education and Promotion from Oklahoma State University and a Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University.
About the hosts:
Lt. Col. Bobby Tuttle is a Green Beret and co-founder of the Pineland Underground. A proven leader who is currently serving as the Special Warfare Center & School's Strategic Communicator. He is a graduate of both Texas A&M and the Naval Postgraduate School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
What is the Harding Project:
The Harding Project Fellowship Program:
How to submit an article to the Special Warfare Magazine:
How to write a book review from Military Review:
Recommended reading from the episode:
The Special Warfare Magazine Archive:
More information about SWCS's involvement in the Harding Project:
And keep an eye out for Line of Depature!
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Did you know the entire Joint Force engages in Irregular Warfare? Often defined differently depending on the individual or organization you speak to, we have Doug Livermore on to help define and discuss Irregular Warfare, the nature of conflict, and how our named adversaries also apply it across the globe. Listen in to learn how Irregular Warfare is not only a job for Special Operations.
About the guest:
Doug Livermore formerly served as the Director of Special Operations, Irregular Warfare, Special Programs, and Sensitive Activities for the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy. He is also a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard serving as the Deputy Commander of Special Operations Detachment – X. Previously, Doug served as a sensitive activities advisor to both the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.
Multiple international affairs and security studies journals have distributed Doug’s works, including many publications in War on the Rocks, Small Wars Journal, and the Military Times. Doug is the National Director for External Communications for the Special Forces Association and is also the Director of Communications with West Point’s Irregular Warfare Initiative. Additionally, he is on the Board of Directors for both No One Left Behind and the Special Operations Association of America where he has been instrumental in the ongoing evacuation and resettlement of Afghan interpreters and their families.
Doug earned his undergraduate degree in Military History at West Point, his graduate degree in International Security Affairs from Georgetown University; he excelled in the Army Command and General Staff Officer Course.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
To read more about Irregular Warfare, visit the following websites and articles:
Did you know Congress authorized the development of the Irregular Warfare Center?
Here's the Irregular Warfare Annex to the National Defense Strategy:
The Joint Definition of Irregular Warfare:
The definition has been discussed by many:
Pirates vs. Privateers:
The Peninsular War:
Korean War White Tigers:
Doug's article It’s Time for Special Operations to Dump ‘Unconventional Warfare’:
National Security Presidential Memorandum - 3: Presidential Memorandum Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The instruments of national power (aka, DIME):
China's Three Warfares:
Russia's Six Phases of New Generation Warfare:
Iran's military doctrine:
Security Cooperation:
National Guard State Partnership Program:
Recommended reading from the episode:
Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare:
Wild Bill Donnovan:
White Tigers:
The Secret War Against Hanoi:
Special Forces Berlin:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Did you know the nation's oldest and largest continuously held ultramarathon was launched as a national challenge by President John F. Kennedy? On today's podcast, we are fortunate enough to have Mike Spinnler as our guest and SWCS's very own Command Sergeant Major, Cmd. Sgt. Maj. Strong.
It is the only remaining 50-mile event of several held around the country as part of President John F. Kennedy’s push to bring the country back to physical fitness. After the Kennedy assassination, many of these events were never held again, but the JFK 50 lived on.
About the guests:
The JFK 50 was founded in 1963 by William Joseph “Buzz” Sawyer Jr. (1928-2019). In 1993, he passed the duties of directing the race to Mike Spinnler, who had well-earned his position. Spinnler had participated in the race from 1971 (when he was 12 years old) until 1990 and won in 1982 and 1983.
Command Sergeant Major Lionel A. Strong is a native of Fort Myers, Florida, and enlisted in the United States Army on July 9, 1998, as a 63B Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. Upon completing Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, Command Sgt. Maj. Strong was assigned to Schofield Barracks Hawaii from December 1998 through March 2001. Command Sgt. Maj. Strong attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection in September 2000 and the Special Forces Qualification Course from June 2001 through December 2002.
Sergeant First Class Anthony “Tony” Camps is our bonus guest. He has served in multiple Special Forces Groups, as well as within the Special Operations Aviation Regiment and the Special Warfare Center & School. He is a champion of the JFK 50, having competed and completed the event.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Although open to the public, the JFK 50 Mile is, in spirit, a military race. The initial inspiration behind the event came from then President John F. Kennedy challenging his military officers to meet the requirements that Teddy Roosevelt had set for his military officers at the dawn of the 20th Century. Roosevelt's requirement was for all military officers to be able to cover 50 miles on foot in 20 hours to maintain their commissions. When word got out about the “Kennedy Challenge,” non-commissioned military personnel also wanted to take the test themselves, as did certain robust members of the civilian population.
Of the many awards presented at the JFK 50 Mile each year, the most prestigious is the Kennedy Cup, awarded to the top-finishing military team. Each military team can have a maximum of 10 participants, and the finishing times from the top five finishers are combined for the team time.
Mike Spinnler is a national treasure and has been at the forefront of distance running for most of his life. To read more about him, visit the following websites and articles:
Mike has done many other interviews over the years. To include this interview on the official JFK 50 website:
Hayden Hawks (5:18:40) for men and Sarah Biehl (6:05:42) for women hold the current course records.
To register for the race, go here:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Trailblazer does not begin to define Brigadier General Sara Dudley, who is truly undefinable. Finance officer by trade, Brig. Gen. Dudley is the Counter Threat Finance expert currently serving within the United States Army. From deployments in the Middle East to serving within the Special Operations Command, Brig. Gen. Dudley is a true testament to dedication to service, a true voice within the Department of Defense, and an absolute innovator.
About our guest:
Brigadier General Sara Dudley was commissioned in 1998 as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Finance Corps. Prior to her current assignment in U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS), she served in the Army Budget Office as the Director, Operations and Support within the Army Secretariat. Before heading to that position in the Pentagon, she held the position of Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). Also within USASOC, she held the position as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Brig. Gen. Dudley's official bio:
Read more about the Money As A Weapon System (MAAWS) Concept:
Read more about Army Financial Management and Comptrollers:
North Korea may have sub-contracted with multiple animation studios:
Joint Knowledge Online Courses for Counter Threat Finance (for those with Common Access Card):
She has written about the application of Counter Threat Finance in her article about engaging in conflict beyond Direct Action approaches:
She has also been featured in other discussions on other podcasts discussing digital assets and national security:
She has also been interviewed throughout her career. Here is an article from when she was still a Lt. Col., making an impact wherever she was assigned:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
Please like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
It's not every day you get to interview your boss's boss's boss. We review the main mission of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, how the organization has continued to evolve and uphold standards through the past two years, and what is on the horizon.
About the guests:
Brigadier General Guillaume “Will” Beaurpere has served for the last two years as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, the Special Operations Center of Excellence. He previously served as the Deputy Commanding General for Operations at Army Space and Missile Defense Command; and before that as Commanding General for Special Operations Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve.
Command Sergeant Major Lionel A. Strong is a native of Fort Myers, Florida and enlisted in the United States Army July 9, 1998 as a 63B Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. Upon completion of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, Command Sgt. Maj. Strong was assigned to Schofield Barracks Hawaii from December 1998 thru March 2001. Command Sgt. Maj. Strong attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection in September 2000 and the Special Forces Qualification Course from June 2001 through December 2002.
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Gary Ostrander was the Command Chief Warrant Officer for 2nd Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne) at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School from 2021 to 2023. He most recently served as chief operations warrant at the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) from 2020 to 2021.
For more about the command team, visit:
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
The CG mentioned "continuous transformation"; you can read more about the Army's efforts here:
FM 3-0: Operations:
The tenants of Army modernization:
The re-establishment of the PSYWAR School and PSYOP Commandant:
The establishment of the Irregular Warfare Academy:
Information Advantage:
If you want to learn more about the Robotics Unmanned Systems Integrator Course (RUSIC), check out our episode covering the course:
The Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC), previously known as Special Warfare Medical Group (SWMG):
The SWCS Language Center is the 2nd largest in the DoD:
Moving the Total Army School System's 6th Brigade to Fort Liberty and co-locating them with SWCS:
SWCS's Heritage Week is an annual event:
SWCS partnered with National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs (CISA), and the Irregular Warfare Center to host the Spring Symposium Irregular Warfare (IW) Forum in May:
The SWCS Newcomer's Guide mentioned information about CAC-SOD:
National Defense University, a fully funded Master's program for officers (which is Intermediate Level Education qualifying) and NCOs:
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
Please like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Did you know Army Special Operations often deploy to U.S. Embassies across the globe? Did you know that some Special Operations personnel even move to those Embassies for years at a time to assist partner nations and coordinate Special Operations elements?
Join us in a conversation with a U.S. Embassy-based Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) as he discusses the SOLO program, and unique ways that Special Operations works with our partners. We discuss the importance of language training and immersion, cultural experiences, and networking so that individuals can make career decisions that empower both the organization and the individual.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
An article from SOCOM on the Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) program:
A paper on the utility and recommended way forward for the SOLO program by then Col. Paul J. Schmitt while attending the U.S. Army War College:
The U.S. National Guard State Partnership Program:
U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (SATMO):
Special Operations Support Team (SOST):
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
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Join us in today's episode covering the SOF / Cyber / Space Triad where we discuss how Space and Cyber integrate with Special Operations, but also how it is taught in the pipelines and courses here at the JFK Special Warfare Center & School. We cover some of the history and significance of Space and Cyber integrating in conflict, competition, and with Special Operations Forces.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
From the episode:
Persuasive Design of Influential Technology is a term used by several academics and organizations. You can check out this Wikipedia article:
Articles on Overhead Persuasive Infrared:
Use of the French SPOT in Desert Storm:
What is Scintillation:
An article theorizing that Scintillation may have been involved in a communications anomaly in a battle in Afghanistan:
Definitions of Army Space and Army Cyber from the FMs:
Nearly every Army operation relies on the advantages provided by space capabilities and effects to enhance the effectiveness of combat forces. Space capabilities permit enhanced situational understanding; provides global communications; enables precise and accurate fires; supports the conduct of joint expeditionary entry, movement, and maneuver operations; and provides a conduit for cyber electromagnetic operations supporting Unified Land Operations. These capabilities directly support large slarge-scalecale combat operations by enhancing command and control, providing secure communications over extended distances and across areas without modern infrastructure.
Potential adversaries have identified U.S. reliance on space-based capabilities as a critical vulnerability and will attempt to exploit it in order to deter and degrade our ability to act. Army space operations seek ways to maintain assured access to space capabilities, and when necessary, to achieve its objectives in spite of the adversary’s counterspace efforts.
Army space operations are conducted around the globe, but engaged regionally. Army space operations often are an integral part of a joint team used to plan, fight, and adapt operations across the range of military operations. Army space operations continue to evolve to meet the requirements of a complex and rapidly changing OE.
Army space doctrine refines and expands upon joint space doctrine by defining those space tactics and procedures relevant to unified land operations and applicable to large-scale combat operations. Army space operations applies to the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war, but the results are often challenging to quantify which level or levels benefit as modern conflict may not be easily divided into discrete levels. In an internet-connected world which often exploits social media, theater-level tactical actions may have far-reaching operational and strategic-level impacts. The space capabilities form the framework for how space operations supports the Army warfighting functions.
Cyberspace operations are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace (JP 3-0). Electromagnetic warfare is a military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-85).
Cyberspace is one of the five domains of warfare and uses a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) for operations, for example, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and satellite transport. Therefore, cyberspace operations and EW require frequency assignment, management, and coordination performed by spectrum management operations. Spectrum management operations consist of four key functions—spectrum management, frequency assignment, host-nation coordination, and policy adherence. Spectrum management operations include preventing and mitigating frequency conflicts and electromagnetic interference (EMI) between friendly forces and host nations during Army operations (refer to ATP 6-02.70).
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
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How do Soldiers transition to become governors? Experts on the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection (CAAS), join us in a conversation about how to best prepare for the mental and physical journey.
Would you like to know more?
Go here to see if Civil Affairs is what you've been searching for (https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/CA/)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-6xwphhI0s
More videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scbTSLY_YpI&list=PL2GcfNIpMaK_roKmHBJ2NV4iY07oya6Kb&index=1
Current PT plan for Civil Affairs Assessment & Selection (https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/Portals/100/CA%20Comprehensive%20PT%20Plan%20Updated.pdf)
About the hosts:
MAJ Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
GoArmySOF CA Site:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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Roxanne Merritt is truly an institution within Army Special Operations. Her tenure as the Supervisory Curator at the JFK Special Warfare Museum predates the establishment of SOCOM, and even predates Special Forces becoming a branch in the Army. Join us as we interview her for her podcast debut! The JFK Special Warfare Museum was established in 1963 and has and continues to spotlight the history of Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and Special Forces, as well as Army Special Operations throughout the decades.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and throughout the Middle East. He serves in the newly re-established PSYWAR School within the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Click here to visit the official website for the JFK Special Warfare Museum (https://history.army.mil/museums/jfk-swm/index.html)
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow at:
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The Harding Project is an effort led by Zachary Griffiths and Leyton Summerlin as they strive to revitalize the professional military journals across the Army. This episode discusses "writing about writing," but also the efforts of The Harding Project and how Zach and Leyton are striving to both modernize and catalog the Army's professional military journals. Bonus guest Ms. Elvia Kelley also joins us to discuss the Special Warfare Magazine and the role of Public Affairs Officers.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and throughout the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
If you want to submit an article to Special Warfare Magazine, go here: https://www.swcs.mil/Special-Warfare/Article-Submissions/
If you are interested in pursuing professional writing make sure you contact your unit's Public Affairs Office, as well as your Intel Officer and section if you want to write about operational content.
Sign up for The Harding Project's Substack: https://www.hardingproject.com/
Ash mentioned the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review, which will review your articles for operational content that the DoD would not want to release and will review your articles for release. Contact them for more details: https://www.defense.gov/Contact/Help-Center/Article/Article/2762947/publication-security-review/
Pro tip of using military photos for free (it's a .net and not a .com; Ash has been punished for his mistake), visit the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website: https://www.dvidshub.net/
For more information on the U.S. Army Special Warfare Center & School's upcoming Heritage Week, please visit the SWCS website: https://www.swcs.mil/
You can also read a bit more about The Harding Project here: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/introducing-the-harding-project-renewing-professional-military-writing/
Join us in today's episode as we have Jim Arp and Steve Mannino from the Human Performance organization within the United States Army Special Operations Center and School to discuss human performance in Army Special Operations. From physical therapists to registered dieticians. Interpersonal performance coaches, strength coaches, and athletic trainers.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Article mentioned: Optimizing the Human Weapon System.
Link: https://smartabase.com/success-stories/devcom-solider-center-mrdc/
To learn more about the Preservation of the Force and Families (POTFF), check out this article.
Link: https://issuu.com/faircountmedia/docs/special_operations_outlook_2022/s/15998692
Want to read more about the Human Platform Force Generation (FORGE) facility mentioned in the episode? The U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center & School has almost completed the most recent addition to our facilities.
Link: https://www.clarknexsen.com/project/human-performance-forge-facility/
POTFF official website.
Link: https://www.socom.mil/POTFF/Pages/About-POTFF.aspx
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil.
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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* https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videos
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If you want to learn more about opportunities in Special Operations, contact a SORB recruiter today!
Link to SORB recruiters: https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/Get-Started/Contact-a-Recruiter/
Spc. Christian Sutton was at a punk rock concert when a random series of events propelled him to decide to change the entire Army. Chris is proof that a single Service Member can truly change the world. Join us and some of the members of his team (John, Brent, and Alex) as we discuss their grassroots efforts to save lives across the country.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
If you are currently serving, please consider signing up to get on the list for bone marrow donations:
Follow Chris and his efforts on their Instagram page:
If you want to read more inspiring coverage of what Chris and his teammates have achieved go here:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil.
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
* https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschool
* https://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/
* https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videos
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This episode covers U.S. Army Special Operations recruiting. Join Lt. Col. Steven Crowe and Maj. Jim Maicke for an excellent conversation covering in-service recruiting for Special Forces, Civil Affairs, the Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Explosive Ordinance Disposal, and even Warrant Officers across the entire Army.
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Into-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
If you want to learn more about opportunities in Special Operations, contact a SORB recruiter today!
Link to SORB recruiters: https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/Get-Started/Contact-a-Recruiter/
If you're already in SOF and want to contact SORB, their number is: 877-874-5544 (they'll be able to redirect you from there)
The SORB recruiting email is (they'll be able to redirect you): [email protected]
Want to learn more about the branches discussed? Go here!
Link: https://www.goarmysof.army.mil/
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil.
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
* https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschool
* https://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/
* https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videos
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This episode covers modern drones as they are integrated into Special Operations training at the U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center & School. Maj. Steve Schuerman is the Charlie Company commander within the 6th Battalion, 2nd Special Warfare Training Group. His company is responsible for implementing 18F (the Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant Course), all three Joint Exploitation training courses, and the Robotics Unmanned Systems Integrator Course (RUSIC).
About the hosts:
Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Into-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
** If you want to learn more about RUSIC, the Special Warfare Magazine included an article on RUSIC in the latest issue: https://www.swcs.mil/Special-Warfare/Special-Warfare-Archive/
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil.
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
* https://www.facebook.com/jfkcenterandschool
* https://www.instagram.com/u.s.armyswcs/
* https://www.youtube.com/c/USAJFKSWCS/videos
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"O.C.," an expert on the U.S. Army Psychological Operations Assessment and Selection (POAS), joins us in a conversation about how to best prepare for the mental and physical journey. O.C. answers the multitude of questions from Derek and Ash, including:
About the hosts:
MAJ Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Would you like to know more?
View the Ghosts in the Machine PSYOP Recruiting Video
Check out this official Go ARMY SOF video about some of the experiences of becoming PSYOP (featuring co-host, Ash).
Army Special Operations Recruiting:
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow us at:
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The leadership in charge of Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection takes us through what it is and how to best prepare for the best chances of being successful. They answer the question, "What is selection? How does someone prepare for physically and mentally? What are we looking for in candidates? Why try out for a life as a Green Beret?"
MAJ Ash Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Warfare Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has an incredible amount of deployment experience and currently serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
Army Special Operations Recruiting
GoArmySOF Special Forces Site (Training handbook can be found here)
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow at:
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The Pineland team has the opportunity to sit down with Clyde Seepersad, the General Manager of the Linux Foundation. We dive deep into cooperative innovation and leadership and discuss how the principles for success transcend business and warfighting. Clyde Seepersad has decades of experience running successful companies and startups and shares his vast knowledge and lessons learned.
MAJ Ash Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Warfare Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.
SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has an incredible amount of deployment experience and currently serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow at:
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#specialops #usajfkswcs #pinelandunderground #pineland #podcast #military #ussocom #socom #usasoc #specialforces #army #leadership #leader #mentorship #education #innovation #warfighter #combat #war #conflict #irregularwarfare #uw #nco #officer #linux #swcs #specops #business #swcs #fortliberty #cooperation
The must listen to final episode of the Pineland Underground Podcast with Major Bobby Tuttle and Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter as the hosts/producers of the show. What sets great leaders and noncommissioned officers apart from their peers? What's expected of officers when they arrive fresh out of the qualification course to a Special Operations Team? How do you stay relevant as you progress in rank? We dive deep into these topics and more.
Special Operations Chess Theory digs deep into the question of "What is the power of a U.S. Army Noncomissioned Officer, and more specifically, a Special Operations Noncomissioned Officer? We talk to two highly experienced soldiers, Lieutenant Colonel Mike Salazar, and SFC Joe, about what an NCO is and what sets us apart. We then dive deep into Special Operations Theory and how it can be applied to the military or any business sector mindset. This episode is bittersweet as it's the last where Bobby Tuttle and Chuck Ritter serve as hosts on the Pineland Underground Podcast.
LTC Mike Salazar is an active duty U.S. Army Special Forces officer and currently serves as the Deputy Commander at the 1st Special Warfare Training Group within the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, He previously served as a Special Forces officer in the 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), as an Infantry officer and has numerous deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
SFC Joe is an active duty U.S. Army Special Forces Noncommissioned Officer who currently serves as an Academic Team Sergeant at the David K. Thuma Special Operations Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, and is returning back to an operations Special Forces Group in the near future. He previously served in the 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) and has numerous deployments to Afghanistan and other countries in the CENTCOM Area of Operations.
Major Bobby Tuttle and Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter are both experienced Special Forces soldiers with years of experience as leaders operating around the world. After over a year of hosting and producing the Pineland Underground Podcast for the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School, they are handing over the reins. The new hosts, SGM Derek Riley and MAJ Ash Holzmann will take the podcast to new heights and tackle topics important to the Army and Special Operations.
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
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#specialops #usajfkswcs #pinelandunderground #pineland #podcast #military #ussocom #socom #usasoc #specialforces #army #leadership #leader #mentorship #education #pme #warfighter #combat #war #conflict #irregularwarfare #uw #nco #ncoa #officer #swcs #specops #chesstheory #oda #3rdgroup #swcs #fortliberty
Pineland Underground welcomes the new hosts and producers to the show - SGM Derek Riley and MAJ Ash Holzmann. Bobby and Chuck sit down for a quick fifteen-minute conversation introducing the new hosts, covering what to expect in future episodes, and how to best use jorts at the beach.
MAJ Ash Holzmann is a Psychological Operations officer with extensive experience in U.S. Army Psychological Operations. He currently serves as an operations officer in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, NC. He was a previous guest on Pineland Underground for the episode 'Ghosts in the Machine.'
SGM Derek Riley is a Civil Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer with over 27 years of experience. He has served as a Command Sergeant Major in the Civil Affairs Regiment and currently runs the Civil Affairs Proponency for the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, NC. He is considered to be one of the most respected and trusted senior Non-Commissioned Officers at the Special Warfare Center and School.
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow at:
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The United States Army Special Warfare Center and School Command Team sits down with the Pineland Underground Podcast to discuss their vision for Army Special Operations training and education geared towards the future. They highlight the current state of the schoolhouse and the pathway forward to achieve the ARSOF of 2030.
The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!
USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.
Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.mil
Be sure to check us out and follow at:
We sit down with Medal of Honor Recipient Special Forces Master Sergeant Earl Plumlee and discuss his life as a Marine, coming into Special Forces, his actions leading to receiving the nation's highest award, and how he continues to be a positive force of nature in life. From joining the military with a GED to overcoming impossible odds in combat, his story of perseverance and overcoming his story is truly humbling and inspiring.
Crossover episode from the Irregular Warfare Initiative where the USASOC Commander LTG Braga, and author P.W. Singer discuss the future of Army Special Operations within the future operating environment of Multi-Domain Operations.
Key themes from this episode:
• Army SOF - Small, autonomous teams with diverse sets of skills, competing and winning
• Building and defining a winning culture – Driving Performance Together – every day and inspire teams and colleagues to success.
• Discussion through the cycle of preparation, competition, and feedback
• Leadership Vision in HMS and Army SOF - Clarity, Simplicity, Alignment
• A team of teams working together, optimizing each team through intentional sharing and support
• The extremely competitive environment you are in, how to succeed amidst the chaos, stay focused, and manage secrets in the wide open
• High-Performance Communications through 'Management by Strengths'
We sit down with all the champion team leaders from Hendrick Motorsports, the most successful NASCAR Cup team in history. We deep dive into their philosophies, structure, and the fundamentals they apply to create their impressive culture of winning and excellence. We cross-level these principles and discuss how they apply to all teams across Special Operations, Army and other military units, sports, and businesses. Hands down the finest episode of Pineland Underground to date!
Email Us!
Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #community #specialforces #leadership #community #specialoperations #ARSOF #hendrix #hendrixmotorsports #nascar #racing #rubbingisracing #winning #lead #podcast #podcasthost #inspire
Chuck and Bobby quickly cover their master plan for world domination, so you know what to expect from Pineland Underground in 2023. Prep yourself beforehand for the sheer awesomeness contained within this 15 minutes episode.
Email Us!
Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #community #specialforces #leadership #community #specialoperations #ARSOF #lead #podcast #podcasthost #inspire #2023 #bestpodcastinthemilitary #psyop #civilaffairs
Green Beret Command Sergeant Major Chuy Almonte and Chief Warrant Officer Three Jay Connors discuss their views on how to lead effectively in the military and life in general. CSM Almonte served time in the 1st Special Forces Group as a wheel mechanic and then as a Special Forces soldier in the 7th and 3rd Special Forces Group. He currently serves as a CSM at the Army's Special Warfare Training Center and School at Fort Bragg, NC. CW3 Connors served in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Noncommission Officer and then a Warrant Officer. He currently serves as a senior Operations Officer at the Army's Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, NC. Both men have extensive combat and non-combat deployment experience in multiple theaters.
Email Us!
Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #community #specialforces #leadership #community #specialoperations #ARSOF #chuyalmotne #jayconnors #lead #podcast #podcasthost #inspire
Special Forces COL Mike Sullivan, Chief of Staff of the Army Special Warfare Center, and former SFAB Commander, takes us on a magical journey discussing SFABs, Special Forces, and the art of advising foreign forces. We discuss the contentious beginning of the SFABs and the roles of Special Forces and SFABs in Security Forces Assistance and Foreign Internal defense setting. We also discuss the future of the Space, Cyber, and Special Operations "Triad."
Email Us!
Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
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Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
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(Bonus Episode) As the world becomes more urban, planning for conventional and irregular warfare in the city becomes more important. SGM Chuck Ritter goes on the Irregular Warfare Initiative podcast to discuss the intricacies of urban combat with John Spencer, author of Connected Solders and Understanding Urban Warfare. This was previously released on multiple Modern War Institute platforms. We are releasing it on Pineland Underground because the principle discussed directly relates to Amy Special Operations students and those in force. John Spencer tackles the topics from the strategic and operational levels, while SGM Ritter discusses the pragmatic approach for the tactical and operational level practitioner.
Irregular Warfare Initiative
The Great Equalizer: Irregular Warfare in the City - Modern War Institute (usma.edu)
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Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
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Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
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Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
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SOCOM SOFcast host Matt Parrish risks everything to come on the Pineland Underground Podcast to profess to the world that we have the best podcast in the military. SGM Parrish not only runs the SOFcast Podcast, but he also runs the SOCOM Preservation of the Force and Families Program (POTFF). We discuss SOCOM, joining as an 18X, the POTFF program, and why Pineland Underground dominates SOFcast in terms of sheer awesomeness.
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Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
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Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
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Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #community #specialforces #SOCOM #SOFcast #Mattparrish #podcast #podcasthost
Two Special Forces Teams arrive in Nepal to conduct a training exercise with the host nation's military but immediately find themselves in the middle of leading crisis response efforts after a massive earthquake hits Nepal in 2015. Luckily, one of these teams was a special skills mountaineering team already acclimatized to extreme altitudes.
Dan Kurtenbach is a former Army Special Forces and Infantry officer with Special Operations and conventional assignments in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Notably, he led and Infantry platoon in Iraq, commanded the Special Forces “A” team responsible for conducting rescue operations during the 2015 Nepal earthquake, and subsequently led a Special Operations element in the US Embassy in Bangladesh during the 2016 Dhaka terrorist attacks.
He is currently a Director at an AI/ML company and a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins SAIS. He was previously a White House Fellow (2020 – 2021) and a program manager for new product introduction at Apple in Silicon Valley.
Dan earned a B.S. from West Point, MBA from MIT, and an MPA from Harvard.
Sergeant Major (Retired) Mitch Elwood is a retired Green Beret from 1st Special Forces Group with 25 years of active service. He stomped ground and broke bread in 35 countries during that time, and conducted combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the highly contested area of the southern Philippines. He served on Special Forces ODA 153/1223 as a Medic and ODA 1121 as a Team Sergeant – all Mountain Teams! Mitch is a disaster magnet having found himself in the Philippines during Typhoon Yolanda in 2013, in Nepal for the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015, and responded to Indonesia for the tsunami and liquefaction event of Sulawest in 2018.
When he wasn’t on an ODA he worked as an Operations NCO for Special Operations Task Force 511, Joint Special Operations Task Force – Philippines, and a future plans Sergeant Major in 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group in Okinawa, Japan.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
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Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #community #specialforces #Nepal #Mountain #1stSFG #crisisresponse
SFC(R) Ryan Hendrickson, author of Tip of the Spear, and founder of Tip of Spear Landmine Removal takes on a journey through becoming a Green Beret, being critical injured, receiving a Silver Star, retiring and then going to Ukraine multiple times during the current conflict.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
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Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #mentalhealth #resiliency #community #specialforces #tipofthespear #ryanhendrickson
Special Forces Sergeant Major Josh Thompson walks us through his thought process on writing The Mask We Wear. An article concerning the ease at which Special Operations personnel hide their internal struggles from their families, friends, and even themselves. The Mask We Wear was a potent and helpful piece on mental health published by the Havok Journal. Now we hear the words and personal struggles of the man who penned this article.
This episode is part two of a two-part Suicide Prevention and Awareness month series. Check out Episode #48. When the Wolves Come Knocking for episode one!
Military Crisis Line- Dial 988, then Press 1, or Text 838255
Embedded Behavioral Health: (Ft. Bragg/WHSC) 910-907-6825
On Call Duty Chaplain: (Ft. Bragg, 24/7) 910-396-4357
Watters Family Life Chaplain Training Center: Free, 100% confidential Pastoral Counseling for Military ID card holders and dependents. Bldg 1-3358 Knox St, Ft. Bragg. Call 910-396-6564.
Confidential & free non-medical counseling addresses issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss:
Military and Family Life Counselors, Ft. Bragg: Call 910-432-3742 or 910-396-8683
Military OneSource 1-800-342-9647
Fayetteville VET Center- Free counseling and resources for Veterans & family members. Call 910-488-6252 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Warriors Heart - www. warriorsheart.com | 855-960-5405
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesomeness #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #mentalhealth #resiliency #community #specialforces
Special Forces Soldier, Sergeant First Class Mike Fiocca, takes us through his mental struggles, which took him to the point of having a gun to his head but then persevering through an arduous recovery that culminated with him running a 100-mile ultra-marathon. He shares his personal story, hoping it may help those struggling through internal issues in silence.
This episode is part one of a two-part Suicide Prevention and Awareness month series. Check out Episode #49. The Masks We Wear on 30 September for part two!
Additional Mental Health Resources:
Military Crisis Line- Dial 988, then Press 1, or Text 838255
Embedded Behavioral Health: (Ft. Bragg/WHSC) 910-907-6825
On Call Duty Chaplain: (Ft. Bragg, 24/7) 910-396-4357
Watters Family Life Chaplain Training Center: Free, 100% confidential Pastoral Counseling for Military ID card holders and dependents. Bldg 1-3358 Knox St, Ft. Bragg. Call 910-396-6564.
Confidential & free non-medical counseling addresses issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss:
Military and Family Life Counselors, Ft. Bragg: Call 910-432-3742 or 910-396-8683
Military OneSource 1-800-342-9647
Fayetteville VET Center- Free counseling and resources for Veterans & family members. Call 910-488-6252 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Warriors Heart - www. warriorsheart.com | 855-960-5405
Contact Mike Fiocca
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesome #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle #mentalhealth #resiliency #community #specialforces
A no BS, thoughtful, yet entertaining conversation on the topic of Critical Thinking between SGM Chuck Ritter and LTC Charles Faint from the Modern War Institute at West Point.
LTC Charles Faint is currently stationed at the United States Military Academy at West Point. He serves as the Chair for the Study of Special Operations at the Modern War Institute. Before coming to West Point, LTC Faint completed seven combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan and operational tours in Egypt, the Republic of Korea, and The Philippines. A career Military Intelligence officer, he also served in various units, including the 5th Special Forces Group, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, and the Joint Special Operations Command. LTC Faint holds five college degrees, the most recent of which is from Yale University. He owns the popular blog The Havok Journal and is the Executive Director of the non-profit veterans’ advocacy organization The Second Mission Foundation.
SGM Chuck Ritter is a Special Forces Sergeant Major and serves as the Deputy Commandant at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School Noncommissioned Officer Academy. He also co-produces/hosts the SWCS Pineland Underground Podcast.
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(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Modern War Institute, Havok Journal, and Charles Faint
Modern War Institute - (usma.edu)
The Havok Journal • The Voice of the Veteran Community
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesome #specialoperation #usajfkswcs #chuckritter #bobbytuttle
(Bonus Episode) Pineland Underground Podcasts hosts Bobby Tuttle, and Chuck Ritter have themselves on the show as podcast guests. They discuss the importance of Professional Military Education, attempt to get each other fired, the dangers of rank entitlement, proper mindset moving to a new position, life on a Special Forces Detachment, and take the time to run their mouths about countless other excellent topics.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
#pinelandunderground #bestpodcastinthemilitary #relentlessawesome #swcs
Major Bobby Tuttle and Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter sit down with Major General Patrick Roberson and Chief Warrant Officer Five Stephen Frazier for a no-BS conversation on the current status of the Army's Special Warfare Center and School, Q-Course optimization, the health of the force, and the future plans for Army Special Operations.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
(1) Pineland Underground Podcast - YouTube
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director of the SWCS Language, Regional Education, and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
Full Spectrum Special Operations (Special Forces). MSG(R) Kevin Owens takes us through his journey from joining the Irish Army, being in an Irish Counter Terrorist unit, serving as a security contractor in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993, joining the U.S. Army, surviving Special Forces selection, combating Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan as a Green Beret, retiring and then his life now running the Field Craft Survival office in North Carolina.
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(1) U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School | Facebook
Contact Fieldcraft or Kevin Owens:
Field Craft Survival Website
Fieldcraft Survival | Survival Gear & Training
Kevin Owens Instagram
Train, Coach, Mentor (@kevin.p.owens) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
Owner of Atomic Athlete, Jake Saenz, and United States Army Special Warfare Center and School Athletic Trainer, Aaron Craft, discuss how to train for Special Operation Selections, the Army Combat Fitness Test and life in general. We discuss physical and mental aspects of training as well as injury prevention. Jake is a former Army Ranger and has been training and teaching physical fitness for over 20 years. Aaron is a former collegiate level athletic trainer and has been training Special Operations Forces for over 9 years.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact Atomic Athlete:
Atomic Athlete Website
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
What’s the deal with the new highly controversial new PSYOP recruiting video entitled “Ghosts in the Machine?” What are Psychological Operations? Are they really pulling the strings of foreign governments around the world? We sit with the creator of the Ghost in the Machine video, MAJ Lamb, and a PSYOP history expert MAJ Holzmann to explore the answers.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
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Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
We sit down with Civil Affairs legend Rob McQueen to discuss how to properly use the entire toolkit of capabilities within the U.S. Army Special Operations construct. We deep dive into how to best combine Special Forces, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations to achieve effects across the globe. We also dive into the current geopolitical game, Ukraine, and non-profit organizations.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
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Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
Lessons in leadership from legendary Delta Force operator, and VikingTactics owner Kyle Lamb, COL (retired) Tim Ladouceur, CSM Sean Mullins and COL Stu Farris.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact Atomic Athlete:
Atomic Athlete Website
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
CW2 Nick Lavery is an active-duty member of The United States Army Special Forces. On his second combat rotation to Afghanistan he and his Detachment fell victim to an insider attack ultimately resulting in the loss of his leg. Following a year of surgeries and initial recovery including the use of a prosthetic at Walter Reed National Medical Military Center, he returned to his unit. Refusing a military medical retirement, Nick set his sights on returning to operational status. At the conclusion of a brutal assessment designed to evaluate Nick's abilities to operate, he returned to his Detachment and was subsequently deployed once again to Afghanistan conducting full spectrum combat operations. Nick is considered the first Special Forces operator to return to combat as an above-the-knee amputee. He is also the first amputee to complete the Special Forces Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification course, the Special Operations Combatives Program Instructor course, and the Combat Diver Qualification course in military history.
E-Tool Nation host and SEAC(R) John Wayne Troxell joins us on this episode discussing topics ranging from serving as the most senior enlisted member of the United States Armed Forces to the moment in time that will forever bond him with an entrenching tool. With over 37 years of service in the United States Army, Troxell shares his experiences with leadership at every level.
While Bobby is off doing “Officer things” Chuck sits down with retired SOF West Point alum who are crushing it in life after wearing the U.S. Army uniform. From best hiring practices, changing the culture of a business and the aftermath of consuming an entire pitcher of Harvey Wallbangers, Hibbitt City Gear CEO Mike Longo and author Mike Lerario provide world class information for anyone entering the civilian workplace with military experience.
Bobby and Chuck take a special trip back to listen to their very first recorded podcast together with special guest COL (R) Jim Roach. Hold on to your seats for this one. The Legend Ranger Roach takes us on an adventure through Vietnam and special life events. You don’t want to miss this one!
On today’s episode we are joined with MSG Chad Brack from the Non Commissioned Officers Academy. We take a personal look into the story of one Special Forces soldier’s accounts on the importance of education, teamwork, deployments to Afghanistan, and the time he thought that his team killed Bin Laden.
On today’s episode we are joined with the SWCS Chief of Staff COL Stu Farris, and MSG (Ret) Chris Rogers. We discuss unconventional warfare and how it applies to the Special Forces culminating exercise known as Robin Sage. We address some common misconceptions that typically are associated with military exercises that occur within the local population to help inform and educate the public.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
On today's episode we are at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA and are joined by Dr. Leo Blanken, MAJ Shawn Redding, MAJ Scott Rowan, and CDR Justin Davis. We discuss applied design for innovation, defense analysis, and the importance of technology to our SOF and partner forces.
We had the honor of having LTG(R) Ken Tovo back at the Falcon Snail Pub to record a new episode of Pineland Underground. We discussed the modern geopolitical battlefield, the daily, and weekly life of a general, life lessons and his thoughts of the fundamentals of leaderships that transcend the tactical to strategic levels. His precision in speech never ceases to impress.
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Special Warfare Center (@u.s.armyswcs) • Instagram photos and videos
Contact the Hosts:
Sergeant Major Chuck Ritter - Deputy Commandant at the SWCS Noncommissioned Officer Academy
Chuck Ritter Instagram
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
Chuck Ritter LinkedIn
Chuck Ritter Facebook
Major Bobby Tuttle - Director as the SWCS Language, Regional Education and Culture office
Bobby Tuttle Facebook
Bobby Tuttle LinkedIn
Pineland Underground Recording and Editing Team
Tommy Stanley
Jason Gambardella
On today's episode, we are joined by SGM Chuck Ritter, SGM Jimmy Dauteuil, and MAJ James Blackburn. In this episode, we hear the story of SGM Ritter's actions in combat, his road to recovery following his injuries, and his drive to get back into the fight. We discuss 'shifting mindset' - from failing Bowling Class at community college to leading Green Berets in battle. Stories to Robin Sage, it's never cool to be ignorant and knowing the difference between Army Special Forces and other Special Operation Units.
SGM Chuck Ritter currently serves as the Deputy Commandant of the Army Special Operations NCO Academy. SGM Jimmy Dauteuil serves as the Command Sergeant Major of 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group and MAJ James Blackburn serves as the Language, Regional Education, and Culture Director at the Special Warfare Center and School.
Chuck Ritter contact and social media:
Chuck Ritter (@charles.p.ritter) • Instagram photos and videos
On today’s episode of Pineland Underground we sit down with Mr. Bill Warner, member of the renowned Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Advisory Council. We discuss the drive for innovation through collaboration across Silicon Valley and Special Operations. We dive into Applied Design for Innovation at the Naval Postgraduate School, thoughts on Cyber and China, and the “innovation engine” as it applies to startups, Stanford, and SOF.
The MSG David K. Thuma Noncommissioned Officers Academy - NCOA is tasked with training disciplined NCO’s capable of executing full spectrum Special Operations in complex and ambiguous environments. In this episode we are joined by three NCOA instructors from each of the Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations regiments. They discuss what it’s like to work at the SWCS NCOA and teach soldiers in order to develop competent and adaptive ARSOF leaders through progressive professional military education.
In this episode, we are joined by COL(R) Fred Dummar, a retired Special Forces officer who commanded at every level in Special Forces from Captain to Colonel, with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Having spent a significant amount of time in Afghanistan himself on active duty and as a defense contractor, COL(R) Dummar discusses the evacuation from Afghanistan and how he aided in the efforts to help get Afghan SOF members out of the country amidst all the chaos.
In this episode we are joined by Rafi Kohan, the author of “The Arena” which is a deep dive into wide ranging and interdisciplinary examination of the modern American sports stadium. Rafi is currently researching for his upcoming book on competitive banter a.k.a. talking trash, a human behavioral phenomenon that has existed throughout time, across cultures, and across the world.
Today we are joined Green Beret Master Sergeant (Retired) Tu Lam, the inspiration behind Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Operator Rōnin (浪人) and founder of Ronin Tactics. Tu shares his story of escaping oppression in communist Vietnam and his road to earning the coveted Green Beret, his time serving as a Special Forces soldier, his post-military career and his return to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School, and sharpening the Warrior way of life.
Today we are joined by Colonel Bobby Sidell, the Command Psychologist for the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School to discuss finding clarity and critical thinking through malign Misinformation-Disinformation (MISDIS). Colonel Sidell discusses SWCS’ new curriculum focused on developing sharper awareness and recognition of MISDIS platforms and the environments which nurture it, means to inoculate ourselves against the rising threat, and the execution of proven countermeasures to mitigate its influence.
Today we are joined by Major Stu Gallagher, Special Operations Forces Management Information System or SOFMIS. The mission of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) is to produce our world-class Army Special Operations Force Soldiers. The discussion centers around how SOFMIS improving how the organization it collects, manages and analyzes information to allow the organization to see itself and the Soldiers that it trains. Major Gallagher explores how SOFMIS is illuminating efficiencies in the organization, and driving decisions focused on cost, quality and output in the production of Special Operations Soldiers.
Today we are joined by Christian Brose, author of “The Kill Chain - Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare.” We open with Mr. Brose explaining how his time on the Senate Armed Services Committee led him to author this book. He discusses with our host how the changing nature of conflict has eroded traditional U.S. military supremacy. The twin problems are the slowness of the US military to modernize and incorporate new technology and the growing military threat posed by rivals, such as China. The conversation is rounded out by discussing the steps the US government can take to redress this problem.
Today we are joined by the commander of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare and School, Maj. General Patrick Roberson to discusses the lessons learned in Syria. A key theme is the complex nature of fighting in Syria, both to win the war on the ground, and to win the narrative battle. Also covered is the increasing Great Power Competition between the US, Russian and Iranian governments, each attempting to expand their influence in the region. The conversation is rounded out with MG Roberson contrasting Iraq, where SOF CA teams were not allowed by the local government, to Syria where SOF CA teams were welcomed by the Free Syrian Army.
Today we are joined again by Colonel Robert Sidell, the Command Psychologist for the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School to discuss the SOF family programs seminar, and the importance of family wellness. COL Sidell opens by explaining the necessity of a good work-life balance and allowing service members to bring their best performance to work. The conversation is then expanded by discussing support resources for family members or Soldiers who have lost a team member. The conversation is rounded out by COL Sidell weighing in on the second and third order effects of these programs, not only healthier families for the service member, but higher retention rates for the military.
Today we are joined by Colonel Robert Sidell, the Command Psychologist for the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School to discuss executive coaching, professional wellness and development. We open with COL Sidell on why he established the Soldier Wellness and Family Wellness series. We follow this by discussing the traditional stigma attached to seeking mental help and how the new initiatives have built momentum. The conversation is rounded out by giving out information for listeners to enroll in these seminars. If you can’t find a pamphlet, slide or business card, simply find COL Sidell on outlook email, his door is always open for anyone seeking to improve themselves.
Today we are joined by Major Derrick Taylor, commander of B Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne), Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ. MAJ Taylor discusses Military Free Fall (MFF) school and what it does for SOF. We first begin with the history of MFF in the US and the tactical benefits it brings. We then discuss the components of MFF Operations at the school house, beginning with students jumping in tandem with a trainer and progressing to jumping solo with equipment. We close out with the MAJ offering tips and guidance to future MFF applicants, “the #1 thing you can do at the free fall school, is relax”. MFF is a mental challenge requiring all jumpers to be calm and collected.
Today we conclude our podcast with Major Travis Clemens, a Civil Affairs Company Commander, discussing his article about Special Operations Forces and Civil Affairs in Great Power Competition. MAJ Clemens opens with discussing the modern forms of Armed Conflict, such as foreign sponsored insurgencies or the construction of military infrastructure in politically disputed locations. A key theme is how 21st century conflict is often, but not always, defined by asymmetrical clashes between the Great Powers in lieu of conventional conflict. Civil Affairs teams must compete with hostile foreign powers by combating their social, economic and political pressures against the populace in a third country.
Today we are joined by Major Travis Clemens, a Civil Affairs Company Commander, to discuss his published article about Special Operations Forces and Civil Affairs in Great Power Competition. MAJ Clemens opens by describing what motivated him to write this article and explains how the joint concepts (integrated campaigning, operations in the information environment and human aspects of military operation) provided the foundation for his research. In discussing how the U.S. should counter China and Russia, he emphasizes how the histories of those respective countries plays an enormous role in the decisions of their governments and the actions they take. The conversation is then rounded out by MAJ Clemens mentioning some of the tactics used by Russia and China to expand their influence abroad, such as controlling restricting resources and economic manipulation.
Today we are joined by SFC Andrew Stamp, the program director for Project JANUS, an initiative designed to help Soldiers transition from military service. In SFC Stamp’s experience he has seen Soldiers have 2 years to transition, and others with only 4 months. In SFC Stamp’s experience, the more time the better, because it allows the Soldier to receive more help from JANUS; resume assistance, survivor benefit plans, life insurance options etc. SFC Stamp and his team are committed to helping the Service Member find their footing by connecting them with any of the 40,000+ Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs). The VSOs cover a wide range of occupations and help ensure the Service Member can start a new career they are passionate about. This podcast is not just for service members but is also a great resource for family members supporting a retiring or transitioning Soldier.
Today we are joined by the Commander of the 1st Special Warfare Training Group, COL Stuart Farris. The COL discusses selection for anyone considering joining Special Operations, both the content purpose of ARSOF Selection are covered. Key points include that ARSOF doesn’t look for the “best” people, ARSOF looks for the “right” people. To be selected a candidate must have a healthy combination of physical and mental attributes. The COL also urges that Soldiers who are not selected don’t think of themselves as failures, rather they are in the “top percentile” of the Army and he commends them for applying themselves.
Today we are joined by the commander of the 8th Psychological Operations Group COL Mushtare to discuss the path that led him to becoming an officer in PSYOP. We open with the COL’s transition from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to becoming an Army Engineer Officer. After meeting a PSYOP MAJ at a FT Bragg ARSOF Fair, he became interested in PSYOP and decided to pursue it as his career. PYSOP was initially not on his mind, but after doing deeper research into their tasks and functions, the COL decided it his branch of choice. His main recommendation for aspiring leaders is to check up with HRC and see all the opportunities out there.
Today we are joined by the commander of 7th Battalion, 4th Psychological Operations Group LTC Engelmeier to discuss the path that led her to becoming an officer in PSYOP. We open with the LTC’s early career as an engineer in Korea and then FT Belvoir, VA. She then shares her experiences on how key-leader engagements in Afghanistan got her interested in the power of information and using discussions to set the stage for success. What ultimately influenced her to join the PSYOP Regiment was her experience working with HRC and seeing how a small branch is better at managing talent.
Today we are joined by the new Commander of the 2nd Special Warfare Training Group, COL Josh Raetz. The COL opens the discussion listing his command initiatives and how 2 SWTG is preparing Soldiers for future conflicts. The discussion then develops to how cross-functional teams are better able to provide innovative solutions to complex problems than core teams without the organic expertise. Rounding out the discussion, COL Raetz offers his thoughts on the perception that a SWCS Cadre position is considered a punishment and not a sought-after job, and offers his insight on continuing to bring in high-speed talent to train Soldiers in the ARSOF Qualification course.
Today we are joined by Dr. Rick Dietrich and Mr. Bob Jones of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School's Human Development Directorate (HDD). We open the discussion by talking about the Growth Mindset, challenges to performance and how SMs can work to self-improve. The Doctors mention how there will always be stress, but that the way forward for students is to seize what they can control (nutrition, PT, sleep etc) to help lay the mental groundwork for success. We also discuss how the SOCEP and HEAT programs assist our students in reaching their best performance throughout each of the Regimental Qualification Courses.
Today we are joined by Dr. Preston Cline (Mission Critical Team Institute) and Ms. Cecilia Craft (Special Operations Cognitive Enhancement for Performance - SOCEP) to discuss team dynamics, the “growth mindset,” and cognitive capacity to think differently about problem solving. An ARSOF Assessment and Selection team is often used as an example. We explore how a newly-made team of individuals can pull together to achieve group goals. Key to success are group trust and group cohesion. MAJ Aguilar rounds out the discussion by expanding on the importance of ARSOF personnel having a mature-mindset and being able to methodically plan their career both for betterment of themselves and ARSOF as a whole.
Concluding our special on Great Power Competition we discuss the importance of consolidating battlefield gains to support long-term U.S. interests. COL Bryan Groves discuss how the Army develops “measures of effectiveness” to provide a long-term plan of winning on the ground. These measurable set of metrics allow Commanders to see where resources need to be deployed. MAJ Steve Ferenzi follows by explaining how ARSOF leaders can support the U.S. in the Great Power Competition, not only by maintaining unit readiness, but by fostering discussion within your circles. Such discussions would not only bring familiarity about the U.S. Defense Strategy, but also encourage new ideas and innovative solutions.
In this podcast continuing our “Great Power Competition” discussion MAJ Steve Ferenzi from USASOC G5 Strategic Planning Division offers examples of the expanding competition between the U.S. and near peer competitors such as Russia and China. He extolls the importance of building strategic alliances with partner nations to face down threats together, but cautions that the “U.S. Model” for defense may not be ideal for the region. COL Bryan Groves expands on this theme by stressing the necessity of interagency cooperation to overcome obstacles and bring strategic gains.
Today we are joined by COL Bryan Groves and MAJ Steve Ferenzi from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command G5 Strategic Planning Division to discuss "Great Power Competition" and ARSOF's role in support of the National Defense Strategy. MAJ Ferenzi leads by defining “Great Power Competition” and explaining the different components thereof. He follows by explaining how the U.S. can expand their influence within the Competition and set the stage to achieve strategic aims. MAJ Aguilar closes out the conversation by noting the increased importance of the information sphere of modern conflicts and ARSOF’s role within. Parts 2 and 3 of this podcast will be uploaded soon!
In 2006, Ken Dwyer was a young Captain leading a Special Forces Operational Detachment - Alpha in Afghanistan. During his tour of duty he was struck by a rocket propelled grenade and nearly killed. In this episode, now LTC Dwyer gives an inspiring lesson on conquering adversity and the great personal cost of returning to active duty to continue his service as a member of the U. S. Army Special Forces. LTC Dwyer cites the unwavering support of his family and peers as key to his recovery. He also emphasizes the need to keep moving forward when faced with adversity.
Today we sit down with several members of the SWCS staff to discuss various ways for Soldiers and Families to stay resilient during the ongoing health crisis of COVID-19. The podcast opens with command Psychologist, COL Bobby Sidell offering technical definitions for the audience, allowing them to better understand the nomenclature. The COL is followed by Ms. Ceci Craft, a SWCS Cognitive Performance Coach who talks about the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and maintaining healthy daily routines. Rounding out the podcast is Command Chaplain, LTC Brad Lee speaking about the need to have faith during times of adversity and the necessity of maintaining strong bonds with your spouse, family and friends.
MG Patrick Roberson, Commanding General of SWCS, joins us to offer his take on one of his biggest initiatives; mentorship. General Roberson establishes the importance of trust, respect and interest when attempting to successfully develop subordinates. Also discussed is the General’s philosophy of keeping an open mind and an “I have a lot to learn from everybody” mentality. He extolls the virtues of the ability to learn not only from your mentor (superior) but also your mentoree (subordinate).
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