Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer
Everything you need to know about what the expanded child tax credit actually is, why it’s good policy, and how it will impact people’s lives.
Wendy Bach is a Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She is a nationally recognized expert in poverty law.
Twitter: @wendyabach
Biden’s child tax credit is a step away from a discriminatory system: https://qz.com/2034199/how-does-the-us-child-tax-credit-work/
Two-thirds of people now receive monthly benefit checks: https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/2021/07/19/two-thirds-of-people-now-receive-monthly-benefit-checks/
The time tax: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/07/how-government-learned-waste-your-time-tax/619568/
Website: http://pitchforkeconomics.com/
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Nick’s twitter: @NickHanauer