In 2019, Asobo Studio released A Plague Tale: Innocence, a story about a brother and sister navigating a plague and war torn 14th century France. Just months later the world would experience its own major pandemic event. For months after that Bryan and Clint had put off playing A Plague Tale, but during the Fall of 2021 they managed to play through and both are extremely happy they did. Providing a affecting emotional story (with a few supernatural elements to spice things up), A Plague Tale pulls off a cohesive blend of stealth, combat, and drama. Come for the gorgeous visuals of the French countryside, but stay for the story about how family, and found family, can make all the difference in an overwhelming world. Listen in for Bryan and Clint’s takes on A Plague Tale: Innocence and why they are excited for whatever’s next for this series and its studio.
Three Word Reviews:
Bryan - Sling Into Action
Clint - Beauty in Bleakness